Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 305

Chapter 305: Wooing my wife

Cassius pov 

I knew that she did that intentionally. She could have shared food with me yet she chose to eat with Killian. I could see the mischief in her eyes. I shook my head at the thought that she would be easy to win over. I was sure she was going to make it difficult for me and I deserved that.

I looked at the fork that was sting in mid air and sighed. I heard the chuckles from James and worried faces of others but I lied back. Soon the atmosphere turned normal with my laugh and they all started talking to each other with a happy face.

Soon the dinner ended and they all retired in their chambers since everyone was tired with the long journey. A smile of mischief formed on my lips when I saw Killian also moving to his chamber after getting a kiss on his forehead from Marianne and Monique.

I walked to my chamber and took a bath, but instead of sleeping there, I left for her chamber. When I came she was coming out of her bath.

Her wet hairs were falling on her red gown making her gown wet at the wrong areas. I could see her surprise when she noticed me.

"Is there something that matters?" she asked, standing in front of me and I shook my head.josei

I leisurely waltzed into the room and then sat on the bed while she kept looking at me. I moved and took my shoes out and then with a lazy mood I laid there.

Finally the nerves on her head snapped, "what are you doing?" she asked a girl but i just shrugged.

"Sleeping, what else.. But if you are in a mood to do something else. I did not mind.'' I said with a mischievous smirk and her face turned red.

"You are becoming shameless day by day. Go and sleep in your own room. Why are you in my chamber?" she asked, folding her hands in front of her chest.

"Did you forget that we have decided to sleep together from now on. We are going to give this relationship another chase. And what could be better than sleeping in each other's arms? ``I asked as I moved and took her hand. 

She was looking surprised but she did not resist and I moved her closer to the bed.

"Come, let's sleep, it's already too late." I said as I pulled her lightly.

She did not say a word but her eyes were looking hesitant as she took the other side of the bed and laid there. 

There was silence though we both knew that we were not sleeping.

"Marianne." I called her and she moved to look at me.

"We should at least have a goodnight kiss, you know '' I said looking at her and her eyes turned sharp.

"I promise it will just be a kiss' 'I added looking at her reaction and she sighed.

She nodded her head and moved closer to me on the bed.

I gently wrapped my hands on her waist and looked into her eyes.

She took a deep breath as if she was preparing for the war. I sighed as she always did that. Whenever I ask her to come closer. Her face had that killing determination look. 

Her hands slowly moved. They made their way around my head and I closed my eyes in anticipation but in the next moment…

Her lips gently landed on my forehead. Her hands ran in my hair and she looked at me softly. Her eyes were filled with love that did not have lust in them, but care

I immediately froze under her. Nobody ever kissed me this way before and I didn't expect that just a kiss on my forehead would shut me down like this. I couldn't comprehend what I was feeling at the moment. All I knew was that this certain kiss she just gave me was worth a thousand kisses on the lips, the one kiss that I would never forget from all the piled up, intimate and lustful kisses I had acquired before her.

Then without any wait she wrapped her hands on my waist and closed her eyes. I held her and turned so that I could spoon her in my arms. I inhaled her scent and closed my eyes. It was one of the most peaceful sleep i ever had.

When the morning arrived I was once again alone in bed. I wonder if i continued to sleep with her, would i wake up late everyday.

Yet the thought of sharing bed with her everyday was wonderful. A bright smile crept on my lips as I walked out. The maids and other staff looked at me surprised as they would have never seen me smiling that way since a long time.

I heard a chuckling voice when I passed the training ground, so I walked there but I was stunned to see the view in front of my eyes.

The whole area was seized by that uninvited guest and his troop. They have literally covered the whole training ground using it like it belongs to them.

They were using MY SWORDS, MY ARMORS, MY ARTILERIES as if it belonged to them.

"Here, you are doing it wrong kid. It will decrease the impact of attack. Put your finger here and then attack, yes this is better."

"Thank you, sir James" said Killian with stars in his eyes.

"Your training is flawed, kid. Whoever has taught you fencing I wonder if he even knew fencing by himself" he said, shaking his head and gritting my teeth.

I was the one who had taught fencing to Killian since the start. And I was sure I knew fencing very well. This brute was knowingly picking a fight and I should ignore it. Yes Cassius, right now your goal is to impress this brute's sister so fighting with him would do no good.

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