Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 307

Chapter 307: grand

Marianne pov contd..

Never.. Never should one appoint friends at higher posts closer to you. Or they would poke you all the time. I rubbed my forehead umpteenth time but the girl was not ready to stay silent.

"Tell me, are you still only at kisses, or are things becoming steamier?" she asked, "i mean, did you… shall i expect to be an aunt soon?" she asked with an expectant face, her eyes were fixed on my face, waiting to gain any reaction from it.

"You are already an aunt. So stop messing around. And if you want to know details so badly then i have a solution for you.'' I said and her face that was drenched with cold water bloomed again.

"And what is that?"' she asked me, with hopeful eyes.

"Go and get married. Your husband will show you every detail and let you experience them '' I said with a straight face and she glared at me.

"What.. Do you have any doubts?" I asked and it finally shut her up. She pursued her lips and stood up ready to go.

"Where are you going?" I asked , confused and she turned back.

"Sir James is teaching his secret tricks in the training ground. I was here for gossip. But if I am not getting any then I would rather go and learn a few new things." she said, shrugging her shoulders and walking out and i shook my head.

They really are too much interested in my personal life.

"Your highness"

I looked above at the man who was entering.

"Yes, Francis. How may I help you?" I asked with a professional smile.

"Your highness, his highness, has asked for a monthly budget. He has even asked for revising your allowance this month and so has lord Killian's." he told me and i pierced my lips.

'My allowance was already minimum. Even my mother as a Monique receives more allowance than me. And I would not be surprised if a mere baroness had the same allowance as me, and right now I need more investment for the work I am starting and still the man has the audacity to ask me to revise it.'

"I see. I will look into the matter soon enough and sent a report in the office.'' I said with the same professional smile and the man bowed and left.

I could not even depend on assistants to do my work since my assistant was none other than Isabella who was working under me. I sighed at my piece of luck. God really had given me all the foolish people selectively.

"Lina, go and ask for the esteemed expenditure from each chamber maintenance department."

"Norma, go and ask the chefs of each chamber for their monthly bills."

"Kate. go and collect the new number of staff. Tell me who had left and who had joined. I will audit all the files today.`` I told her and all of them left after bowing.

I felt bad for the extra work they need to do to support me. I would make sure that they all would receive an extra bonus this month.

With that thought I felt better and started looking at the files again.

"Your highness, Monique wants to have an audience with you."

"Send her in, and next time let her in directly. She does not need permission to come in."

Mother walked in with an angry face, and I knew that instant that I would not be able to work on files anymore.


"Yes, mother"

"Do you even know that this is your first anniversary and only 2 more days are left in it"

"Yes, mother. I know"

"Then why are you here in the office. You should be with me, working on the preparations for the party. And help me in finalizing everything." she said in a strict tone.

"It is not a big party, mother. It is just a simple dinner party. Why do we need to do so many preparations?"  I was confused and she blinked.

"Family dinner? Who said so? I am preparing for a grand party. I want to know whether you would like to have a dance party or masquerade party? I have ideas for both. And the designs, would you like to have dark themes or bright ones? And food...." she continued her ideas and suggestions while I just sat there dumbfounded.

"Mother i think there's some confusion, Cassius and i have just planned a small family dinner.'' I told her and she frowned.

"No, Cassius was with me in the morning and I have asked him about details. He sure has asked me to have a grand party. In fact, I think he is planning a surprise for you." she replied with a mischievous smile and I frowned.

"What kind of surprise are you talking about?" I asked but she just shrugged her shoulders.josei

"Now be a good girl and come with me. We both have a lot of preparations to do. These files can wait, but your anniversary party can not." she added and closed the file from my hand.

Then she moved behind my back, pulled me from the chair and pushed me out of the door.

"Come on, we have so much to do. Let's start with decoration.." i wanted to deny her once again but then the thought came in my mind and i nodded.

"Yes, mother the party should be very grand. All the empire should attend it. Not only nobles but the nouveau riche commoners, traders, and other businessmen should also be invited. The party should be worth remembering." I said with a smile and her eyes narrowed.

"I am warning you Marianne Essendson. You will not create any drama at the party." her voice turned sharp and I nodded.

"Of course, Marianne Essendson would listen to her mother" I said , hugging her and she hugged me back with relief. 'But Marianne De Luca, would not. You threatened wrong person, mother'

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