Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 309

Chapter 309: Unrestrained

Cassoius pov

I looked at the ring in my hand that I had hidden when Marianne suddenly entered the room. I Had planned to give it to her at our anniversary party. In fact, I have planned to propose to her officially. I could feel that she still had some doubt left in her mind.

When we come close, there is some restraint from her side and even in the whole day, her behavior usually goes back to normal. As if she wanted to keep herself enclosed in those walls. 

I had thought that a lot of love and assurance would change her views over him. When she would see how I was putting effort. I was revising her allowance and so was Killian's to make her happy. I was trying my best to make a memorable night at the anniversary party, proposing to her and then kissing her in front of everyone. 

But now, I am not sure anymore. There was only one thing in her mind that used to be in my mind in the past that i had forgotten to see anything else. That was revenge. Though I still did not understand why.. What had Isabella done with her to make her crazy for revenge.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "relax, Cassius, all you have to do is put more effort in winning her heart. You have hurt her enough, so definitely it was not going to be easy" 

I took a deep breath and started working on files again and i did not even realise how the day ended. I stretched my muscles as I stood up from my seat and then walked towards the table where my lunch had turned. Though it was nothing new that I had slipped a meal or two. I still felt bad this time, because I could have lunch with all of them. They must have had fun without me again.

I was expecting them to call me once. But not even a single messenger arrived. Was i expecting too much

I shook my head, why would I even care. Would it not have wasted enough time of work.

I walked out of the office and went straight to take a bath and went to her chamber since it was already too late for dinner.

When I entered I was expecting her to be asleep. But there she was sitting with hands folded, deep in thoughts, her face was filled with worry. 

Did something happen during the day as she was just fine in the morning? I walked towards her and asked,

"What happened, why are you so worried?" Only then did she notice my presence there. she finally looked at me with a glare, 

"Where are the letters?" These were the words that only came out of my mouth.

"Ah, i forgot about them completely, i had some important work, i would pass them to you first thing in the morning." I apologised but her anger seemed to have risen.

"You have forgotten or you do not want to give them in the first place?" she asked in a sharp voice and I frowned.

"Did i not have permitted you to take them, if you want them too urgently, then we can go there and bring them now. Come, I will personally handover them to you.`` I said as I held her hand but she turned and took her hand back.

"I would rather make a new plan. It's fine I do not need the letters anymore." she said definitely. Could this woman ever be happy? I took a deep breath to control my anger and looked at her again.

"Why are oy making such a small issue? I will give them to you in the morning ``I said again, controlling my anger.

"Like you promised for today, like you were going to make plans with me? Tell me Cassius have you ever done anything to take the revenge you were talking about or it was just a hoax, a way to get rid of the question I had, the guilt you have towards Killian.

I was a fool to trust you again. It would have been better if I would have asked for help from Dami..."

Before she could even form his name, my lips slammed on hers. I kissed her hard, so hard and deep that Marianne could taste blood. I was rough and untamed, I was tired of getting compared by other men and then losing. I was hot and damn wild, so wild I was almost not letting her breathe.

Marianne moaned against my lips but I didn't stop and continued kissing her hard, almost as if I was venting all my frustration in my kisses. 

When lips finally parted, Marianne gasped so hard, panting heavily as if she had been underwater for a long while. A single tear drop even escaped her eyes as she heaved for air. Her hands on my collar trembled and fell on her own chest, clutching her gown as she took several deep breaths.

I, on the other hand, froze the moment I saw her struggling to stabilize her breathing. My face became even darker. I watched her and didn't move until Marianne finally caught her breath and was breathing normally again. Her lips became swollen and her throat became dry because of her gasping, as if she had just run quite a distance before he kissed her.

Her eyes then moved towards my face and she bit her lips.  josei

Marianne lifted her hand to touch my face but I pulled away and sat back. I ran my fingers through my hair and my lips curved into a wicked smile.

I closed his eyes as i threw back my head on the sofa

Marianne slowly moved and knelt on the sofa as she approached me. She looked at the deep frown on my face and she carefully lifted her hand to touch me.

However, I caught her wrist before her finger could touch my skin.

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