Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: Simple meal

"Come, I will cook something for you then."

These words were no less surprising to me as Killian had first invited me to have dinner with him. I sat there waiting for him to say in a mocking voice, "did you really think i would do that? Ha, such a fool?" but he did not.. He kept looking at me as if waiting for my acceptance.

"Are you going to think till morning?" he asked finally when I did not reply.

"Do you even know cooking?'' I could not help but ask.. I have never heard of home cooking in my two lives. Even when I had stayed as his wife for a lifetime.

"I do. I have cooked once in my childhood" he said so proudly as if it was a matter of today.

"You mean 20 years ago?" I asked in an unbelievable tone.

"16 years, but how does it matter?" he asked, confused as he stood from the bed and then adjusted his clothes.

'Did he really not understand why? It is a matter of my life and death!'

"On a second note, waking up chef seems like a better idea to me" I said and he looked at me with disdain.

"Your thoughts are written on your face. Don't worry I will make sure you stay alive." though he said that there was an evil smirk on his face  and I glared at him. 

He shook his head and walked out and reluctantly I followed. When we walked out towards the kitchen, the guards were surprised and a guard moved to wake up the sleeping maid in the kitchen. She opened her eyes groggily but when she saw us, her eyes widened and all her sleep left her at once.

"Your highness" she bowed and trembled at the same time. "I apologise, your highness" she continued and I shook my head.

"You can leave" said Cassius and the girl started shivering which made him confused.

If it would have been past I would have been confused like him about why the girl was upset when I was just giving her a chance to sleep in her bed, but now that I have started conversing again normally, I do understand it.

"We mean, you can retire to your room, there is no need to stay here in the cold." I added and though confused, the girl felt relaxed.

"Now go" he said once he saw her she was still there and the girl nodded hard and ran away as if demons were chasing her.josei

"Are you sure we didn't need her?" I asked pensively as we both were novices. I did not know much except baking a few cakes and cookies, that was because my grandmother used to love baking, so every lady in our family followed.

"I can manage a few simple dishes." he said proudly as he entered. 

But then when we entered the kitchen was huge, not that we had expected it to be small, but the problem was where would we find things! It was neatly and cleanly arranged.

"Umm, why don't we just go back and sleep" but he did not listen and started opening cupboards and boxes and I rolled my eyes. 

I walked towards the ice boxes as mostly meats and vegetables would be in it. "Here" I called him as he walked towards me.

He nodded and took some onions, tomato from it. There were already eggs on the kitchen counter. 

"Can you help me in cutting?" he asked and i nodded, i took the knife and started cutting tomatoes and he did the same with onion. But soon the man's eyes blinked and tears could be seen forming around his eyes.

He was looking too cute for the first time in his life.

"Don't laugh, pay attention in cutting or else you will cut your finger." he scolded and i looked back down.

But in the next second I heard him wince and looked above only to see his finger was cut. 

I looked at his hand and took his finger and put it in my mouth to stop the flowing of blood. I sucked his blood without thinking much and only when I was sure that it was fine enough did I let it go. But when his eyes met mine only then did I realise what I did in my panic state.

He was looking thunder stricken while his hand was still in my hand. He didn't even move as his gaze was just glued unto me.

"This might sound stupid and unreal but I swear, licking a wound was actually a good thing. You may not believe it but saliva actually contains antibacterial and antiviral components. Also, it actually also has tissue factors that help clotting.

And it's not only that, licking would also be another way of wiping off pathogens so it can serve as a substitute for clean water. And also, saliva even has factors that speed wound healing and finally, it's a natural painkiller. I've even read that saliva was six times more powerful than morphine. It's quite amazing right? It's amazing right?" I blabbered so fast as I let his hand go that I didn't even know what I said half of the time.

He just nodded, though I was sure he also did not understand what I said and I looked down and started cutting veggies with further speed to get done with it and resume my sleep. I didn't even know how I ended up here cooking when all I just wanted was a peaceful night before the planning and plotting starts.

Finally he lit the stove and started making omelet and I looked around to find bread. I took some fresh fruits from the icebox and started cutting it to make a simple fruit salad. We both sat down on the side table of kitchen and started eating in silence when my eyes widened as i took the first bite..

'I knew his cooking could be used to kill enemies'

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