Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 340

Chapter 340: Touch 3


"I didn't do anything," she muttered under her breath for her to flinch and close her eyes momentarily when Cassius's hands stopped as he leaned closer to her. his lips closer to her ears. His bottom part was touching her, and she felt his bulge in an instant. 

She knew that he was getting tortured too when he was teasing her. Only with the touch of her body, his little monster twitched. As if he was trying to break loose. She knew that tonight he was going to break the battery when she realized that he had brought her to the night theatre and booked the whole theatre for them. But she had never thought that he would be this rough to her. She could feel he was angry but it was more than she had thought. 

"Really? You never listened to me, and this time you even dared to ask for divorce and then profess your love for another man." he said as he held the hits that fell on her face and were glued to it due to the layer of sweat that was formed on her face. Her whole face was glistening with sweat and it was a sight to behold for him.

He knew that he had pushed her limits, and honestly he had not planned it. It just happened as he saw her breath getting hitched and with reaction he continued something he himself did not know where it would end.

"But that was for you…" she trailed softly, focusing her eyes on the glass where she finally could see his faint reflection on it. 

"For me?" he asked her, his hand which had not left her, moving his hand back and forth, 

"I have never asked you to go to this extreme. Have you ever thought about what would happen if your plans fail or things turn out wrong. If the emperor knew what you were doing, do you think he would easily let go?"

The time when he pulled away, his hand fell close to her core and it only had her glistening more. Marianne was astonished. Not because of Cassius's actions but because of her reaction her body was giving out and how it was enjoying it. Taking in everything he was giving her. 

While she was in her own thoughts, she missed the sound of Cassius unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.

"Cassius, not here. Not this way" she whispered, she didn't want her first time to be like that standing naked in the balcony while watching a couple.. What were they doing now?! She knew that she should not see, but the curiosity took better of her and she looked as if the man was just entering. She gasped with her eyes widened and Marianne closed her eyes.

She knew she should have not seen.

"Does it mean, if there would be any other way, I can have you tonight?" he asked in the same deep husky voice and she nodded. Though she still felt embarrassed to accept it. She knew that he already knew that she  wanted him inside her.

The same wicked grin came back on his face and he untied her hands. She felt a bit disappointed, as she had thought that he would have her tonight. She was sure he wanted it too. Even last night, she was ready but he withdrew at the last moment. Her hands felt sore and  she rubbed them with a sigh, But before she could take a breath of relief. He held her in his arms.

Her eyes widened as she looked at herself. Her upper gown was torn. And her garter pants were torn too. Her hair was disheveled and her body was bare for others to see.

"We can not go out like that." she pleaded as she tried to hide herself in his arms. He chuckled at her thought process. Even if the theater was empty, there was still staff and even the coachman and knights were there. 

Did she really think he would let the world see her like that?! He would rather hide her here all his life. Moreover, she had permitted him to take her, then how could he let that chance go.

She closed her eyes mortified, "Cassius send a letter to Roselia to bring another dress first"

She said, this time with authority she would not be related but his steps did not halt. Nor did he reply.josei

"Cassius" but before she could say anything further. The side wall which was fully covered with mirrors opened and another dark room came into view.

She looked at the room surprised as it was filled with all the luxuries. The room was dimly lit with aromatic candles. It was giving a sensuous vibe to the whole room that was covered with flowers. He looked at her surprised face and chuckled.

"Is this place up to your liking, my dear wife? '' he said as he laid her gently on the bed. The bed was full of rose petals. The bed was soft as her body bounced a bit when he laid her there. 

"Now it is time to get rid of these" said Cassius holding the pieces of her torn clothes that were still on her body.

He held the gown and removed it from her body. She was there bare for him to see. And then his hands started roaming on her body like a wild beast was finally left free to devour his hunt. She was feeling so dizzy that she didn't even know what was going further. All she could feel was his hand and the churning of her stomach.

Her heart, which was beating normally just a few seconds ago, suddenly raced against her chest, pounding like it wanted to escape from its cage.

She couldn't help but grab hold of him while he touched her to his content.

He started to suck her flesh hard and stopped only until it was red under the skin. He gazed at his mark on her and his eyes glimmered in satisfaction.

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