Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Wrap the gift

Cassius pov contd.

If I have ever known that feeding her, her own tea and food could be this beneficial I would have mixed it in her every intake.

I added some more food to her plate and in her hazy state, she continued to eat it.

Now I was only looking at the door and waiting for the official diplomats to enter. I have always felt that they were lazy and slow but for the first time, I was getting irritated.

"Then why did you want to marry me, Isabella?" I asked as I saw the first official entering, "you even wrote me so many love letters," I added with a surprised face.

The man who was walking towards us with a bright smile, as it was his first time getting invited by me for meals, stopped in his tracks. He must have thought that he entered in the middle of a personal conversation as his face turned awkward.

I signalled through my hands that it was fine and he could enter. He looked at me awkwardly but nodded and moved closer when I looked at him with sharp eyes. Soon others followed him too.

Isabella was drowsy, her eyes were dropping and her body was turning limp and I panicked if she slept just like that, there would be no proof.

I shook her shoulders. Lord! I have to take a bath again now.

"Isabella, lady isabella. Are you listening? I thought that you wanted to marry me.'' I asked in an upset tone as if I was too much hurt.

"Hmmm" she moved a bit and her hands instinctively went to her forehead and rubbed it.

"I don't love you. My father wants me to marry you for your post and property or else I would not have even looked at you twice." she spat as if marrying me would be degrading for her.

And then she closed her eyes again.

"But why did your father want you to marry me?" I asked again but she did not wake up this time.

'Darn' I cursed the tardiness of these officials when they did not hear the cursing of isabella. But still, something was better than nothing.

"I think she is sick. Ian call the maids and ask them to help lady Isabella and escort her to the physician" 

They all looked at me with a sorry face when I looked at them miserably and then tried to control my emotions and became blank again.

"I think Marquees Wiltshire is forcing Isabella to marry you." Francis started the topic since none of them said anything.

"Yes, I did hear that too. But I didn't understand why?" I said as if I could not solve this simple puzzle. 

"Your highness, if you did not mind."

"Yes, Landolt" 

"I think it is because of the power and wealth you have, your highness. The Wiltshire's must be greedy" he said with a fearful tone. He was afraid of offending me but I nodded so another one chimed in.

"Most of the nobles desire to marry their daughter to a rich noble. But if the woman hates you and she is forced to marry you. Then it would not be a successful marriage, your highness" chimed another.

"Ah, I do understand your points. But since my heir is already decided, how will Isabella benefit by getting married to me?" I said in a confused manner.

"Oh, you do not know my lord, the Wiltshires must be aiming for the expansion of business or other benefits."

"Even Killian is blood-related to them. Once Isabella is married to you, she can even try to control him in the future."

"Poor boy. I would have been heartbroken if someone did this with me" they continued to discuss and gossip when they saw that I did not mind but one thing was common, they all were against Wiltshires now.

If I would be successful in ruining his goodwill and image, he would not be able to ask for help from officials when the time would come.

"I do not have any appetite anymore, please excuse me," I said as I stood up to leave.

They all looked at each other, and stood up too, "we suddenly remember that we have some urgent work too. So we request you for leave too" 

I nodded and they all bowed and left.

I walked towards the physician room with hasty footsteps when I saw Roselia running in my direction.

"Your highness"

"What happened? Is there some problem in the marquees palace? Marianne is fine right?" I asked as worry filled my heart. Why was her knight here?

She blinked as she looked at me stunned.

"Umm, no your highness. I am here to serve you" she replied in an awkward tone and it's my turn to get surprised. 

"Serve me! I have more knights than anyone serving me. I do not need your service.'' I did not want to sound rude but this was the reality.

"I know but her highness wants me to serve you till she is not here and report to her your well being" she replies, getting further embarrassed.josei

I stayed silent for a while and then laughed. I do not remember when was the last time I laughed this freely.

"So, she is jealous and wants to keep an eye on me. How cute of her!" I said and her ears turned red as he scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Alright, you can serve me and write a detailed report to my wife every day. But do not forget to tell her that I miss her a lot. That is why I am putting extra effort into finishing this mission as early as possible. Come with me, I already have a gift ready for her.`` I said rubbing my hands and started walking again.

"Yes, your highness" though confused she started following me. I was thinking of interrogating her myself but now I have decided to wrap the gift and send it to my wife.

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