Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 352

Chapter 352: to meet me

Roselia pov.

It was so easy for both husband and wife to boss me around. What did they even think was a mythical being or have supernatural powers?

From stealing seals to fighting outlaws, what had I not done in these two months? Now I have to infiltrate a carriage and even impersonate Isabella's voice.

I looked at the carriage for the last time and then at Cassius who was still trying to keep the knights busy.

I ran towards the other end of the ground and found an empty part. Then I walked towards the ground and when I was close enough to be seen I crawled on the ground and then rolled below the carriage. Opening the part of storage I slowly uplifted myself and entered the carriage.

Thank goodness, Isabella was still unconscious or I would have been even accused of being a thief and could lose my position of knight.

I took a few shallow breaths as I closed the storage box and then sat on the other side. 

Just when I sat comfortably, the carriage started moving.

I cleared my throat and tried to speak in her voice. It took me 3 to 4 times to almost sound like her, though the tone was still different.

"Hey you, where are you going?" I asked in a menacing tone as she mostly had.

"To the marquess Wiltshire palace, my lady" said the confused coachman.

"Who asked you to go there? I have asked to go to the marquees Essnedson palace. I have something important to discuss with Marianne"

"Oh, but you are sick, my lady and his highness have asked us to escort you safely home" said one of the knights coming closer to the carriage.

For a moment I was afraid he would knock on the door, but luckily he did not.

"Ha! I am perfectly fine, but I think you do not need your job anymore. Since when have you learnt to disobey me?" my voice was full of authority.

"What happened to your voice, my lady?" asked another knight.

"I am fine, just my throat is sore. Now are we going to waste the whole day here?" I asked again, my heart was beating so fast. I was afraid that it would come out, breaking my ribcage.

"Yes, my lady. I apologise, my lady" they replied as the carriage turned its direction and started moving towards Essendon's palace.

I closed my eyes for a while, torn. Should I wake her up or not? If she would be sleeping then they would return from the door or the Essendson palace to Wiltshire palace. If wake her up then she would shout and my life would be out.,

The times passed just like that when I felt the carriage getting slower. I moved and opened the storage part again but it was not enough to hide my whole body. I was just able to adjust half of my body there. I took the chance as I moved closer and took out the water bag and threw whole water over her. 

She gasped and her eyes fluttered open, I took a deep breath and bent down. Holding tightly those corners of the carriage I held it for my dear life. My fingers could feel the moving wheels of the carriage.

This was the first time in my life that I was traveling below the carriage instead of being in it.

To my relief i could see the carriage reaching the entrance door of the palace. I waited to see if Isabella said anything but no voice came from inside. Taking the chance she was hazy, i ordered again,

"Tell the guard that we have a message from the duke's palace and we need her highness signature on some papers and take the carriage directly near her chamber" I instructed when I felt her legs finally falling on her surface of the carriage. 

I closed my eyes afraid that she had heard me and then I would be caught but nothing happened. I wanted to peek and see what she was doing but i was too afraid to do so.

After what felt like an eternity the carriage finally reached Marianne's chamber. I took a breath of relief as my hands were tired and my grip had started to loosen.

When the carriage stopped, I slowly let it go and laid on the ground. I waited to see what was happening.

"My lady, we are here" announced the coachman as he opened the door. 

For a minute there was no sound except my fast beating heart.

"My lady, are you okay? Shall we return?" I heard and screamed in my heart when I finally felt her moving.

She walked out of the carriage and looked around.

"Where are we?" she asked confused and both knights climbed down from their horses and moved towards her. 

"We are at the marquees Essendson's palace, my lady as you have instructed. By any chance are you having any trouble my lady. If so, we can return this instant" said the knight looking at her face as if trying to analyse her situation.josei

"Darn it, it was not at all easy as his highness had depicted"

I slowly rolled back to a distance when my body touched someone's legs. I looked above to see Marianne who was strolling in the garden looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"Long story" I whispered as I held her hand and stood up.

"Lady Isabella is everything alright, what are you doing here?" I called and finally Marianne looked back at the carriage.

Isabella finally turned to look at us and so did her knights. One was looking at me suspiciously when I looked at myself too. My hair had a bit of grass on it and my body was covered with dust as if I was rolling on it. Well I was.. But I glared at the man and he finally moved his gaze away.

"Are you here to meet me lady Isabella?"

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