Chapter 100

Chapter 100: A Stage of Denial

Zinnia had been following the bright light for some time now. Guiding her through the endless abyss. However, the more she followed the light, the more something felt off. Sinister in fact. That warm feeling of love and affection had begun to drip away, leaving something far more unsettling. Although Zinnia felt like she should just stop, run away from the light and never return, she was still captivated by it and with her options being far. Few between this was her best bet. As she kept walking the silence of nothing was met with the crackling of leaves. Zinnia stopped looking down, finding she was walking on broken branches and leaves. She instantly snapped around, finding herself in a forest. One she had no recollection of.

The light had faded, and the empty feeling returned. That was until she felt something tug at her sleeve. "Excuse me, miss?" Zinnia turned around, finding a little girl looking no older than six or seven wrapped in a blanket covering her body. She looked up at Zinnia with curious black eyes. She had dark skin and long black hair covering one of her eyes. "Are you lost?"

Zinnia didn't know what to think. She was unsure if this had anything to do with the trials, but she was sure that defeating Alton would pass the second trial. The girl was trembling as Zinnia kneeled to her level. "I think so, do you know where I am?"

The little girl giggled not taking Zinnia seriously. "You're in my home."

"This forest is your home?"

"Yup, yup. I haven't had visitors before. Not since that boy with the tattoos."

"You mean Monty?" She asked.

"I think that was his name. What is your name, miss?"

"Zinnia. Zinnia Trost."

"That's a pretty name miss."

"Thank you. What's your name?"

"My name? I don't really have one. Although the others call me Inakarr."

"Inakarr? That's a strange name."

"It is, isn't it? I think it's Hindi. I don't really remember. I tend to forget things."

"That's ok, Inakarr. Can you help me? I need to get back to my friends, but I'm trapped here, is there a way out?"

Inakarr looked up thinking. "I think so, that nice boy was also trapped down here for a little while. I wrote it down in my diary. I'll show you, come with me."

Inakarr took her hand tugging Zinnia with her. Although she still felt something odd, she chose not to question it. If it meant being able to get out, then she would take it. "Inakarr, you say you live here? In the bunker?"

"Bunker? I don't live in a bunker. That doesn't make any sense."

Zinnia began thinking about it more. What if this girl was the third trial? Unlike the other two Zinnia had no idea what the third trial would comprise of. It might sound a little crazy, but what if this girl was the third trial. "Where are you taking me Inakarr?"

"To my super-secret special spot. One where the others can't find me."

"Others? What others?"

"My family. I like hiding from them. They can be a bit mean sometimes. Especially big sis, her bandages scare me. But I refuse to show it. Inakarr is scared of nothing." She said, acting brave nodding her head over and over. "I heard what the others said, they don't think you will pass the trials. Your friends don't believe in you Zinnia. Don't worry, though. Inakarr believes in you miss."

"You know about the trials?"

"Yup, yup. Many people visit Inakarr's home to face their fears. Deny their weaknesses. I let them come here as it's fun to watch."

"You let them in here?"

"Years ago, a man found this place, I offered him a place to play with me. A place where he could give up his fears and weaknesses. He agreed and made the trials. I've met many people here. None are quite like you Zinnia!" Inakarr giggled stopping. She looked around shaking. "We're here. My secret hideout, not even those two know about this place."

Zinnia saw a small den buried into the ground. Inakarr rushed ahead, jumping into the little den throwing drawings and tiny teddies out. She eventually crawled out, holding a ripped and worn-down diary. Zinnia looked at each of the drawings seeing they were all ripped up or scribbled over. She picked one up frowning. "Why do you do this to all your pictures?"

"They aren't very good. I'm never happy with them, so I start again."

"They are good, especially for someone your age. Don't doubt yourself, Inakarr."

Inakarr squatted down, covering her head as she stared at the ground. "I appreciate what you are doing, but please stop. I don't like encouragement. It never works."


She opened her diary, flipping through torn and bloody pages. As she kept piling through them, Zinnia noticed cuts all around her wrists confirming her fears. "I found it miss."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Umm, sure?"

Zinnia sat down on a tree stump. "Why don't you come with me? We can leave this place and get you some help. My friends will be more than happy to help."

"Huh, that's funny. I remember he said that too. You two are so alike. I told him the same thing; I don't want to leave this place. It's my home. I can't leave anyway even if I wanted to."

"Why is that?"

Inakarr rubbed her eye, the one covered by her hair. "You really don't know where you are? Do you?"


Inakarr pointed past her den. "You should go and look for yourself then."

Zinnia walked past confused. Climbing over the small den, she stood up as all the colour drained from her face. Zinnia found herself standing over a large cavern. Down below was an endless field of sickly purple flowers. She was dead still as Inakarr walked over smiling. Zinnia whispered in shock and fear. "This is the Garden of Grief…"

"Yup, yup. You get it now, don't you? How does it feel to be back here?" She giggled. "Oh, I figured out what my name meant. I have a horrible memory. I think it has something to do with my stage. Inakarr is Hindi for Denial."

Zinnia's eyes shot to her as she began walking away from her. "You're Denial?!"

Denial began hopping around, clapping her hands together. "I've been so looking forwards to meeting you Zinnia! My big brothers had said so much about you. It's a little bit annoying though, my big bro said I can't kill you. Why did you have to make a deal with him? How unfair!"

"These trials, the Montagues. They have been unknowingly giving themselves to the Garden? Killing themselves?!"

Denial pouted wagging her finger around. "That's a bit mean Zin Zin. Sixty years ago, the first Montague fell into my domain. So afraid and weak. Denying his true feelings. I really didn't even do anything. He just begged for my help. Our masters always told us to help those who seek salvation. So, I took away all of his weaknesses. He was reborn."

Zinnia stood up, still stepping away, ready for a fight. "What do you want with me?"

Denial began swaying, letting her hair move with her as her yellow eye was on full show. "I just wanted someone to play with. I used to have a play buddy all the time. Salvation was my best friend, but she vanished and betrayed us all. It made me very upset. I saw how kind you were. I've never met someone taking these trials who did them to save someone. I just had to meet you."

Zinnia slipped almost falling down the cliffside. She looked up, seeing Denial sitting on the tree stump kicking her legs back and forth. "The others who passed the trials. Are they your puppets now? Does the Garden have full control over them?"

Denial frowned shaking her head. "I just helped them find their true selves. They are happier than ever Zinnia. Before you go, can I tell you a nursery rhyme? It's my favourite, the masters told me. Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shell and silly streamers all in a row."

"Stop it."

"Oh, please one more. Just one last one, I promise. It's raining, it's pouring. Alton Brantley is dying. He went to bed, and he drowned in dread and couldn't get up in the morning. He's dying Zinnia."

"No, I will save him. I have to!"

Denial walked up to Zinnia placing her hand on Zinnia's cheek smiling. "Yup, yup. You're in denial. Wash all those horrid thoughts away. Find the true you, one void of weakness and fear. Be the true you."josei

Zinnia pushed her away, shaking. "You stay away from me. I know how malicious you lot truly are. I've seen first hand what Acceptance and Bargaining can do. What Alton is. I won't be swayed by your words Denial!"

Denial began stomping her feet, annoyed. "She doesn't understand big brother. I tried to make her understand, but she keeps denying me!"

"It's alright little one, she's just scared." Zinnia turned seeing Bargaining behind her, staring at a pocket watch. "She just needs a little push."

Zinnia was pushed off the cliff as she began freefalling to her demise. She began to scream. She landed with a sudden thud. Groaning, she slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in an alleyway. Old fashioned cars, one's she didn't recognise, drove past as people walked around with clothes she had never seen before. They were bright and vibrant. Zinnia pulled herself to her feet, standing on a newspaper: July 19th, 1986. Looking around, she got strange looks from people. She knew this was a trick the Garden had built for her. But even so, she knew this was something else. The date, it was 400 years in the past, before the fall of Victoria. Holding onto the wall for the support, she felt dizzy and sick. No one looked to help her. Moving forward, she slipped, gripping onto the wall tightly ripping off a poster. She held it in her hands as the whole world stood still. Zinnia's hands were shaking rapidly as she couldn't believe her eyes. It was a wanted poster for a super-villain. A Hannah Trost. Her mother. Zinnia's mother was the most wanted super-villain in Rhinefield.

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