Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Helga

Jinx sat on the wall overlooking the city. She would find herself here on most morning to get away from it all. To just take in the peace and quiet. The sun had begun to rise on a new morning. Looking onwards, she shook her head. "Anyone told you it's rude to interrupt Emil?"

"Didn't know I was interrupted anything." He spoke standing idly by holding a can of lemonade. "Mind if I join you?"

"It's a free country." She grumbled, moving over allowing Emil to jump up. She glanced at his drink, poking at him. "You know drinking fizzy drinks before breakfast is bad for your teeth."

"I know. You know me a real criminal I am." This got a dry chuckle from Jinx as she rested her hands on the wall. "It's still hard to believe the trials are gone."

"Tell me about it. I still can't quite believe it myself; I would always pass that damn bunker with an uneasy feeling. Did I ever tell you I planned on blowing it up?"

"You're kidding me? Seriously?"

Jinx crackled rubbing her nose. "Yup. Had the whole thing planned out as well?"

"Yeah, and how were you going to blow up an entrance to the Garden of Grief."

"I would use a big bomb. Like a really big bomb. Throw it down there and walk away my back to the explosion for extra cool points." She joked. "Still, knowing that place was the Garden of Grief this whole time… If you told me that a few months back I would have not believed you but with the mental overloads, Paradox and Alton this Garden shit sounds more real each passing day."

"Well, we've stopped them four times now. The next time they show we'll be there to stop them."

"For now, I guess."

"What do you mean by that?"

Jinx pushed Emil as he almost fell off the wall to his death. "Don't act so dumb, the Garden is growing stronger and stronger with each appearance. There might be one day where you can't win."

"well, we will figure that out when the time comes." Emil threw away.

"Somethings never change."

Emil looked out to the city letting out a refreshing sigh. "Haven't seen the city like this for a while, say. You haven't come up here for a long time. Before the trials. What changed?"

"I don't know, a little trip down memory lane I suppose? It's strange when you and Zinnia took down the Garden, I felt something return. Only faintly but it was like a part of me I lost had returned. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel different."

"Going back to how you were before the trials? It was so long ago I can't say I really remember what you were like much. Monty is a different story… You think he too went through a change?"

Jinx shrugged her shoulder, not really caring. "Bah, who knows. You will just have to ask him when you next see him. I do sometimes wonder where my useless brother has gotten up to, but I'm sure we will see each again one day. Dad was looking for you by the way. Something about what he promised."

Emil's eyes widened as he jumped off the wall. "Helga!"

Jinx spin around stretching. "After the shit, you went through for us, it's the least, he can do. Send that idiot Alton my regards. And don't forget my challenge. That goes to you or any member of your little family. So, you better be ready."

"I think we just might surprise you, Jinx. See you around."

Jinx turned back around watching the sun as she scoffed throwing the lemonade can away. "These days nothing surprises me with how shit is going. Stay safe out their little brother."


"Ow, ow! It hurts it really really hurts!" Zinnia barked, closing her eyes looking away.

Gale stared blankly at her, holding a wet towel. "I haven't even touched you yet."

"Yeah, well I know it will hurt!"

"You're such a baby!"

Emil walked in, rubbing his back. "Hey, everyone."

"Hey, dude, where you been?"

"Just about. How's Zinnia?"

"Zinnia is in a lot of pain, maybe it would stop if you just left me alone!" She snapped, snatching the towel from Gale.

Gale rolled his eyes standing up. "She's a bit of a spoilt brat when in pain."

"I am not!" Zinnia pouted wincing in pain, holding her leg. "Turns out I hurt my leg a lot more when we fought each other."

"My bad. I'm sorry."

Zinnia waved her hand around, shaking her head. "I should be the one apologising. I could have killed you. I lost control out there when I promised I wouldn't, is that what happened to Monty and Jinx?"

"Most likely. That power you pulled on me hits like a truck by the way. You might even give Scarlett and Alton a run for their money."

Zinnia lay back rolling around giggling. "It's cool, though, right! I mean I don't really get how to use it; I have much to learn, but the powers are so cool!"

"Zinnia hasn't stopped yapping on about controlling storms, although her explanation is something a child would say. A lot of zap, zap and pow!"

Emil smirked patting her on the back. "Hey, at least you won't be totally useless in a fight now!"

"Hey, I take offence to that. For the record, I could hold myself pretty well in a fight. I helped stop Paradox, and I was the one to defeat Gale here."

Gale slouched over, raising his hand in defeat. "I can vouch for that. Her mind wipe powers are freaky, and now she can call down actual bolts of lightning and use them to travel at the speed of light. She's like Zeus or maybe Thor? What I'm trying to say is such elegant power and beauty isn't something I want to be at the receiving end of."

"Elegant power and beauty? Why are you trying to butter up to the girl for?" Emil teased knowing all well Gale had a crush on Zinnia.

Gale looked away red as he came up with an excuse. "Well, hopefully, if I get on Zinnia's good side, she will have second thoughts about zapping me with a blast of a Wunderwaffe DG-2."

"Oh, before I forget, have any of you seen my father? He wanted to see me?"

"I'm right here, son." Emil jumped as Christopher stood behind him hands behind his back.

"How long have you been there?!" Emil yelled.

"Oh, only about six minutes and twenty-nine seconds." He recalled picking Emil up, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you Emil, so proud!"

Emil began coughing tapping his back. "Dad can't breathe. Can't breathe!"

Christopher dropped him as he began laughing. "Not only did you save him from Florence, but you saved your friend and passed the trial. But to think the trials were a pathway to the Garden, how curious. Well, thankfully they will never see the light of day."

"Umm, you seem in good spirits today all considering." Zinnia said.

"Well, of course, I have such a wonderful family who is amazing streamers."

"You do realise Dad when I ran away to save Zinnia, I was allowing Florence to kill you?"

Christopher stood still blankly staring on. "You did? Oh… But it doesn't matter, I'm alive. You're alive, we are all alive!"

"You act so happy go lucky now, but you're still a horrible person Christopher." Zinnia exclaimed. "You banished Monty from your home and shot Butch in the leg."

Christopher sighed, shaking his head. "It sure looks that way, doesn't it? Truth be told Monty left on his own accords. After being banned from V.I.R.A.L, he left me a note stating his departure. I was wanted to stop him, but he was already long gone. He wants to find out his own purpose beyond V.I.R.A.L, but it's going to take him a long time. And Butch well that was a blank."

"Excuse me?" She whispered.

"You actually thought I would shoot my own son?! Madness, I cry! Madness! I was seeing how far you would go to save your friend miss Trost. Butch was in on it too. I was wanting to see if you were going to take the trials or not. If you didn't or for some reason failed, I would still have let Helga see your friend."

"So, all of this was a test?"

"Suppose so, yes." He chuckled. "Florence was a spanner in the works, but all well that ends well. You both passed the trials completely so I must congratulate you both."

"Does this mean we have to be apart of the Montagues now?" Zinnia questioned not too keen on the idea.

"No. I'll let this be a special circumstance for the trouble caused. You can carry on being a member of your Team Rhapsody. If you ever need anything, the Montagues are here for you." He spoke before turning to Emil. "You on the other hand. Emil, I want you to come home. I'd admit I haven't been the greatest father and I apologise. But I think I can make things right; I want a build a bright and bold new image for our family. I've already had all charges on Florence dropped as she has agreed to help start this family anew. What say you son?"

Emil turned to his friends, smiling. "Dad, I… Love you, I do, I don't think I've ever told you that. I will always be thankful for saving me from the life before. You opened up many doors for me even if I felt trapped with Monty and Butch. But those doors opened up to Team Rhapsody. I consider them the best thing to ever happen to me. They are just as much family to me as you are. I am most happy here."

Christopher smiled, accepting the truth. "As you wish my son. I'll respect your wishes. You've grown up to be quite the man, haven't you? I'll forever be rooting in your corner. Best of lucks to you all. And I guess I'll keep to my end of the deal. I'd like you all to meet Helga."

The door opened as an old woman was reeled in on a wheelchair by a little girl. Her hands were bony and wrinkly, she had no teeth and wore thick glasses and hearing aids. She sat in front of Team Rhapsody smacking her lips which had no teeth in. Everyone looked at her slightly confused. "Helga?" Gale stated. "Umm, really?"

"Yup, this is our medicine witch the great Helga," Emil admitted. "She's been with the family for generations."

Zinnia felt a little deflated but tried keeping optimistic. "Hello Miss Helga, my name is Zinnia." There was no response. Zinnia gave an odd look as she tried again. "I said my name is Zinnia! I need your help." Still nothing. Zinnia was left dumbfounded as she started to believe this to be a waste of time. "No offence Mister Montague. But how is she meant to help Alton?"josei

"Alton." She croaked, turning to Zinnia. "Alton Brantley?"

Zinnia pulled herself closer nodding. "Yes! Yes! My friend. He's sick, very sick. We need your help."

Helga began laughing coughing after every other breath. "What has that trouble maker got up to now? I haven't seen him in over six years. He must be all grown up now."

"Grandma." The little girl whispered, pointing to Zinnia's leg.

Helga noticed Zinnia's injuries placing her hand on the leg a small glow emitted before Zinnia was completely fine. She moved her leg around, feeling no pain. "Incredible! It's like it never happened. She just might be able to help Alton!"

"Might? I'll have you know I am the most renown healer in all the lands, Alton's condition is nothing but child's work to me. I've dealt with his sickness many times before!"

"So, you'll help?" Gale questioned.

Helga let out a long sigh slowly nodding. "I suppose I can, but I'll give that boy a real scolding for ignoring me for six years! Is that alright Mister Montague?"

"I will allow it. Take all the time to help our new friends."

"You hear that Zinnia! Alton's going to be ok!" Emil cheered.

Zinnia felt her leg smiling like there was no tomorrow as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm so happy! We saved Alton."

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