Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Home Alone

Riley stood, staring at the dozens of streams she had saved and printed out. Photos of Team Rhapsody were spread across the room which only sent her more into a frenzy. She rested her head against the wall whispering. "Why?" The door to her quarters exploded as a Syndicate member was thrown onto the table, smashing it to pieces. Riley didn't look as she smiled. "My dear sweet sister, it's about time you visit. How are you."

"Cut the shit Riley, you know why I'm here."

Riley turned around, staring idly at her sister as the three council members suddenly appeared around Scarlett. "Give us the order Mistress Chaos. We will deal with this traitor."

"Stand down. I want to hear my sister out." She insisted. "If you've come here for your Christmas present, I left it at home."

"I want you to call off the attack on the ball."

"Oh, having second thoughts now? Do you finally realise you cannot win?"

Scarlett pushed the council away, staring her sister down. "Just how delusional are you?"

"On the contrary Scarlett, it is you who is delusional. Might I need to remind you why I'm doing this? No, we both know, I've been reaching out for this dream since I was a child."

"A dream forced down on you."

"And it was any different for you? How long must we act like enemies for, this is all so boring! Come, let us change the world together." Riley demanded.

Scarlett looked down on her sister with pity. "I used to care so much about you. During our experiments to gain these powers, I would always go beyond what was expected to save you the pain. I don't regret that."

"Aww, I'm touched, so you do still care about me? If that is the case, why did you have to go and betray me for? You left me for dead and gave me this scar. Took away the future with them. Why? Was it out of jealously? No, you are not that pathetic… Oh, I get it now. Ha! Could it be you wanted to be the Regina yourself? You sure love crushing other people's dreams."

"May I need to remind you what you're up against sister. Not only will you be facing off against me someone who is far more powerful than you but you. But also a Child of the Garden, the rest of Team Rhapsody including the daughter of a legendary hero. The Montagues, Iris Hawthorne, the girl who defeated Vanguard and not to even mention Harmony and her band. We outmatch you in everything. Hell, I'm pretty sure Alton could take you all on himself."

Riley nodded with her eyes closed, agreeing. "When you put it like that all the more reason to win. The odds have always been stacked against me, dear sweet sister. I have the pressure of the world on my shoulders. Fear not though, know that I will win and save you from the chains of V.I.R.A.L."

"The only chains I see are on you."

Riley held her arms up, mimicking a puppet. "I've got no strings to hold me. To make me fret or make me frown. I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me."

"You really don't understand, do you?"

"No Scarlett Syndicate!" Riley screeched, throwing her chair across the room. "It is you who doesn't understand! You do not understand what must be done. I've thrown away everything for this, so I'm giving you one last chance." She held her hand out, looking desperate. "Please, join me. We can overthrow our family and stop the CEOs from destroying Victoria. Join me. And Team Rhapsody will be safe, and you can be with your dear sweet Alton." Scarlett stared at her sister with little care. Her face dropped to a dull look as Riley's request was answered. "So be it. Just remember I tried."

"Like it was going to go any other way."

Riley scoffed nodding. "I suppose you are not wrong there. But nonetheless, I really held out hope that we could be sisters again. I remember sneaking out to the ball with you so many years ago. I think it was the first and last time I ever saw you smile. What I'd do to see that again… Can you do it? Can you kill me?"

"I'm not sure."

Riley eyed her sister down, looked troubled. "You didn't… You, Alton, offered to do it for you, didn't he? Why would you let him do that?"

"Riley… I-."

"Enough! I've heard enough! You have foiled in my plans long enough. I should have done this a long time ago. Council kill her."

Scarlett stepped back as the three council members turned to the streamer. Before Scarlett could react, she was sent back out the way she came as Riley took her leave. The council stood by as Scarlett rolled around, ready to fight back. "The Syndicate Council. Another rundown set of failures who follow Riley's every command."

"We aren't as obedient as we may seem." One member whispered. "Scarlett Syndicate, we were there when you were apart of the family. We watched over you are were more than aware of your eventual betrayal."

"Then why didn't you stop me?"

"Because we thought it would be fun. This family is dated and a fossil. Riley is changing that. However, even we know how far she has gone off the rails."

The final council member threw their mask away, it was an older girl with no hair and purple eyes. She had a flower tattoo on her cheek. She taunted Scarlett. "We don't intend on killing you but let's see what you've learned since leaving our care, Dawn."

Two of the three swarmed her right off the bat, joining together to hold her back. Scarlett didn't put up much of a fight as she raised her arms, throwing them off, gripping both with her psychic torment. Pinning them both to the wall, she slammed her arms down as both crashed to the floor. Scarlett turned her gaze to the girl as she teleported behind, sending a quick explosion. The high Syndicate member blasted it away, punching Scarlett in the chest. The force rippled through as a psychic blow flew her back. Stopping her fall, Scarlett flew in the air hovering over the foe. She watched on noticing her aura wasn't coming from the usual point. All Syndicate members would have their psychic Ki coming from their mind, this one was radiating from her fists. "Who are you?"

"Emi Syndicate, acting leader of the Syndicate Council."

"Tch, I've heard of you. You tried to overthrow my old man and take leadership, and now here you are working for the reject."

Emi chuckled, placing her hands on her hips. "Yeah well we all can't win can we." In a sudden motion, a giant fist appeared towering Scarlett. "Like you, for example."

Scarlett stared at the fist as she didn't move destroying the attack like it was nothing. "And perhaps you should remember your place. Or need I remind you who I was before leaving your vile family?"

Scarlett's victory wouldn't last long as she was plumped to the ground feeling a growing weight on her. She glanced up, seeing the attack she destroyed grinding her down. Emi kneeled down tutting. "And you still have much to learn. As I stated before, killing you will achieve nothing of such. I merely follow your sister into a new age. Perhaps if you came to your senses, my allegiance would quickly change? We're done here council. We shall see you at the ball, your majesty."

Scarlett was released as she lay down grumble. "Damn it…"josei


"What are we going to do about the situation at hand, Jack? If we let this civil war go on any further, there won't be any family left to salvage from." Daemon argued. "I've followed you every order thinking you knew what's best but know we have the sisters causing chaos and tearing everything we created apart."

Jack stared out the window standing holding a glass of whisky. "Are you questioning my leadership Uncle?"

"Not for one moment, but you must see the flaws beginning to show. This plan is doomed to fail."

Melissa rolled her eyes, kicking her feet back. "Always so doom and gloom for you aren't its Daemon. Your head is stuck in the clouds. Look around this family is fine. Syndicate cannot touch us."

"I'm looking around Elion, and I don't quite recognise this place well. Probably because our home was blown up by that reject Riley Syndicate. Or did you forget that? We are crumbling apart, this was just the first of many dominos if we don't do something now we show constant weakness!"

"Why yes, I will admit the dominos are now collapsing on who's side is still yet to be seen." Eli drank too. "Tell me Daemon if you found out a kid had thrown eggs at your house would you find and kill him? I wouldn't, do you want to know what I would do in that situation. Absolutely nothing, someone who is clearly below me is not worth the time. Showing unyielding judgement to the weak doesn't show strength or power. It shows desperation a cry out to the world that you are worth a damn. That's the thing about weaklings like Riley Syndicate if you do not give her any attention she will merely fall out of the spotlight where she belongs."

"So, you're saying we do nothing?!"

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. My Goddaughter is already taking care of business, and with team Rhapsody on the job I'd say we have very little to worry about."

"I didn't call you all here to argue." Jack shuts down. "While this cobble between the family is a minor setback, we have more pressuring matters to discuss."

"What could be more concerning than the Syndicate family."

"Take a look for yourself. You may enter."

The doors open as Kurt in a white suit waltz in whistling to himself. "Well isn't this a party?"

The three rankings in commands all jumped up in shock. "What the hell is he doing here?!" Melissa barked.

"What is the meaning of this, Jack?" Daemon hissed. "A CEO of V.I.R.A.L in our presence is an outrage."

"Please, please don't all welcome me at once. We wouldn't want the situation to turn deadly."

"V.I.R.A.L has contacted me personally. The three of you already know they wouldn't do that without a good enough reason."

Eli stared down Kurt raising his eyebrow at the man. "What could you possibly want from us?"

Kurt fell into one of the chairs, pouring himself a drink as he raised it to everyone before taking a sip. "A moment of your time."

"Like you will get that!" Daemon yelled, ready to strike. He, however, came to a halt looking at his hand, which was ageing rapidly. His eyes widen as he felt weaker and weaker. As death began to hold its grip on the man it suddenly all came to a stop and Daemon returned to normal all be it with a few years put on him.

He fell back in his chair petrified unable to speak with the other members all apart from Jack looking just as concerned. "Can I get back to what I was saying now? Thank you. I have brought myself here taking time from offer issues to other a partnership of some kind once more. For you see, we both share a common enemy which could ruin our way of life."

"Who the hell could be a danger to both our kind?" Eli questioned.

Kurt held his glass tightly leaning forward with a severe glare. "One of the legendary heroes of old. More specifically, the most powerful Antihuman in existence. Eve Hawthorne, better known as the Gatekeeper."

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