Chapter 150

Chapter 150: The Nightmare Before Christmas Part 6

The ground around began to crack and crumble. The snow picking up to an unnatural level as everything was chaotic. Being launched to the ground, Alton's fall was saved by Scarlett as she dropped him to the ground taking turns at Riley. Not even able to get close, Scarlett was blasted back by the hurricane protecting Riley. In turn, she also sent down flaming debris, destroying the area furthermore.

Alton created an icy slide to catch Scarlett and bring her down to safety. "Think you can do something like that?"

"I… I don't know. This isn't like anything I've seen before. I had no idea she had gotten this strong." Scarlett muttered in almost defeat. "Any bright ideas, leader?"

"At this moment? No, not practically. But we will need to work together."

"Teamwork makes the dream work, I suppose. Ideas?"

"How powerful is your throw?"

"Depends on what I'm throwing?"

Alton shook his hands, freezing both before touching his ankles, freezing though, too. "How about me?"josei

Flinching slightly. "You've got to be kidding me, that's… Jesus Christ. We're doing this!" Alton held his arms together, freezing them solid to use as a shield. Scarlett marked the area anticipating the velocity to throw him. "I might be a little off, but it will do."

"How much is a little?"

"Ah, well. Good luck…"

Lifted from the ground, Alton was pulled back like a spring as Scarlett charged the throw. Pulling her arm back with a large amount of force, she released it as Alton was sent at high speeds towards the storm. As his ice froze over, it shattered, entering the storm. This didn't prepare Alton for the sheer force he would have to endure as he stood on serval floating platforms. "Riley Syndicate!"

This caught her attention as her eyes flickered at the sight of him. "Alton" The storm died down slightly as she lowered herself to his level, staring blankly at him through the mask. "You came back…"

Still confused, Alton decided to play along with hopes she would give in. "Yeah. I'm back. I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner."

Riley's heart skipped a beat as the mask hiding her face faded away. "You remembered? I… knew you would. When I heard Vanguard was to kill you, I refused to let you go. Did I do good? I saved your life!"

"Yes, yes. That was you. All you. I never got to really thank you for that."

Riley giggled, moving her hair out of her face. "Well, our time was cut short… But I loved every moment of it. Sitting under the stars talking about our past. You carry me on your back. The warmth was soothing. To think we almost died from those Moss things."

"Yes. The time we saved Gales… Wait… What?" Alton muttered, staring blankly. "How do you know about that?"

"I was there? Remember? Zinnia's birthday party. The train you were attacked by Paradox… You don't remember. You're lying to me."

The storm began picking up as Alton stepped back, dazed. "I don't understand."

"It's her! She's stealing you from me! This is all her doing manipulating you all from the start! Take my hand, Alton. Take my hand and learn the truth."

Alton fell to one knee, feeling sick to the stomach. He shook his head in disbelief. "Liar… You're lying!" He retaliated, stuck in a dazed fate striking Riley with an icicle. Stabbing into her shoulder, she screamed, pushing him out of her bubble. As Alton fell, the area was unstable, with parts of his ice morphing with the shield. Alton's eyes locked with Riley's, who was in tears, traumatized by Alton's actions.

As Alton fell from the storm, he flipped back, landing on the ground dizzy. He began tumbling around in an almost drunk like state. He was caught by Scarlett, who was shouting things he couldn't make out. "Alton! Speak to me. Alton. Are you alright?"

"What happened?"

"You fell. Riley?"

"Riley…" Alton whispered, standing up, almost falling over again. He pointed to the storm panting. "I know how to stop her."


"Through me."


"Just seeing me was breaking her mentally. She can't handle much more she is more or less at her limit. We blast her with everything we've got, and then I get into the head for the final attack. It will finish it."

"That's absurd. I cannot do it."

"Can I trust you, Scarlett?"

"What? What does tha-."

"Can I trust you?!" He yelled.

She remained silent, nodding. "Yes. Swear on my life."

"Then that's all I need." He whispers, activating his Garden form partiality. "I'm not going to hold anything back. I will put down Syndicate for what they did to you, Scarlett. Whatever misses you will make sure doesn't. Got it."

Scarlett snapped from her trance, biting her lip. "I've got your back."

Holding both hands facing down, Alton summoned dozens of icicles and chunks of ice. He flung each one into the storm with some propelling back. Scarlett took it into her doing to make sure each attack Alton sent landed. The storm was bombarded with ice attacks, which only allowed it to increase in intensity. Soon enough, the storm began to grow unstable as Riley couldn't withstand all the attacks. That was all Alton needed as he turned to Scarlett. "I'll make it quick."

Scarlett watched conflicted as Alton propelled himself into the eye of the dying storm. He saw Riley at the moment, pushing aside any uncertainly and putting all his trust in his ally. Sheaving a sword made of pure ice glittering in the moonlight. Going in for the kill, Riley broke down at the last moment knocking Alton back with a barrage of strikes. As he fell back, Scarlett appeared, taking the helm making Riley flinch. "Goodbye, sister." Before she could counter, Scarlett blew the storm apart with one colossal explosion. 


Scarlett and Riley hid under the food stalls watching the ball in awe. Both had snuck out, hoping to spend one Christmas together like normal sisters. They were not disappointed. The atmosphere was enough to make anyone drunk with the Christmas spirit. Keeping hidden, they watched the central performance as people began dancing. "You were right, Scarlett… This is magical."

"I so told you! And here you did not want to go."

"But what if our father finds out? Remember what happened last time we snuck out."

Scarlett fell silent, frowning. "Don't worry about him. Or our purpose or any of that. For one night, we are just Scarlett and Riley Syndicate. Sisters celebrating Christmas."

"Yeah, yeah, I like that. Even if it's in the shadows, this is the best day of my life."

Feeling even worse, Scarlett bit her lip, taking Riley's hand. "Come on, there's no point hiding. Let's dance!"

Riley pulled away, looking scared. "Are you crazy? We show ourselves the family will spot us straight away."

Scarlett crawled over to her sister, kneeling down. "We didn't come all this way just to watch from the side-lines. Don't you want to dance along, drink hot chocolate, and make snow angels? That's why we came here."

"I know, but… Our father…"

Scarlett took a deep breath clenching her fists. "Don't worry about him. In fact, you will never have to worry about him again. I promise he won't harm us anymore. I'll protect both of us no matter what."

Putting her faith in Scarlett, she took her hand as the two crawled out from the stall running over to the dancefloor. As they were about to make it, the area blew up as the two girls were thrown to the ground. Serval Demon masks appeared, pushing the crowd around. A man in a hooded cloak and demon mask had two long red horns walked over from the horde. Scarlett made her sister behind her as she whimpered. "I won't let you harm her father."

Their father kneeled, sighing, rubbing his chin. "Just what am I going to do with you two? I keep my eye off you for two seconds, and you're mingling with peasants. This is just a waste of time."

"Psychosis, what do you want us to do with the public?"

Psychosis stood up, grumbling. "I'll have all their minds wiped off the events. They will all continue on without any recollection of our interference. But now, what to do with my daughters? At only nine years old and they are already disobeying and going behind my back. No respect for their elders! I tried so hard to raise them right, but years are now wasted." He turned back to them, staring at his daughters, who were both frightened to the core. "I cannot have that. You are my ticket, my ticket to purging this world and putting us back on top."

"We don't want that anymore. We won't fulfill your evil plan anymore!" Scarlett argued.

Psychosis tutted, shaking his head. Pacing back and forth, he sat alongside his daughters, pulling them in close. "When I was young, my mother told me many bedtime stories. She would tell me tall tales about princes and princesses. Wizards and Witches. Heroes and Villains. It struck me many years after she died. All these stories have one thing in common. A theme. Good vs. Evil. Light vs. Darkness. I always found the idea farfetched. Where there is too much light, darkness will act. And where there is too much darkness, there will be light. It's true for the light—the Good. There is always that shadow lingering off the light. That sense of evil always there. However, there is such a thing as pure darkness. No light. The idea falls apart. If we are real here, there is no such thing as good and evil. There are only people who do good and bad things for whatever reason. People do good things for bad reasons. And then there is us. Yes, what we do is bad, but it's for the good of the people. Not just our future but theirs. If no one else will do it, we have to be the one to take the mantel."


Psychosis stood up, frustrated. Turning to Scarlett, he held his hand out, putting her to sleep. Riley watched, shaking Scarlett. "Scarlett. Wake up! Wake up."

"What should we do about them two?" Another member questioned.

"My daughter has failed me. She has no hope anymore to keep her on this path, and she will revolt. I cannot have that, not, after all, I sacrificed for this moment."

"Should we wipe her mind?"

"No." Psychosis coldly stated. "But… You aren't half wrong on the idea. If Scarlett Syndicate has no interest in helping me, perhaps, she will be more willing under another family name… Has the preparation prepared? Today is your lucky day, dear daughter. You want out of the family? I can easily arrange that."


Scarlett confronted her sister one last time. She found her lying in a pile of rubble not too far from the ball. Riley was done; she wasn't fighting anymore. Standing over her, she held up one of Riley's knives, whispering. "I am going to keep that broken promise now, sister. I won't let Syndicate hurt you any longer."

"Liar… You promised to keep… Both of us safe. We would be free from the family." Riley whimpered, holding her hand out. "I am… You're not."

Scarlett began trembling, ready to do the deed in that was until a soft voice spoke to her. "Scarlett…" She turned, seeing Alton standing by. "I'll do it."

"I couldn't ask you to do something like this. I should be the one to do it. She's my sister."

Alton walked over, holding Scarlett's hand, stopping her. "No one should have to kill their own family. I'll make it painless. She won't feel anything."

Scarlett saw Alton's hand freezing over as she let go stepping away. "None of us will forget what you did for the family, Alton… I won't forget."

Scarlett stepped away as Alton kneeled, staring at Riley with pity. "I can tell she loves you. I'm sorry it had to come to this, Riley. I wish things might have been different between you two."

Riley looked up, smiling. "Alton… Long-time no see."

"Yeah. I guess it is. Don't worry. You won't have to suffer anymore."

Riley closed her eyes. "If it would be anyone, I'm glad it is you. My dear sweet Alton."

Alton stopped frozen, whispering back what she said. "Dear sweet Alton…"

Scarlett waited as she turned, seeing Alton walking away, flicking shards of ice from his hand. "It's done. I buried the body too."

"So, it's finally over? The pain of the past. Syndicate is finally over."

Alton stared down at his hand, which was shaking. He gripped it tightly, choking on his breath. "Yeah. It's all over…"

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