Chapter 152

Chapter 152: The Day Of Reckoning

"I want that data recovered this minute. We do not leave until we find out where the interference came from." One of the CEOs barked standing in the frozen wasteland of Sunset Peak. He was unaffected by the snow as his elite workers slaved away struggling.

"Hade, sir. It's almost impossible to see anything out here. The source of the anomaly should be right here, but something is blocking the signal."

"Is it the storm?"

"No, sir. Our tech can handle a storm; it's like someone is blocking it."

Hade scowled staring on through the storm at nothing. His long black hair wrapped into a ponytail flapped in the wind, and his dead eyes scouted the area. "V.I.R.A.L made it very clear what our goal was. Now me being here should make it crystal clear how important all of this is."

"I understand Hade sir… But."

"We found a body!" Hade pushed past the scientist staring down at the body of a hiker. "They must have snuck past the wall exploring the dead zone."

Hade kneeled checking the body. The moment he touched them, he retracted standing holding his hand in pain. "The body is hot. Boiling in fact. How is that possible?"

"We don't know, sir we are running tests now."

"Get with it! I don't like this." As Hade was about to call base, he stopped feeling something tug at him. A whisper in his ear. One he was far too familiar with. Jolting around Hade took a few steps forward staring up. The blizzard subsided for a short moment revealing a giant tree standing out in the remains of the city. Hade's eyes widened in absolute fear. "Impossible… That's not possible… They're already here!"

Hade panicked jumping to action trying to call HQ. As his call was going through, he quickly noticed of the scientists gone their equipment left on the floor. Hade walked back to his team with force. Everything was fine… For the time being anyway. One of the Scientists stood up, turning to him only for his whole body to rip back into the storm his gurgled screams fading away.

The other scientists didn't have time to respond as one by one they were taken from plain sight vanishing into the blizzard never to be seen again. The last scientist was dropped from the sky dozens of arrows wedged into his skull. Hade stood still glancing around his hand, emitting a dim glow as the snow began to burn around him. He turned, punching the air as the stench of death lingered in that area. He stopped startled only to be dragged through the snow by the unknown attacker never to be seen again with his tracker sending the distress call, one he never sent out for…


Zinnia was taking down the last of the Christmas decorations frowning. "I can't believe Christmas is over already. New years eve is just four days away. When did Alton say he was coming back?"

"He didn't. I guilted him into coming back by New year so hopefully just a few days."

Zinnia held the box of lights sighing. "To think he would just put the role of leader on me like that and leave without many words. If you didn't say anything, he would have gone without even saying goodbye."

"Everyone needs time off. Alton more than most people. While most streamers are having the week off, we should rest too. Make the place spotless for when he comes back."

"I suppose…" She whispers, still unsure. "Don't you find it odd, though? I mean it's been almost a year since we joined forces and he's never left. He doesn't have any other family apart from his father, right?"

"I think Helga was the closest to a family he's got. It's not exactly like he can visit his old home either with it being frozen in a never-ending blizzard."

"How does a wall keep the ice age out, I wonder?"

"The many wonders of V.I.R.A.L. oh, in good news I'll be able to move back into my house next week. The repairs went quicker than we first thought. I can give Alton the breathing room he needs."

"Wish I could say the same…" Zinnia groaned. "The orphanage is never going to be rebuilt at this rate."

"I think you're the first orphan who actually misses being away from the home."

"It's not that. I just don't like being a burden to Alton. Even if we are on slightly better terms right now, I still don't feel comfortable being around him for so long. Bargaining is just waiting for his chance to strike I know it."

Scarlett dropped another box of decorations on Zinnia scolding. "That can go with my other belongs. When I make a move, my maids will collect it."

Zinnia began weaving around the apartment almost crashing into the only framed photo Alton had of him and Sam during prom. She let out a sigh of relief missing it as she dropped the boxes. "Do you think we will have a new years party?"

"I don't know yet," Scarlett yelled out, dusting her room. "If we do it will probably only be Team Rhapsody. No one has heard from Iris or Alice since Christmas."

"Maybe we should visit them over the weekend? I'm sure they wouldn't mind."

"Talk to Gale about that, I've got more important things to think about right now."

"Is your family still scooping up the last of the Syndicate mess?"

Scarlett walked back in, wiping herself down. "For the most part. Although we took my sister out of the picture Emi of the high council and many other members are still out there. They are keeping their eye out for any activity or a new leader."

"Shouldn't we help them?"josei

"No, it's not our problem anymore. My father has insisted he can handle the rest. Besides haven't we got bigger things to worry about?"

Zinnia rolled her eyes. "I go back to school in two weeks… Man, why does winter break have to be so short."

"It wasn't short, you were just busy."

"I suppose. You're lucky though Scarlett you get homeschooled…"

"How is that lucky? I didn't have any friends until I met you guys. I find that rather depressing." Scarlett moaned walking past the window. She turned as the glass broke and two small tubes falling to the ground. Scarlett picked it up, confused. "What the?"

The tubes opened up as gas consumed the room. Scarlett threw it to the ground coughing as the front door blasted open and serval armed men rushed in containing Scarlett. Zinnia stepped out panicking trying to fight back only to flinch. "My powers…" Zinnia was knocked to the ground as the framed photo was smashed. Zinnia gritted her teeth hissing. "Ooh, Alton is going to kill you."

"Alton Brantley. Alton, Alton, Alton." Kurt stormed in kneeling staring Zinnia down. "Where is your leader?"

"V.I.R.A.L? What the hell is going on?!" Scarlett snapped. "Why can't I use my powers?"

"Anti-gas. Disables powers for a short time. Where is he?"

"We don't know. He said he was taking a break and would be gone for a week."

Kurt snarled flipping the table over. "He's your leader! You should know where he is!"

Emil and Gale were dragged in handcuffed thrown to the floor. "What's the big idea! Ooh, I swear to God never in my life have I supported cancel culture more than now you scrub!"

"Emil? Gale?! What the hell are you two doing here?!"

"That's what we want to know."

Kurt sat on the sofa rubbing his ginger hair angered. "Damn it, the only time we needed the freak, and he's MIA. Just our luck…"

"Oi! Answer me!" Zinnia snapped. "You can't just kidnap us."

Kurt stood up, shaking his head. "Let the handcuffs off. Get them off!" The armed men did so as Kurt began pacing mumbling. "Did they plan for this? Could Alton be working with them? No. No, we would know."

"Care to explain now?"

Kurt stopped licking his lips, shaking his head. "We need your help. All of your help… In fact, we need the help of every streamer right now."

"Like before… With Paradox. What could it be this time? Why do you need our help?"

"The day we all feared has finally arrived. We were meant to have more time. This wasn't a part of the plan. We have no hope of winning. None."

"Answer me!" Zinnia screeched. "The day we all feared? What day?"

Kurt stared at her, dead in the eyes with genuine fear. "What other? The day of Reckoning. The Garden is awake. The Garden is here…"

Everyone fell silent as Zinnia shook her head. "Impossible. We would have known… They can't be. He can't be."

"Every major streamer is being rounded up and taken to the HQ. V.I.R.A.L's final failsafe. The last ace in the hole we have." Kurt whispered, looking paranoid, so too did the soldiers. "Humanity's final stand is here. Not that it makes any differences. We have already lost. Without Alton, Victoria is doomed."

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