Chapter 155

Chapter 155: Whispers of Yesterday

"So… This is where you found the photo?" Zinnia mumbled staring at a frozen wasteland. The classroom in question was lost to time with chairs scattered around and part of the floor caved in. The lockers were frozen to the wall, the remains of a person squatted in the corner brittle and shattered. Zinnia stepped inside, being extra careful as she nodded. "This must be it. Alton's classroom."

"I can't help but feel like this is more than a coincidence," Gale mentioned looking through textbooks.

Emil stood in the corridor, not daring to step inside. "I don't like any of this to be absolutely honest. It feels like a trap."

Scarlett continued to stare at the photo found firmly placing it in her pocket. "I cannot help but agree. We should find any other survivors. We have no idea what we have gotten ourselves into."

Zinnia moved her hand over the frozen desk. It was plastered with drawings and graffiti of superhero masks and cute carving of people one which was Alton. "This was her desk."



"Alton's best friend? But that doesn't make sense. I remember him clearly saying they all went off to do their own things. But if she came to school here…" Gale muttered.

"Alton keeping secrets from us? Gasp! Tell us something new…" Emil said sarcastically. "Can we get out of here?"

Zinnia stopped hearing a faint voice echoing in her ear. She turned, feeling the voice pulling her away further into the school. "Zinnia? What's wrong?" Gale questioned

Zinnia felt herself moving without her doing as she was captivated by the whispers. So much so she couldn't hear the cries from her allies as she was trapped in a trance. "Zinnia. We are waiting. Come to us. Find your salvation."

The doors to the school all ripped open as the storm blasted through. Team Rhapsody was knocked back as Zinnia kept on her chosen path with no sign of stopping. The main doors opened with the titan on full display. "We know of your struggles. We have seen your anguish and suffering. For this most important time of the year, we wish to grant you a present. Come, we would most like to meet you."

Taking the first step outside, Zinnia felt a sudden burst of energy hit her as she was snapped from her trance, falling to one knee. She began gasping for the little air she had left with a terrifying look indented in her eyes. Gale rushed out, helping Zinnia to her feet. "Are you alright? What happened?"

Zinnia was still dazed as her breathing was short and quick. "The Garden… It was talking to me. Tempting me to come closer to the titan. It claimed to be granting me a gift."

Scarlett stared at the titan with a concerned look as she whispered. "We shouldn't be here. Come inside you two…"

The two agreed moving back towards the school only for the snow to shake and rumble. Serval figures emerged from the snow twitching frantically. Gale turned eyes widened. "It can't be! It's the same creatures we fought at home… The Moss!"

This Moss seemed much older than the ones Team Rhapsody had once fought with rotten vines falling off the monsters with a dark brown colour than the usual green. Zinnia was about to strike when large vines ripped from the ground tearing apart each of the Moss without any issues as they were all destroyed instantly. Gale and Zinnia fell over during the commotion lying in the snow Scarlett went to help only to stop staring uncomfortably forward. Zinnia took notice looking in that direction as she felt just as uneasy. Goro stood in front of Blossom who had attacked the Moss with her still active Garden powers. "Are you two, alright?" She whispered nervously.

Gale stared at the Moss, finding no people under its control. This Moss was hollow and brittle. "I have no idea…"


Night had taken hold once more. Team Rhapsody now alongside Goro and Blossom had taken refuge in the worn-down school's gym. With a fire now going the group remained silent awaiting the next possible attack. Gale stared at the remains of the Moss he brought in. He had been staring at it for a long time now looking more worried the longer he looked. "Staring at that thing isn't going to make you feel better Gale…" Goro muttered stabbing at the fire.

"I know, it's just these things attacked my family before. I can't help but feel petrified that it could be happening again."

"But we closed that gateway to the Garden. That would be impossible." Zinnia argued.

"I know that… But what if we didn't close it. What if the gateway is open again? My family are hopeless against it, and I would be none the wiser."

"You can't think it that way," Scarlett exclaims moving away from leaning against the wall. "We did all we can to stop the Garden back then. We all fought till the very end to put down Acceptance. We should be more worried about ourselves than anything else right now."

Gale nodded, letting the Moss go. "You're right… I've noticed something strange about this Moss though. It's dead."

"Yes, we can see that. Blossom made sure of that."

"No, that's not what I meant. When we fought the Moss on my island, they were no different from the trees. They actually caught us off guard by how one with nature they looked. These ones are far different. Slower, easily destroyed. The vines and vegetation rotten and dead. It falls apart at the touch. That's not to mention these Moss weren't using anyone as a vessel."

"You think something is wrong then?" Emil questioned. "You wouldn't bring this up otherwise."

"None of this quite adds up. The Garden is supposedly back yet all we've seen of it is a few dead Moss. If the bulk were back, wouldn't it all be over by now? Our forces would have easily been destroyed by a stage of grief right now. I find it very hard to believe Acceptance wouldn't want payback for last time."

"He has a point. I'm sure we would have at least run into one of the five stages by now." Zinnia whispered. "Like Bargaining…"

"What are you suggesting? This titan we're fighting is the only one?" Goro questioned. "I'd love that to be true."

"Why don't we ask Paradox. I'm sure she knows." Scarlett edged.

Blossom curled up closer towards the fire staring at its beauty. "I can sense it from all of you. Unease, anger, hatred, fear. I may not know what I did in the past, but I know it to be cruel and dark. And while I may never understand the truth of my actions, but I only hope to beyond and make up for my past sins."

Scarlett scoffed, shaking her head. "How convenient for you, no? You just happen to forget the crimes you've committed. Surely you think them not to be so bad if you could forget them so quickly? Let me remind you Percy Misharp's blood is on your hands. No one is going to forget that."

"That's enough, Scarlett." Zinnia whispered.

"Sure thing. Leader."

Zinnia stared at Blossom, trying to work her out. "Why are you here? You made it clear yourself many streamers don't trust you; some despise you. If I had that many people against me, I probably would have never become a streamer."

Blossom nodded, holding her hand out as a small essence of the Garden flickered over her palm. "I don't quite understand what this power is. It doesn't belong to me that I'm certain of. I can feel the spite and evil when using it. However, instead of using it as the Garden might have liked me too. I want to prove the world wrong and use it for good. A cry out that Blossom isn't evil."

Goro smirked faintly slouching over. "Blossom can you do me a favour? We need someone to scout the area for trouble. Do you mind taking my turn?"josei

"No not at all Goro." She states, walking off.

Goro's smile fades as he turns back. "I would appreciate it if you didn't keep bringing up Gemini's past. It's not good for her."

"The better thing to question is how you can trust her. You know what she is. What she's capable of." Scarlett hissed.

"I do. And for the record, I don't trust her. Not even in the slightest. My hand is always inching towards my gun these days. One wrong move and I'm ready to put it all to rest. I think she knows that. But yet she sticks around trying to make up for misdeeds she has no knowledge of. You can't help but admire that courage to do the right thing. I don't want her to ever remember who she once was. Gemini, Aoi, Paradox, the cult. All of it. She is Blossom, and that's all that matters."

"And if she remembers?" Emil wonders.

"I kill her—that simple. Thing is, she's died already. Twice now in my eyes. I'm not sure how to feel if I have to put her down for the third time." He admits trying to now change the subject. "Onto other news. What are we going to do about the situation we're in? No backup. You claimed Alice attacked you yeah? A titan outside calling to us. What's the plan?"

Zinnia leans back getting a view of the titan staring her down. The behemoth forever standing taunting her ever thoughts. "That is obvious." Everyone turns to Zinnia as she looks back at her friends with a dead serious look. "The Garden has been calling us ever since we formed. Vanguard, Acceptance, Paradox, Bargaining, Alton and now Alice. The Garden has been tugging at us to fall over the edge. I say we give it what it wants. We take that leap of faith and plummet into the deep."

"You're not seriously suggesting what I think you're suggesting Zinnia?!" Gale whimpers.

"That I am." She orders standing up facing the monster down. "We find a way inside."

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