Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Fairy-Tale Lie Part 1

"Come on! Keep up, Iris. Hurry!"

"Dad wait!"

Hans gripped his daughter's arm, tugging her along as the streets of Sunset Peak were filled with screams and panic. The area was freezing over-consuming the masses and the buildings they called home. Alice woke up being held tightly in Hans' arms. She looked around dazed wincing with a banging headache. "Iris?"

"Alice, thank God you're awake! Just hold onto daddy we're getting out of here."

"What's going on?" Alice whimpered, seeing her house freeze over crumbling at the storm. "Our home…"

Hans turned to look paranoid pulling Iris harder, making her grunt in pain. "We need to hurry! We need to get to safety. V.I.R.A.L will come to save us!"

Alice stared on in the distance seeing people consumed by the storm as the cries slowly began to die down, leaving statues of the residents trapped in their state of panic. Very few people were left running alongside the Hawthorne family with some people running into the storm with hopes of saving their family who had already perished. Alice watched in horror, feeling hopelessly unable to do anything. In the distance, she spotted a flurry of ice and fire blowing everywhere. Focusing on that area, she noticed someone familiar. She knew who it was. It was her favourite streaming group hero's might. Avalanche and Unity battling a tall, slender, dark-skinned man with long white hair. She gripped onto her father's shoulder more, looking worried. "Please Avalanche… Please win."

A truck swirled out of control, crashing into the coffee shop across the street exploding. Hans was knocked to the ground, dropping Alice. Alice lay in the ever-growing snow dizzy and sick. Hans dug through the snow, pulling her out, holding her tight as Alice was shivering losing heat fast. Hans kept running as Alice's head dropped low, seeing Iris was no longer with them. "Daddy! We left Iris! Daddy! Iris, Iris! We're over here! Daddy go back, go back!"

Hans bit his lip choking on his words crying out. "I'm sorry, Alice, I have no choice!"

Alice began kicking and screaming, refusing to let her sister go so much that Hans dropped her. Scurrying to her feet, Alice ran into the blizzard in hopes of saving Iris. Hans scrambled after she screamed at the top of his lungs, but each word was droned out by the growing blizzard. Alice darted around, calling for her long-lost sister with each cry dying and becoming weak. Alice fell to the ground out of energy. Shivering uncountably she lost all feeling in her body. That was until she saw the outline of a body in the snow. Building up all the remaining strength she had Alice dragged herself through the snow to the person. She knew it was Iris, it had to be. Stopping halfway through a set of yellow piercing eyes stared at her through the storm. Alice didn't know how, but she recognised them all too well. Before she could beg for help, she felt a warm, tingling feeling for a split moment in her chest before nothing.

Hans prowled through crying for his lost daughters to stop staring in horror seeing Alice lying in the snow and a sword deep in her staining the snow with her blood. Hans turned to the yellowed eye demon screaming in fear, letting it consume him as he fled for his life, leaving his daughters to a fate worse than death. He didn't stop running, for a while anyway. His legs didn't let loose until he was far away from the town. He had run into the remains of other survivors who had also perished, making him question just how he was alive. Hans knew he wouldn't last much longer once his legs finally gave way and his face was first into the snow. His life was slowly fading as the blizzard began to eat away at the last bit of energy left. Until it, all stopped. The cold and brittle nature vanished, and Hans felt himself warming up life returning to his bones. His head buried in the snow he had only a small amount of energy to glare up at the strange occurrence. In front of him was a tree larger than life, an impossible tree of pure wonder and spectacle. Hans stared in a mixture of awe and fear, and this was only elevated by a whisper in his ear that would change his life forever. "Tell me, Hans, how about we make a deal?"


The test tube drained as the clone plummeted out collapsing to the ground. Hans rushed to the clone kneeling to her level. He stared at his creation with uncertainty and a hint of fear. He knew what he created, and he wasn't sure if this was right. But it was far too late for regret. The deed was forever done.

The clone began to move coming to life as she looked around the laboratory in confusion. Her eyes met with Hans as he froze in horror as the events of the day three years ago played out in his mind once more. The clone was identical to his daughter no doubt about that. The hairline, the small curved face and curious eyes one just matching the other entirely off. It was no doubt a perfect copy of Alice. She tried to find the words caught up in her throat as a croak came out whispering. "Dad-dy?" Hans stared in horror hating himself more for going along with such a plan. He was unable to forgive himself, let alone what his wife thought looking down on him. His hands began shaking as his clone stared idly at him; her eyes flicking yellow with the energy of the Garden. "Daddy…"

Hans shook his head, having no choice but to let his plan consume him, this is what he wanted. His daughters back by his side no matter the cost. "That's right; it's me, Alice." Hugging his daughter holding her close, he whispered shakily. "I'll never let you go again." He looked over her seeing the dozens of clones he had made unsure of the future he had paved for himself bargaining stood at the back smiling slowly clapping with pride. "That's a promise…"


"I'm sorry, I saw you in the crowd and just had to meet you… you're him, right? You are Avalanche, right? I could tell by the ice-cold appearance—white hair and blue eyes as light as the moon. There's no doubt you are the streamer Avalanche! I'm a big fan. My sister and I used to watch you all the time."josei

"Alice would be thrilled to help one of her all-time favourite streamers. You inspired us both! Dad might be pissed, but who cares. This is for the good of mankind."

"Team Rhapsody, I heard from my sister you passed the test. Rock on guys. If my sister is talking about you already, I'm looking forwards to what you do in the future. Best of luck to you all, Violet is already looking to team up with you all. Ruby."

"You are Alton Brantley. Formerly known as Avalanche a key member of Hero's Might now a full member of Team Rhapsody where you joint create the stream with Zinnia who is currently the leader of your group. Alice knows the Alice is a big fan of yours, I guess."

"You were getting all excited over this last night. You're like her hero, and well mine too, Alice here wants a photo with you."

"What happened to your old team wasn't your fault. Neither is this; I will not sit around and allow you to carry that guilt, Alton."

Alton felt the positive energy rippling through. Each of Alice and Iris' memories linked to him was on full display. The undying devotion and love they had for him and Hero's Might were unmatched. They both looked up to him like there was no tomorrow. Alton clenched his fist, smirking softly. "Never knew you looked up to me. To Sam that much. You hear that, Sam? We inspired these kids." He turned to Alice nodding. "Who am I to stop them from reaching that dream? Let's remind the world just what Hero's Might was capable of."

Iris flicked her hands sideways sending hundreds of arrows skyrocketing at the two streamers. Alton raised his hand freezing each on in spot as his dull look turned into one of heroism and pride. Iris screeched summoning a giant pillar dragging her hand forward. "Just who do you think you are standing in the way of Salvation! In the way of my revenge?! The Garden has stood strong since the dawn of time! You're just a bunch of nobodies. Mistakes who should never exist."

"You're wrong," Alice demands. "We're more than that. We're a bunch of misfits who want to make the world a better place. Whether that's with Hero's Might."

"Or Team Rhapsody." Alton caries on as both spoke in a union. "We will stop the likes of you taking this world away!"

The ground began to shake as purple haze began pouring out. Iris giggled, holding her hand out. "The Garden is coming, so soon. So very soon! You cannot stop this, why bother!"

"Because. We're heroes."

Iris snarled at the term as her eyes began glowing bright yellow and her body emitting a purple glow. "Then I shall give you the destruction heroes crave. One last game. One for humanity and I intend on winning once and for all."

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