Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Kill The Past

Jack glanced out the window, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Swirling the glass around, he took a sip to find Kurt standing idly looking over the former heads' serval framed paintings to the Dawn family. Jack took a sip leaning back against his desk. "I take it you do not need us anymore?"

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Kurt smirked faintly looking at the head of the family Psychosis. "For now, I suppose. We were lucky for the appearance of the titan to be long dead. We have men analysis the titan for any evidence in a potential regrowth. We dodged a bullet today that is for sure. And all thanks to our wonderful Team Rhapsody."

"This is starting to become a regular occurrence. What would you do without such a vital asset?"

"You won't have to worry about that." He confirms. "The rest of the so-called Syndicate? Where are they?"

"What do you mean?" Jack questions.

Kurt turned to the Dawn leader with a sly look. "Oh, nothing to concern yourself over. One of the high council members escaped no? She might be a threat in the future."

"You said, so-called."

"Did I know? Well, I suppose the Syndicate family I know wouldn't be so sloppy focusing on pointless endeavours like balls and traitors."

"The family, you know?" Jack questions further, only getting a blank smile from Kurt. "No matter, anyway. So, the treaty between us two no longer has to go through?"

Kurt sat down in a chair, spinning around tutting. "No, I think we should. The new squad should be handy for tackling Anti-human issues like what Rhapsody had to deal with. They won't be such vital assets soon."

"I see, although I hardly see such use in my top men, I'll aid V.I.R.A.L in whatever way possible. It's the least I can do."

"Splendid. I'm glad to have you so quickly on board. It is very convenient for us. The Garden and legendary hero are on lockdown, and all is moving smoothly. Another world-ending event avoided."

Kurt stood up, ready to leave. "And if I may ask Kurt, what do you intend on calling this new squad?"

Kurt glanced over his shoulder, smirking. "I have such a perfect name for it. The Zephyr squad."


"Knock, knock."

The twins glanced over as Zinnia crept into the ward with a bunch of flowers. "Zinnia, how have you been."

"Oh, you know. Been tidying up Alton's apartment after V.I.R.A.L recked it a few days back." She brushes off. "Just getting it ready for Alton's return."

"He's still not back yet? What can that boy seriously be up to?" Iris questioned suspiciously.

Zinnia sat at the end of the bed, shrugging her shoulders. "I tend not to dwell on it. He has a lot on his mind right now. A mixed set of emotions I'm sure he figures it out for himself."

"Shouldn't you all be there for him?"

Zinnia laughs lying back on Alice's bed. "I give up with that boy. No matter how much he insists, he's all like… This is my problem to face alone I do not need anyone's help."

Alice snickered choking on her water. "That doesn't sound like him at all."

"I know. Gale makes a much better impression. Never mind him, though, how have you two been?"

The two had to take a moment to think the question over as Iris sighed. "Fine, I think? It's all still quite a lot to take in, even though I don't know the full story. Evil clones, the Garden and a dead girl possessing me even that is all a lot."

"When you say it aloud, it sounds ludicrous. But this seems to be our usual line of work nowadays. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I became a streamer." Zinnia chuckled.

Alice looked down at her hands, frowning. "I was hoping to apologise to Alton first hand properly. He just up and went after the battle against Eve that I didn't even get to say sorry over everything that happened…"

Zinnia gave a reinsuring smile patting Alice on the head. "Don't worry about it. Alton isn't one to really hold a grudge. When he gets back, you can apologise if you really must."

Alice nodded proudly, almost excited at the thought. "Aren't you worried about him?" Iris questioned wearily. "To just leave moments after the fight, to not be there when you went to supposedly fight the Garden. It must be something serious."

"There isn't a day that goes by when I'm not worried about that stupid, selfish boy. He's going to get himself killed if he keeps this up, we all joke. It's not my place to confront him over personal dilemmas, but I still worry. But I trust him, he's our leader, and he does what's best for us. Besides, we've been streaming for over seven months constantly. I think we all need a break."

"I guess…" Iris whispered still not convinced by the answer.

Zinnia rested the flowers in the plant pot by the window as she adjusted the curtains. "If you don't mind me asking what are your plans next?"

"Well, our father… Hans is dead. Frizzle tooth is finished. We own the manor still, but I can help but just want to get rid of it. Sell it up and move somewhere smaller, cosier. Without the network though our accounts will most likely be terminated."

"Listen…" Zinnia says building up the courage. "I've been talking to the others. We spent quite a while going over this, and we all came to the same conclusion. You guys have always been there for us through hell and back. Iris, you helped up defeat Vanguard and had our back during the raid. Alice, you saved us from the cult and Monty. We wouldn't be the team Rhapsody we are today without you two. This is totally up to you, of course, but we would be honoured if you would join us. You said it yourself Iris you both wanted to join forces."

Alice's eyes lit up as she rose from her bed, freaked out. "Are you kidding me?! Why the hell would we say no for? I've looked up to you and Alton for so long. The idea of streaming never sat right with me. But saving people. Like what we did against Eve… I just feel like that's what I was born to do. Don't you agree Iris? Iris?"

Iris gave a brave smile which collapsed into a frown. "I would have done absolutely anything to join your group at one point… But I can't accept."

"What?! Sister, are you serious?"

Iris nodded, turning away. "After all that happened, I just don't feel comfortable jumping back into streaming again like that. From losing my eyesight to nearly losing you all losing dad and almost being the person to bring the Garden back. I just need some time to really think about what I want to do. Besides someone has to focus on picking the pieces back up and getting our lives together… I know this is like the second time I've rejected you guys and I do really want to join one day… But that day isn't today."

"I understand Iris. Take all the time you need."

"If you're not joining, neither am I." Alice demanded.

Iris looked pissed off slapping her sister getting a shocked look from both of them. "Don't you dare. Don't you bloody dare. You cannot give up an opportunity just because of me. My whole life, I always felt like I was holding you back. I would always follow your shadow, pretending that is what I wanted. But I now know I need to find my own path. Away from streaming, away from you. You need to do what you want, not what I want."

Alice stared blankly hiding under her blankets, nodding rapidly. "I will, I will, I will, I will!" She threw the blankets off, standing up on her bed hands in the air. "I want to join Team Rhapsody!!" Zinnia and Iris stared blankly at Alice, who became embarrassed hiding back under the bed. "The Alice apologies…"

Zinnia smirked nodding. "No need to apologise. We're just as excited to have you, Alice. I'll leave you two for now. We'll wait for Alton to make the final decision. But I already know he'll say yes. Welcome to the family Alice."

Zinnia bowed leaving the ward, Alice ran after her panting. "Zinnia wait… I need to know. I tried killing you all. I let me father consume and control me like a puppet and have a stage of grief in the back of my mind. Why would you want me?"

Zinnia walked back to Alice, flicking her head. "Isn't it obvious? You're a misfit just like us. We all have our own troubled past. We have a child of the garden, daughter of a super-villain, son of the Montagues, a former streamer sniper, and a Syndicate family member. None of us is good people, but we are trying to improve and do better. That's the point of Team Rhapsody."

Alice smiled teary-eyed nodding. "I'll try and do you proud… Oh, one last thing. I thought of a new streaming name. I wanted to make it something personal to me and well. For all these years I've been trying to push away Eve. Hide her away and never let her out. But I've learned as just as much Eve as I am Alice. So, my streaming name will be Gatekeeper."

"Like the legendary hero of old… Say, Alice, Eve wouldn't happen to… Never mind. Nice to meet you, Gatekeeper."

"You too, Ingrid."


The blizzard on the outskirts of the wall was as fierce as ever leaving a blinding layer of darkness over the forgotten wasteland. The titan stood a testament to the old world one which Alton had to see himself. Alton glared up at the tree listening to the howling wind. He turned seeing the remains of Sunset Peak not too far off. "Was this a message? A warning. This tree, the location. The timing it cannot be a coincidence… No, it's something more."josei

The wind pushed Alton back as he stumbled to his knee, sensing something off. He turned around, feeling someone watching him. His whole body jerked around again, finding no one. Now more paranoid than ever Alton jolted up just about ready with what he wanted to do. But one thing remained he tried to take a closer look. Approaching the tree, the whispers were louder, screaming at the tip of his mind. Cooing him, no begging him to touch the tree. Alton did so as his whole body froze on the spot. His eyes shot with a bright yellow as he gasps having a vision.

A man with large grey wings was chained to the ground bloody and beaten. His eyes were staring dully to the ground with a yellow tinge blasting the room. The figure looked at Alton as he felt nothing but the highest fear he could imagine. He wanted to run away and die, seeing the pure evil in his eyes. The angel opened his parched lips whispering. "Free me."

Alton snapped from the vision collapsing to the ground crawling away from the tree heart racing. His sweat had frozen over, forcing him to flick the shards of ice off. He had no idea what he had seen and had no intention of finding out more. His gaze was blurry from fright as he glanced up, seeing a figure standing high from the tree. Alton shook his head, screaming to the moon. "No! Not now! It's not my time! Please! Please!"

The figure faded into the storm as Alton was left wondering what he was real or not. He didn't wait long as he pulled himself from the snow running all the way back to the city never once stopping or looking around in fear, he was behind him. The figure watched Alton running away as he stared at his frozen hand, dropping it to his side. "I will make up for my sins… Oh, so very soon. Wait for me, Lily, I will make things right."

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