Chapter 180

Chapter 180: The Leader of Team Rhapsody

It was snowing again. Ironic knowing the circumstances. Team Rhapsody was faced with a repeating occurrence in which they only just recovered from a few months ago. No funeral is comfortable to sit through, especially when it's the leader you stood behind. Many fans had piled up outside the cemetery to pay their respects to the hero behind Rhapsody. Just about everyone you could expect had shown up. Team Rhapsody was the prominent guests, followed by Iris and remaining members of the Montagues. Diego, Goro and Blossom had also come to pay their respects alongside a few CEOs. It was a big turnout bigger than most would have expected. But everyone came here for one reason. To pay their respects.

The speeches were taken care of. The coffin was lowered into the ground marking Alton Brantley's end once and for all. Scarlett sat down cross-legged, taking a deep breath. "Still doesn't feel real… I'm half expecting him to turn up and surprise us all."

"That sounds like something he would do as well…" Iris giggled into silence. "Sorry…"josei

"You have nothing to apologise for. He would probably be happy you're laughing about him right now." Emil insisted. "I know for a fact he wouldn't want us to dwell on his death. He'd want us to move on and look forward."

"He was always such a troubled boy. You could always just see it in his eyes, he held the weight of the world on his shoulders. He'd always look so sad even during the best moments. And good God were their good moments." Scarlett chuckled.

"When we first met, I held streamers in such low regards. I felt like it was my duty to take them all down. With no one to stop me, I felt like that was the right thing to do." Gale whispered. "I'd pick a fight with Alton and boy was that a mistake. If it wasn't for Zinnia, I'm sure he would have killed me. He was sure one tough son of a bitch. He was sure to never give up. The mad lad took to fighting Vanguard alone, he was crazy that's for sure. If I know one thing about Alton, he didn't go down without a fight."

Emil glanced up looking to the past fondly "First meeting Alton, huh? Well, you were all there for that. At the time, I thought I'd do anything to be welcomed into my family with open arms. I allowed myself to be manipulated and used by Monty just for a chance doing his shady work. You, Gale and Alton, knocked me down a peg, brought me back into the real world and although he hated the Montagues with a passion… He still welcomed me in. This. This here is my real family, nothing else like it."

"If it wasn't for this stupid silly little family… I wouldn't know what I'd be doing. I was always so caught up on keeping the Dawn family honour and representing them. I never looked at what I wanted. Alton… All of you helped me realise what I wanted to do. I could never be happier even if it was just for a few months; these were the best few months of my life."

"He inspired me to be who I am today." Alice acknowledged. "He would always jump in headfirst to help others. Saving our lives and fighting our battles, he had no stake in. He really made it feel like our problems were his as well… I just wish we could have. I could have saved him from his own."

Scarlett placed her arm around Alice rubbing her shoulder. "We all wish we could have Alice. Don't blame yourself for it. I can already imagine Alton lecturing us about that. 'The hell are you moping about? Who cares if you couldn't help me, that's my problem to worry about forget it' Or something like that?"

"At the end of the day, he was a true leader and made sure to keep us together till the very end."

"Almost all of us," Iris whispered, looking around. "I can't believe she didn't even show up."

"I must admit that's cold and really out of character for Zinnia."

Scarlett shook her head in disagreement. "Don't blame her, she's hurting the most right now. She witnessed Alton's death before her very eyes. She blames herself for not being strong enough. You can't blame her for that, you all saw the clip she was so close to stopping whoever that was."

"But still, out of respect."

"We should visit her, after all, is said and done. Besides we need to discuss the problem at hand now."

"Isn't this a little soon to be discussing Team Rhapsody Gale?" Alice questioned.

"No, Gale is right. Team Rhapsody was just as much Alton as it is the rest of us. Percy left a hole that could never be fixed but Alton… He's the one to bring us all together. Team Rhapsody might as well be cut in half at this point. Whether we continue in his name… Or disband the group is an important matter."

"Disband Team Rhapsody…" They all whispered, letting the idea sting. No one wanted to be the first to admit it but with the situation at hand that might be the best course of action.

Scarlett stared at the coffin whispering to herself. "What would you do Alton?"


"Why does this hurt so much?" Blossom questioned, holding her head. "This is just… too familiar."

"Blossom…" Goro whispered.

Diego stared idly forward leaning against a tree chewing gum. "This just doesn't feel right to me. Alton battled against giant streamers like Vanguard, fought pawns of the Garden and withstood attempts on his life over and over. Only to lose against some streamers without putting up much of a fight."

"What are you trying to say?" Goro argued, staring at Diego ticked off.

Diego held his arms out, shaking his head. "I'm not looking to start a fight Goro. This all just seems off to me. If Alton really is dead then my respects to the kid, he was something else. He sure shook the streaming world of its hinges. I'll even do a charity stream in his name. But right now, my attention has shifted to the number one spot. With Alice migrating into Rhapsody and their days numbered I've got a real chance now."

"Is this all it means to you? Someone was killed, and you're looking to make money off this shit?! Is that all you care about? Alton was our friend."

"Maybe," Diego said smoking. "The way I see it Alton wouldn't be here mourning over me so why should I do the same? We weren't close, I hardly knew him. I respect him for where he got, but that's where it ends. I have myself to worry about if no one is going to take that number one spot. Then I will."

"You motherfucker…"

"Leave it Goro."


"No," Blossom states, holding him back. "He's right. Diego has no connections with anyone. All he cares about is his money and fame. Let him carry on. Just know when you die this won't be the same sight for your funeral."

"Just how I like it. I've played my part see you all later."

"What a prick."

Blossom stared on conflicted. "Diego's powers, he can see into the future, right?"

"Somewhat, why?"

"I wonder if he saw Alton's death."


"The amount of people paying respects to a monster like Alton disgusts me. If they knew the truth, they would be thanking us." Valhalla spat sitting on a park bench watching the crowds saying their goodbyes to Alton laying down flowers.

"No matter how we look at it, Alton did inspire quite a few people. Taking down corrupt streamers did speak wonder to the population." Destiny exclaimed.

Valhalla glared at Destiny scoffing. "You're joking, right? Taking down corrupt streamers yet he was still in the lifeline after all he did to you guys. What a hypocrite."

Marco squatted down nibbling on a sandwich, shrugging his shoulders. "No point crying over spilt milk. What's done is done. We can all rest easy tonight knowing that monster won't hurt anyone else. With that all done are we disbanding the group then?"

"It only makes sense. We created Villain's Wrath to seek revenge on Alton Brantley, with him dead we can move on with our lives."

"With the little lives, we have left…"

"And what are we discussing?" Crypto questioned emerging from nowhere making the other members jump.

"Crypto sir… We were just discussing our next move. With Alton gone, we aren't sure what to do next." Destiny explained.

Crypto stared idly at the fans shaking his head. "To think Alton was hiding out here for so long. Why he decided to jump back into the shit show, I have no idea. But it is nice to see him doing something good for once."


"No matter, our job here is far from over. We may have cut the tree, but it's roots still grow. We killed Alton, but now we must kill all respect for him. We will show the world the real Alton Brantley. Destiny, Marco. I feel it to be better suited if you were to handle this Team Rhapsody. Show them the right path to get them on our level. Tell them the truth."

"You really think they will get on board with our plan? We killed their leader."

Crypto held his chin, shaking his head. "I hope they don't. I hope they cling onto the fake hope and high regards they saw Alton with. I want you to rip it from them and show this Team Rhapsody what true despair looks like. Show them the pain he made you feel. Anyone who allies with him shall know our pain."

Marco stood up, throwing his sandwich away swinging his bat around. "Cool. And what shall you two be doing?"

"Setting the bait for the things to come."

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