Chapter 182

Chapter 182: Get to the Top Part 2

Destiny sat in class giggling to herself always glueing pieces of paper together, making it into a paper aeroplane. Allowing it to float in the air, she shot it at Marco's head as he jumped, turning to her rubbing his head. "Ow, why did you do that for?"

"Reaction purposes. Hey, you doing anything later?"

Marco began looking nervous, trying to think of an excuse shaking his head. "Please, not again. Your pranks videos always send me to the hospital."

"Don't be so dramatic you went to the dentist. I promise it won't be anything nearly as extreme this time. I was thinking of faking your death by jumping off a building. It could get us the clicks?"

Marco's face dropped as he pressed his head against the desk whimpering. "Why in the hell did I ever agree to stream with you Destiny…"

"Attention everyone. We have a new transfer student today so please can everyone welcome arms." The teacher explained, turning to the door. "You may come in now."

A young boy slowly entered, not keeping eye contact with anyone stared down at the floor mumbling. "Hel- Hello everyone. It's nice to meet you all… My name is Alton."

"Thank you very much, Alton, you can sit in the empty seat next to Sam."

Destiny kept her eyes glued to Alton generally interested in anyone new who joins, mainly as it allows her to find a new way to prank the new kid. As Alton passed Destiny, her whole body jolted almost causing her to fall from her chair. She had saved herself with her powers, but the damage was already done. "Destiny! Yes, we know your powers are very cool, but please restrain from using them in class."

Destiny slouched back in her chair, confused at what just happened. Drawn back to her desk, she discovered the other paper planes she was making were frozen alongside the edge of her desk where Alton brushed against. Her head swayed back to Alton, who sat next to Sam, keeping his gaze away from everyone. Holding the frozen piece of paper, Destiny smiled mischievously. "Scratch that Marco turns out I won't be needing you for this new prank after all."

"Oh, yeah. That's great… But why not? This isn't a trick, is it?"

"No, no. Turns out we have a new subject for our show."


"Not Alton. He would never do that!"

Destiny giggled standing up, pushing Zinnia over with her foot. "I give up. You're delusional and have fallen for Alton's lies like we once did." Zinnia began floating in the air before gravity smashed her into the wall breaking through it and landing in the car park. "Enough fun Marco. Let's do what we really come here for."josei

Scarlett shot up exploding the area this was met by the two being protected by a barrier. The rest of Team Rhapsody, all apart from a beaten Gale, stood to their threats. Marco clapped his hands together mockingly. "Man, this is going to be so much fun."

Destiny tilted her head to the side with a maniac look. "Let's wake these delusional puppets from their dreams and show them just who they've been following this whole time!"

Marco twisted his bat around taunting Zinnia. "Your precious Alton Brantley isn't going to save you this time!"

Zinnia pulled herself off the ground using the built-up momentum to fling herself at the two streamers. Marco spun around, pulling up a barrier at the last second doing two things. One this stopped Zinnia's attack stunning her but also disabling her powers for a short moment. Dropping his shield, Marco held his bat around his shoulders, ready to swing. Moving his arm around his body was flown off course crashing to the ground as Scarlett came in with a quick save. Destiny would one up this launching Zinnia high into the sky not stopping for anything. That was until Scarlett met Destiny's attack with her own stopping Zinnia. Dragging Zinnia down Scarlett boosted her telekinesis stopping the attack best she could. Destiny smirked, putting more force on Zinnia. "Impressive, you're able to withstand Zinnia's gravity matching that of five trucks. Must be painful. But I can keep going all day sweetheart."

"That's nice." Scarlett scoffed lowering one hand and now aiming it at Destiny. "But I won't have to." Destiny's eyes widened as Scarlett shot a small explosion at her. Marco came to the rescue again blocking the attack with his powers.

Scarlett continued to watch with a smug look throwing off Marco as his head shifted behind finding Emil flying from the ground with serval paper knives flung at the pair. With no choice, Marco created a cube around the two blocking the attacks from either side. Destiny's hold on Zinnia was cancelled, causing her to begin free falling while Destiny's focus was on something else.

With constant bombardments coming both sides were blindfolded to the next attack. Jerking her arm forward dozens of car's gravities was shifted towards the karaoke bar at incredible speed. Emil didn't have time to respond piled in the mass crashing to the end. Scarlett held as many backs as possible, but her defence was off-balanced causing her to lose control. In the last moment, Alice appeared grabbing Emil, saving him and creating a portal teleporting the crew away from trouble.

Zinnia now having her powers restored rippled herself full of electricity crashing back down. Slamming onto the cube, it shattered apart sending both members of Villain's wrath flying around. Crashing to the ground, they struggled to stand panting. "So, this is the power of Team Rhapsody… I'm impressed, of course, Alton chooses such a powerful set of streamers to aid with. Perhaps if you were all there for him, we might have been defeated."

Zinnia held her sword towards Destiny's neck hissing. "Give it up to your outmatched."

Destiny put her hand on the blade lowering it. "Don't mistake our compliments for signs of weakness. We two are still more than a match for blinded streamers as yourself."

In the heat of a moment, a cube cradled into existence engulfing all of Team Rhapsody. Marco and Destiny joint hands standing back-to-back yelling. "Joint attack, Crushing Cancel!" When their powers were disabled, the cube fell apart as Destiny took hold of all the streamers flying them around, crashing them into serval locations with her gravity. Shooting them up and back down, piling them into the ground.

With all of them down for the county, Marco stood over Zinnia with a smirk. "You've got heart girl. You remind me so much of Sam, it's unreal. No wonder Alton took a liking to you. Unlike Destiny here I'm a man looking for a good fight. You want the unyielding feeling of revenge like us, don't you? Good." He threw a small card at her with an address. "I'm holding a cage fight here in the city, anything goes. Beat everyone there, and then we'll talk."

Destiny shook her head scoffing. "Always a fight with you, Marco."

"What? You think I'm going to miss a chance to fight the Hero of Rhapsody one on one? I yearn for this kind of moments."

"Whatever, we're done here. No need to keep pushing onwards."

Zinnia held her hand out, trying to gather her powers back only for the two to vanish into the flames of the building. Zinnia stared down at the challenge taunting her as she crushed the card in her hand. "You have no idea who you're messing with…"


"Crypto will be quite pleased with the results. Hopefully, that nails into Team Rhapsody to drop the whole revenge plot." Destiny admitted.

Marco practised his swings shaking his head. "Hope not, some of them were really strong. I haven't had to go all out for quite a while.

"Enjoying yourself?" Diego chuckled sitting idly on a bench behind them his gaze fixated on both. "Caused quite the scene did you not?"

Destiny stared at Diego slightly cautious. "Who are you?"

"You mean, you don't know? I'm insulted. You're looking at quite possibly the next number one streamer Destiny Lee."

Destiny flinched slightly keeping her cool. "You know my name?"

"Yup. You too Marco Hill. You think someone wouldn't notice apparent dead streamers causing a scene around town?"

Marco held his bat towards Diego grinning. "So, you must be quite aware we just defeated all of Team Rhapsody by ourselves. If it's a fight, you're looking for your outmatched."

"I couldn't agree further. However, defeated Team Rhapsody? Building yourself up a bit, aren't you? You caught them off guard and used each member as a bargaining chip. If say Zinnia or Alice were going all out, it would have been over very quickly."

"Big talk from one boy!" Destiny yelled, activating her power. Before she could attack Diego, he was already well out of her range avoiding the attack she hadn't even created yet. She flinched at this. "How did he?"

Diego shook his head, tutting. "I really hate repeating myself."

Marco was up next creating a cube to hold Diego, but he was already behind the two shaking his head the moment it was made. "Impossible…"

"If we really must fight, I'll make this easy for us all." Destiny glanced down at her chest seeing a laser from a sniper lining her up. She glanced around trying to find the lone gunner. "Don't bother, my new friend will make sure she is never spotted before taking that shot."

Destiny tensed up before laughing it off. "Fair play. Come, Marco, we must report our outcome to Crypto."

Marco shook his head, throwing Diego a business card taunting the cage fight. "If Rhinefield has this many strong streamers things must just get interesting."

Diego watched with a cocky smiling waving. "I wish you both the best of luck. I'm always here for a rematch." Diego's cocky nature faded as he took a phone call. "Yup, it's as you expected. Team Rhapsody seem fine. Also, it seems I've been challenged to a cage fight. If my hunch is on the money Zinnia most likely received one too. Understood. Diego over and out."

Diego held the card in the sky, giving a thumbs up. "So? We on the move again?" A voice echoed from behind him.

"That we are Jinx that we are. It appears we have a cage fight to attend."

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