Chapter 184

Chapter 184: The Underground

The last fist was thrown as one fell. The crowd roared with excitement as a victor was called. Among the group, Marco yelled outstanding over the people with a frenzied look. "Winner! Ladies and gentlemen, we have our new champion. Give it up for the Iron Knight!" The crowd continued to roar with the drunken atmosphere. Looking around, Marco noticed Crypto turning up sitting in the VIP section. The stage was ready as Marco began chuckling. "It's almost time. The moment you've all been waiting for is almost here. Open the gates. Allow the Streamers in. For the real fun is just about to begin."


Zinnia and Gale stood at the address given. There was nothing there, or so they thought. Just a rundown play park and a tent. Looking around again, Zinnia scratched her head. "I don't understand. Did we take a wrong turn?"

Gale now fully ready for an ambush began scouting around. "Be ready for a trap. They could strike at any moment."

"Don't be so stiff Gale they're just waiting for us." Jinx scoffed flicking his ear.

Zinnia stared uneasily at Jinx and Diego who had just arrived. "What are you two doing here?"

"Why the same reason you are here," Diego commented, flashing his invitation. "We're invited."

Rubbing his ear, Gale looked confused. "Why the hell would Villain's Wrath invite you for?"

"They saw my potential. Or I made them see it."

Slightly lost seeing Jinx alongside Diego Zinnia pressed them further. "You two recruited by V.I.R.A.L?"

Diego interrupted Jinx nodding. "Why of course, it's the reason they haven't swooped in and served that can of whoop arse yet. We're going in to get a full understanding of what we stand up against."

"Well, don't get in my way. Villain's Wrath is mine and mine alone."

"Oh, little Zinnia. I wouldn't dream of taking that justice away from you."

Jinx smirked elbowing Diego. "You heard the no life. They're all yours."

Diego began rubbing his shoulder mumbling. "Have I ever told you how much I dislike you, Holly?" The ground started to shake as Diego turned, acting surprised. "Oh, guess they're ready for us?"

Zinnia and Gale stepped back as the play park fell apart and the ground opened up to reveal a long stairway. Serval well-suited butlers all emerged standing in two lines bowing. "Welcome challengers."

"Holy crap," Gale muttered. "I wasn't expecting this."

Diego tutted, folding his arms. "Wouldn't want to keep our guests waiting now." The four streamers descended the staircase finding the last thing expected—an exotic plaza of shops and restaurants among other illegal activities. People were spread out going about their daily activities. In the middle of the plaza was a giant lake with an eco-system and wildlife. Roars of excitement came from the plaza's back as a massive stadium with flashing lights was on full display. "Welcome to the Underground. A city built under Rhinefield. V.I.R.A.L gave the construction the clear about seven years ago now. After the fear of Rhinefield meeting the same fate as Sunset Peak. However, the plans were scrapped a few years back the city was left abandoned and unfinished. Until now, of course."

"To think something so crazy would be hiding under our noses…" Gale whispered. "Who could afford all of this."

"Apparently Crypto of Villain's Wrath himself funded the construction. They've been planning the death of your leader for a few years now." Jinx thought over confirming her inside knowledge. "That's not all though. Turns out this city was only brought online a mere two weeks ago."

"That's when Alton took his holiday break."

Diego gave a strange look humming. "Perhaps Alton knew more about his enemy than we first thought. A shame it didn't do him enough. We can window shop later I suppose, let's come for what we were invited for."

Gale turned to Zinnia, giving her a concerned look. "You alright?"

She gave a brief nod, still looking around walking with the rest. "Just a little overwhelmed. Suppose we had taken note of this city beforehand. In that case, we might have picked up on the movement of Villain's Wrath before…" Pulling herself together Zinnia spoke up to Diego. "I take it this isn't the only hideaway the city's criminals have either."

"Criminal is a bit much. Technically nobody is breaking laws here. This is just a place where the rich and wealthy can keep away from Victoria's seeing eyes and live the high life. There are plenty of places like this scattered all across the country. I even heard Sunset Peak still has one in operation for the brave few who choose to venture out there."

"Just remember our mission here Zinnia. Let's not do anything stupid, we've underestimated just how powerful this Villain's Wrath can be."

"I couldn't agree more. Striking this place would be suicidal. Better wait for the moment your enemy appears." Jinx admitted. The four stood in front of the stadium as Jinx shook her head in disgust. "Far too loud…"

"I thought this place would be right up your ally Jinx," Gale questioned.

This got a chuckle from her and a stern look. "Hardly. I'm not the sort of girl to just go out looking for a fight. Nor am I someone to make a career out of it. I'd rather be anywhere else."

Entering the area, fireworks exploded as the lights focused on the new challengers. "And here we have it, folks! The starring act of our show!"

"Marco…" Zinnia hissed stopped by Gale. She took a deep breath nodding. "Self-control. I know."

Marco gave a round of applause chanting. "In the right corner. The new leader of Team Rhapsody after her mentor and best friend was tragically taken from her by yours truly. Zinnia Trost, by her side and her foe, to get to the top the crazed dog of the Montague Family who might just have bitten off more than she can chew. Jinx Montague!"

"So, I'm fighting the hero… Interesting."

"In the left corner! The Deadman walking former stream Sniper, Team Rhapsody's very own Gale Lampard. His opponent for this evening is the loveable douchebag of V.I.R.A.L, looking to steal the number one spot Diego Jolts!"

"I hate it when they use that nickname…"

Jinx shrugged her shoulders, looking proud and mighty. "I don't know I quite like mine. Better than calling me Jinxed."

"These four legendary streamers will battle it out for the top prize. A chance to battle me. Only one can come out on top."

"What a prize…" Diego whispered.

"First up to please the crowd. Jinx vs Zinnia."

"Let's get this over and done with."

Diego stopped Jinx whispering in her ear. "Remember why we're here. We cannot let them win. Beat her no matter the cost."

"Sure, thing, boss."

The two streamers entered from either side as the cage around them was locked in place. Marco walked around the arena taunting Zinnia smirking the whole time. "Three minutes. First one to either knock out the opponent or deal more damage after the bell wins. Anything goes just try and not kill my beautiful, beautiful crowd. Kill each other if you must."

Zinnia turned to Jinx igniting herself with electricity as her Oni mask fizzled into existence alongside her katana. Jinx began hoping left and right cracking her neck wielding two pistols. "Fear not Zappy rubber bullets. I don't intend on killing you today."

"Shame." Zinnia whispered, making Jinx flinch slightly. "Because I intend on winning this no matter what." Vanishing with a crackle of lighting matching the same volume of the cheering crowd Zinnia propelled herself all around the cage never once getting close to Jinx. Making a trip around serval times, Zinnia finally emerged, kicking Jinx back into the cage. Touching the metal bars electricity bolted through her body frying her forcing Jinx to her knees with smoke pouring off her.

She looked around finding the entire cage emitting with electricity making her grin childishly. "Using her surroundings to your advantage. Most impressive little Zinnia. It appears underestimating you isn't worth it anymore." Zinnia tilted her katana around, ready to cut Jinx down. Sprinting forward Jinx stood idly with a smug look waiting. Moments away from striking Zinnia began hearing the echo of crows in her ear. Not thinking much of it she struck Jinx only to miss barely tripping up falling to the ground. "You aren't going to win like that."

Zinnia spun around, trying to kick Jinx to the ground. She leapt into the air slamming down on Zinnia, making the crowd go wild. A bolt of lightning struck Zinnia to her feet as she turned to Jinx startled. With her head still not in the game, she shot a blast of electricity at Jinx even hearing the sound of crows echoing. The attack dwindled and when it hit Jinx turned into a small spark merely giving her a faint electric shock. "Are you putting the pieces together yet? Or should I spell it out for you?" Jinx flew in aiming her gun right at Zinnia's head. Swinging her sword around Jinx ducked sweeping her off her feet and back to the ground. Clocking her gun at Zinnia, she fired off three shots leaving immense pain but no moral injury.

Zinnia pulled herself, upholding her arm in pain. The crow sound began to echo louder as Zinnia lowered her head nodding. "Oh, I get it now. So that's what Alton was on about fighting you…" Zinnia stepped back before rushing Jinx again. Raising her gun Zinnia held her hand, making sure she was the one to pull the trigger and as expected, each shot didn't fire jamming the gun. Jinx flinched as Zinnia pulled her close throwing Jinx over her shoulder. Jinx crashed to the floor in pain, Zinnia dismembered the guns, throwing them away. "I assumed your powers were still the same during the raid… But of course, the Garden doesn't give you power anymore. Therefore, like Monty, you've reverted back to your old powers. The crow dead giveaway. You're a bad luck charm inflicting bad luck on your opponent. Bet you didn't factor in the fact I would use that against you."

Jinx began tapping her foot, turning to Diego frowning. "This is boring. I quit."

The crowd fell silent as everyone was left confused. "Excuse me what?" Marco whispered.

Jinx dropped her remaining gun, shrugging her shoulders. "I give up. If I couldn't beat a washed down Alton, I can't beat Zinnia. I don't like this pointless one on one fights, so I give up."

"Umm. Ok? Zinnia wins by default?"

"Why the hell did you do that for?!"

The cage was lifted as Jinx turned back to Zinnia. "I owe Alton for saving my life back during the league. I can't repay it to him anymore. So, you're the next best thing. Get that justice you want."

Diego stared at her blankly sighing. "I thought I said beat her no matter what not let her win."

"Sorry. Guess you're just going to have the pick the pieces up yourself mister number one streamer."

Diego stared in the distance sighing. "I really do hate that girl…"

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