Chapter 188

Chapter 188: One Man's Remorse

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm sorry, sir, there's nothing I can do. Your wife just can't have children."

"You're lying. There's got to be something. We were just unlucky this time. Please."

"I'm sorry Mrs Brantley. Don't look so down though, you can always try adoption."

The two lovers stood outside the waiting room feeling empty. The man squeezed his fists, trying to cheer her up. "Don't worry about its Lilly. We can just try again. Who cares what the doctor says it will happen I promise you?"

Lilly stared blankly walking past whispering. "I'm sorry Ragnar…"

Ragnar stood hissing under his breath now more determined than ever. "No matter what, we will have a child of our own Lily. I promise you that!"


Valhalla stood idly, staring on at the frozen city feeling anxious. "Isn't this all a bit much? What if Alton really is dead? What if doing this makes us no different than him…"

Ragnar stared at Valhalla, making her feel all the more uneasy. "Are you questioning my judgement girl?"

"What?! No, no! I would never!"

"Let me remind you to know where your place is. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be alive. I saved you out of my own goodwill. Brought you back up to health and raised you like my own. You would have died with your family frozen forever. Perhaps you belong to them?"

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to disrespect you…"

Ragnar smiled, patting her on the head. "That's quite alright. I forgive you. Where is Destiny?"

"I've tried getting in contact with her, but she's not responding. Do you think something happened?"

"Perhaps?" He debated pushing his hair back. "Destiny was always the weakest out of the two. With Marco dead, she has most likely fled out of fear. A fitting way to end Hero's Might."

"What about Sam? She's still alive, is she not?"

Ragnar chuckled to himself, letting snowflakes fall onto his hand. "If that girl was still alive, don't you think she would have come to us by now? No, I dealt with her a long time ago, although, never mind. Team Rhapsody will be here at any moment. Do what you can and hold them back for as long as possible. They will most likely kill you."

"That's rather reinsuring."

"They are not my priority. Weaklings like Team Rhapsody aren't the mission. He will show sooner or later. Do your father proud Valhalla."josei

Ragnar walked off, beginning his climb to the top of the wall as Valhalla held her axes tightly already debating running away. That idea was shot down almost instantly to her. She knew if she does that Ragnar would find her. She'd instead not go through the trauma of always looking over her shoulder to see him there. Valhalla would much rather die from Team Rhapsody. She sat down on the wall, sharping her blades nervously laughing to herself. "Ha, so that's how Alton felt… I get it now."


Team Rhapsody had found the eye of the storm. The wall facing Sunset Peak had the blizzard most intensified ripping building around and leaving no escape. Alice covered her face looking up with a concerned look. "I can barely stand with this sheer power. This is the might of Alton's father?"

"We can't have any doubts now. This isn't just for Alton but the whole city." Zinnia exclaimed blasting herself with electricity as two katanas appeared alongside her Oni mask. "Expect the other members of Villain's Wrath to be waiting for us."

"How are we going to do this? Destiny was no joke. And the other one pushed Alton into a corner."

"Marco isn't there to aid them. We'll fight them with sheer force."

"Sheer force I like it," Valhalla spoke walking outside both axes down by her side. "Team Rhapsody correct?"

"You must be Valhalla."

"Correct." She responded bowing. "I must warn you coming was a mistake. Truly you don't think you can defeat Ragnar, do you?"

"We do." Emil boldly said.

Valhalla scoffed trembling slightly. "Not him, not that man. I've heard much about you, conquerors of the Garden. Heroes of Victoria your willpower is said to be unmatched. But not him, not Ragnar."

"We've fought villains just like him. Alton's father is no different."

Letting out a nervous laugh, she began tapping her foot. "Not like him. Ragnar is like nothing you've ever gone up against. He has no motivate. No plan or goal or any kind. You can't reason with him or beg for mercy; he is a man with nothing to lose or gain. Ragnar isn't evil, he's just making amends for the mistakes he's unleashed."

"And that is?"

"Bringing Alton into this world. He intends on making things right. Not because he wants to save the world or redeem himself. He just wants to rid of his guilty conscience and free himself from the Garden." Valhalla brings to light. "Don't you get it, his willpower is far greater than yours, and he'll do anything to kill that boy. If it means destroying Rhinefield, so be it."

"And you're fine with that? Because you don't seem to be." Scarlett pointed out. "Why take orders from someone like him? Help us stop him. It doesn't have to be this way."

Valhalla tilted her head shaking. "That isn't going to work. You can't win just turn back or else."

Scarlett began moving her shoulder around, turning to the others. "I can handle this coward. You lot keep moving ahead."

No one questioned Scarlett's motive as it was her and Valhalla left alone. Her determined heroic look died into a dull stare. "Finally. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since it seems you were forced into this. But killing Alton, that cannot be overlooked."

Valhalla felt off about the whole situation staring down Scarlett, unable to read her anymore. "It's like you're an entirely different person now… I don't get it. Wait you're Scarlett Syndicate…"

"Correct. Usually, I don't like to have the old me handle the situation. I promised myself I would turn over a new leaf, but this is different." Valhalla was torn from her spot flying towards Scarlett. Stopping inches away from her Scarlett placed a hand on Valhalla's shoulder moving in closer whispering. "You killed my Alton; there can be no mercy. With the others gone, I can get serious." Throwing her in the air Scarlett swiped her hand away as Valhalla exploded in a spectacle of explosions. Crashing to the ground, she was already almost down for the count in one blow. "You're now dealing with Mistress Chaos of the Syndicate Family if you have any last words now is the time."


The climb to the top of the wall was excruciating for everyone. The cold wind brushing against them, throwing the streamers off balance entirely. Each of them had to huddle together just to stay remotely warm. That wouldn't stop Zinnia though. She knew what she had to do. For Victoria. For Alton. Making it to the top, they could view the whole city from afar. The view was something to behold even if most of the city was caped in snow. "Finally. It took you all long enough." Ragnar muttered sitting on the side of the wall staring on. "It's something, isn't it? To think this wall was built in a matter of months after what happened at Sunset Peak. I heard it took thousands of workers matched with Anti-Humans and Streamers to get this defence up. And just in time too, if this wall wasn't constructed when it was none of us might be here today. No expense for V.I.R.A.L none at all."

"And yet you're doing the same to Rhinefield."

"Nowhere near the same level. The Garden is something out of all our control. It can grant untold powers, but it can quickly take it away all the same. I'm sure all of you had been tempted by the Garden one way or another. Perhaps one of you even took that deal up?" He taunted, staring at Zinnia. "I too was like that. My wife, she wanted a child so badly. But she just couldn't it wasn't meant to be. But to her, that's all that mattered in life, who was I to say no. You'd do anything for the one you love; the Garden knew this. It tempted me into a trap I stepped foot into the heart of the Garden and found him lost, afraid and cold. The boy soon to be known as Alton. It didn't matter to me what that meant. The consequences were the last of my concern. I stole him from the Garden and called him my son. The Garden didn't mind, they thanked me for it. Gave us these powers and sent us on our way. Lily didn't question it at first. None of us did we were both just so happy to have a child of our own. But that's when the Garden snuck in, it shows you what you want to see. The extra baggage is hidden away. I soon realised what he was. That boy, that monster I called my son wasn't human. I saw what he becomes, and I tried stopping it. It was my responsibility as his father to put him to rest. Lily didn't see it that way. She was consumed by the lie she ran and ran. Hiding from me until it was too late. Alton killed her in a state of panic and destroyed a city. I failed them both but not anymore. Think of me as you will, it doesn't bother me. I just want to make things right and rid the curse from my life."

Zinnia raised her katana towards Ragnar with hate. "That doesn't give you an excuse. Alton is different. He isn't what the Garden want him to be, he only went that far because of you."

"I didn't expect you to understand. I, don't either. No one can understand the monster that is the Garden." He sighs, standing up turning to the ground pointing to Gale. "Well, then shall we begin? I think I'll start off killing you, boy. Prepare yourself for the blizzard of remorse will show you no mercy."

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