Chapter 190

Chapter 190: Cold Heart

Ragnar's eye glanced to Gale as he smirked. "I'll tell you all one thing. I never go back on my word." Gale jumped in the air; a giant icicle ripped from the ground impaling Gale in the chest. Gale roared in pain twitching waving his arm around in absolute horror. Ragnar's smile stared at him as the icicle ripped further, causing more pain. Gale's eyes became lifeless as Ragnar threw him off the wall to his certain death.

Zinnia stared on in absolute horror falling to her knees, screaming. "GALE!!!"

Ragnar turned to Team Rhapsody with a look of pure evil stabbing into their hearts. Each member felt an overwhelming sense of fear which even causing Scarlett to fall over crawling back, wanting to run in the moment's heat. Everyone else was frozen on the spot their hearts booming. Ragnar pushed his hair back, showing his icy cold eyes. Ice began forming on his body as he chuckled. "If Alton won't show out of spite. I'll kill each one of you until he does." Ragnar pointed to Alice hissing under his breath. "You're next little one."

Ragnar walked forward summoning icicles all around him bombarding Zinnia. She kept blocking each attack, but her defence would break with each attack cutting her down. Forced to back off Emil swapped in appearing from the floor striking Ragnar. Standing still, he gripped Emil by the neck smashing him to the floor before throwing him towards Zinnia. Raising his hands before pulling them either side a hailstorm flooded the streamers. Scarlett finally snapping from her fear factor stopped each of the attacks holding it all back. Zinnia took this chance to swarm in and strike. The moment she was about to make contact a wall of ice slammed against her throwing Zinnia into the air. Now in the air, she was smacked around by the blizzard being sent flying back down. With Zinnia and Emil, both temporally down Alice was left open. Ragnar's attention turned to her as he smirked. Ice began shattering against the floor, heaving towards her alone. Scarlett took notice shielding Alice stopping the majority of the attacks. The rest stopped before her. "He's only targeting Alice! Protect her at all cost!"

Scarlett readied an explosion but with Ragnar not waiting to take the hit he shot icicles from the ground stabbing into her legs. Scarlett yelped in pain falling to the ground accidentally sending the explosion directly at the wall blowing a large chunk away. Ragnar fell from the wall into the thick blizzard vanishing from sight. Getting help from Emil Alice glossed overlooking conflicted. "Is he gone?"

With no time to react, Alice was picked up, sent flying into the air. Wings made of pure ice appeared on Ragnar's back as he held Alice tightly choking her. Alice tried breaking free but struggled slowly freezing over. "Alice! No!" Zinnia roared, refusing to lose anyone else. Meeting the mark with them, she swung her katana around striking Ragnar. He smirked, holding up Alice as a body shield. Zinnia couldn't stop herself, inevitably cutting through Alice. Inches away from slashing Alice Zinnia made her katana vanish before reappearing past Alice. Ragnar flinched taking the hit dead on letting Alice go. Using this built-up momentum, she began striking Ragnar over and over nonstop leaving lightning trails behind. Crashing to the ground Zinnia raised her katana up stabbing into Ragnar casting a giant lightning strike shocking them both.

Zinnia slumped over panting still holding the sword in Ragnar's body. Her whole-body shuttered hearing Ragnar chuckle he lifted his head up staring at Zinnia sinisterly. "If you wish to die so much, so be it." Spikes rammed from the ground shooting up in the air catching Zinnia holding her by her arms and legs. Wincing in pain, she cut them down, falling to the side of the wall almost falling. Ragnar blasted down to the ground shaking the ground, making everyone stare on in horror. Wielding a pointed sword made of ice Ragnar pointed it towards Zinnia grinning. "This is what happens when you side with a monster. May this be a reminder."

Zinnia couldn't move for the life of her. She alongside the rest of Team Rhapsody was down for the count. She couldn't fight back or even defend herself. The dread and realisation kicked in all too quickly. She was going to die, all of them were going to die. The warnings, Alton's wishes. It was all true. They never stood a chance against Ragnar. Zinnia watched devastated only for Scarlett to limp over holding her arms out. "Scarlett? Scarlett what are you doing?! Scarlett!"

Scarlett gritted her teeth, not making any eye contact staring Ragnar down. She was trembling in fear holding her arms out yelling at the top of her lungs. "Doing what Alton would do! I owe you all so much, you've made me the girl I am today, and I won't change any of that." Her head shifted to Zinnia, fighting back the tears. "Thank you, Zinnia."

The blizzard boasted around Ragnar, boosting his power. His sword began glowing and emitting heavy snow. Scarlett prepared herself for the end as Ragnar ripped from his spot, lifting his sword up to cut Scarlett down for good. She turned her head, closing her eyes awaiting the end… In that short moment left, Scarlett thought back to a time not long ago. A promise she made she knew she couldn't break any further.

"I was just afraid you would look at me differently if you knew the truth."

Alton nodded, holding his hands on the table. "I never knew where I really came from. I found out on Christmas many years ago I was adopted. My father discovered and brought me home. I guess my parents really wanted a family, so just accepted me like that. It wasn't until my powers started that something changed within my father. I didn't notice it, to begin with, my mother kept it a secret. But it wasn't until my tenth birthday when… He tried to kill my mother and me. We shared the same powers, yet he felt cold and dark. I would live the next five years in total fear of him, moving from home to home never living the childhood my mother would have wanted. All that running was for nothing as he would soon find us. That was inevitable. What wasn't was when he took my mother from me in cold blood. I was too fearful of him. I lost all sense of control… I hurt people close to me because of that… Sorry, I never knew what happened to him since. But I still live-in fear expecting to wake up in the night to find him in my room waiting to kill me. I'm not much different to him. His pure lust for carnage and destruction is not so far off my own. If I wasn't stopped, I could have easily killed Gale, Emil, Paradox. Others. I'm scared of the truth that I will become just like that man. But if I can help others in similar situations like me, they won't go down the road I am. I'm not helping your family to stop the family. I'm going to do it to save you. To save you, Scarlett, from your past, so you don't have to live in fear of what you could become."

Scarlett remained silent as she moved her hand over, holding Alton's tightly. "Neither of us will. Alton, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done. We'll take down the Syndicate family once and for all… And then you should tell the others what you told me. If your father does ever show himself again, we will stand together."

The door opened as the two quickly let go sitting back in silence. As the food was being served up, Alton made eye contact giving a faint smile. "It's a promise."

Those words held firm to Scarlett more so than she could ever believe as her fate was changed. Everyone was blown back by a strong gust of wind. Scarlett slammed to the ground opening her eyes, knowing the death she saw didn't occur. Everyone's eyes widened by sight. Scarlett pulled herself together barley standing seeing the impossible. "What… No, it can't be."

Alton stood before everyone holding his ground, blocking Ragnar's attack facing away from him and towards his allies. He was crouched down, holding his sword behind his back, gritting his teeth withstanding the almighty strength of his father. Alton looked to Scarlett smiling. "Scarlett… Everyone, you did your best… I'll take it from here, I'll hold that promise for once."

Pushing Ragnar away, Alton spun around holding his sword down by his side facing his father. Ragnar smirked stabbing it into the ground. "Finally, the moment I've been waiting for. Did you honestly think you could fake your death so easily my son?"

"Not at all…" Alton whispered. "I knew all too well you would see through it; not once did I hope you would. I was hoping to trick everyone else. To run and never look back. I can only blame myself for that… All of this blood is on my hands. Sunset Peak, Destiny, Marco, Sam… All of it is my fault. Time, I take responsibility for my actions. No more running this time it's just you and me dad."

Ragnar twisted his sword around howling with laughter. "Act all proud and mighty now Alton, but this doesn't change anything. You're a coward who would rather let your friends die to live another day."josei

"I am." Agreed Alton looking disappointed, turning to his fallen allies. "I'm the biggest coward out there always running from you and my past. That ends today." Alton's hair burst outreaching his waist opening his eyes they rained a shocking yellow. The blizzard all faded as the grey clouds turned pure black. Dozens of raindrops fell between the two as Alton held his hand out condensing the droplets into his palm. "Let's end this once and for all. For Hero's might, for Sam. For mother."

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