Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Eyes Over My Reality Part 2

If you don't learn from your mistakes, then history is doomed to repeat itself. That's something that really stuck by me as a child. It was the only thing I ever took away from my father. At one point, I was high off the idea of being a superhero, running around saving people wearing silly capes and throwing out catchphrases sounded terrific. I was coped into this idea by Sam, she glorified the idea of using my curse for the good of the people. Together we created what was meant to be the greatest streaming group the world had ever seen. It was called Hero's Might, and we were to change the world. Together with others, we set out saving lives and making a difference. Although we were never as popular or talked about as Vanguard or other high-end streamers, we were happy with the fact people were grateful. The pride and joy of Sunset Peak we were called, and at the time I couldn't have been prouder.

I let the idea go to my head so much I forgot what was necessary. The reason I was in that situation and what would happen if I stepped out of line. If my father ever finds me, I would die. That's what I've been told as long as I could remember, draw no attention no matter what. Blend in with everyone else and stay a secret. My mother had warned me time and time again, but we all grew soft and forgot the past after serval years. That was until I was given a grim reminder when he returned. When my father found me again, I was still fooled by a lie that I could make a difference. I could use my powers for good and save the world. That lie was broken when Robert was the first to fall. Then Destiny, Marco. Sam and I were the only ones left, but even that wasn't enough. The battle ended the same way it always does everything taken. Sunset Peak fell that day because of me, and the lesson drilled into my head came back all over again. If my father ever finds me, I would die. I made sure to remember that from then on. 

My time in Team Rhapsody had clouded that ideology once more. I was so caught up in the making up for my past mistakes I didn't think of that past creeping back in until it was too late. But this time would be different, I wasn't blinded by the path of a hero. I remember the rules, draw no attention no matter what, blend in with everyone else and stay a secret. I wasn't about to repeat Sunset Peak not again, so I do what I must no matter what because if my father ever finds me, I would die.


The streets poured with rain as people ran for shelter huddling under bus stops and small umbrellas. All apart from one. Alton stood in the alleyway a hood covering his face as he stared at the flowers place down in front of the destroyed karaoke bar Team Rhapsody called home. The last set of fans placed their wreaths down paying their respects as Alton turned walking away down the alley. His plan had seemly gone off without a hitch. The funeral was two days ago meaning there was no word on any possibility of it being staged. Henry had kept to his word, and now Alton was free to slip into the shadows and begin his new life. At least that's what he hoped.

Standing in front of an old worn-down warehouse, Alton slid the door open hearing arguing flood his ears. Stepping inside, he pulled his hood down, he sighed, closing the door. "Is this all you've been doing since I've been gone?"

Jinx spun around sitting cross-legged on a set of boxes yawning. "I was just putting the idea forward Diego here tends to clickbait his titles more so than normal."

Diego scoffed leaning against the wall shaking his head. "I most certainly do not. I have no need for such futile ways of marketing my work."

"Don't play devil's advocate with me, bin boy. We all know you'll do anything to get to the number one spot right now."

Diego rubbed his face sighing. "It's called Trash Taste… My podcast is called Trash Taste."

"Suits you to a tee then."

"Enough!" Alton grumbled throwing a newspaper on the table. "I didn't bring you together to bicker and act like an old married couple."

"Cute. "Jinx smirked. "Well, if we knew what we were here for then that would be just swell."

"Isn't it obvious? Alton doesn't just approach us from beyond the grave for a meetup."

"And there's the superiority complex I keep going on about. Acting so proud and mighty just because you can see into the future…"

"I don't need to look into your future Jinx to know I'm just better than you."

"See! See, see, see! There it is. Always thinking he's better than us!"

Alton sat down grumbling. "I'm already regretting this so hard… Listen, I brought you both together to help me. In terms of you Diego, I had no choice reeling you in thanks to your annoying ability."josei

"Oh yeah, I knew this guy wasn't dead the moment watching it on stream. If someone dies their future is blank, but I kept seeing a future for Alton, so I knew he wasn't gone."

"Thanks for reminding me, and for you Jinx you still owed me one, so I turned to you because I know you can keep your mouth shut. Plus, you don't give two peas in a pod about V.I.R.A.L."

"Can confirm I really don't care for V.I.R.A.L and you did save my life, so this is fine by me. So what are we doing? Secret undercover espionage?! Starting a revolution?! Hunting down and disposing of this Villain's Wrath for trying to kill you?!"


"Oh, that's… That's cool too…" Jinx mumbled sounding disappointed.

"Protection? I don't think you need protection, especially from the likes of us."

Alton stared at the newspaper article declaring him dead. He shook his head, frowning. "Correct, it's my team I'm more worried about… I told them not to retaliate against my father, and I know Emil and Gale will keep to that. Scarlett might find it frustrating, but I have faith she will… It's Zinnia I'm worried about. She's unpredictable to put it lightly. There is no way in hell she won't look for justice for me. That's where you come in. I want you to keep her in line. Stop her doing anything rash and keep her from rallying the others. She doesn't know it yet, but that girl is a born leader. She could easily get the others to fight with her… If that happens, they will all die."

"Like your old team." Diego threw out there. "Yeah, I did my research. After Sunset Peak you vanished only to reappear almost six years later as Dauntless of Team Rhapsody. So is that what this is. You vanish into the night again and blend right back into society. It's going to be quite a challenge considering how popular you became."

Alton placed a plastic bag on the table showing eye contacts and other ways to disguise himself. "That didn't stop me the first time."

Jinx raised her hand, swaying left and right. "I have a question Brantley sir! Are you sure this is the right choice? You're clearly worried about your team. Running away and abandoning them doesn't sit right with me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear Team Rhapsody stood for something, they never backed down from a fight no matter what. Running away like this feels wrong."

Alton closed the newspaper throwing it in the bin. "Just get out there… I don't feel like arguing."

Jinx didn't bat an eye jumping from her box waltzing away swinging her arms left and right. Diego stood still shaking his head. "As much as I hate to say it, she has a point… I'm going, to the underground it is."

Now alone Alton sat down feeling ever more conflicted staring at the article. He had planned this for weeks but didn't even think about how much it would hurt. He treasured all the memories he had made with his new friends and wouldn't change that for the world. "This is the right thing to do… I'm sure of it, right?" His head dropped in disappointment tutting. "What would you do Sam?"

Alton's head turned as serval pillars crashed down on him. Flipping back, he fell over a set of boxes hiding. A fresh breeze of ice formed around his hand as he waited not wanting to give his position away. He kept his cool until he heard footsteps and a voice. "No point hiding Alton I know you're here."

"Iris?" He whispered to himself, standing up only for another pillar to knock him back into the wall. He slumped over coughing. "What the hell?"

Iris stood over Alton twirling her cubes around with a look of disgust. "This is for your own good."

Alton distanced himself pushing Iris back with an icy wind holding his arms up. "Iris?! What the hell is the meaning of this?! How did you find me?"

Iris flicked her cubes around staring at him with a pissed off look. "I'm not letting you run away again. I'm going to snap you out of this little dream whether you like it or not!"

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