Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Facing My Regrets Part 2

Hero's Might was a pivoted change in my life. Sam Belling, Marco Lee, Destiny Hill and me Alton Brantley. The four of us made what was meant to be the most extraordinary streaming group ever. Sam made that clear with each passing day. She had this crazy dream if you told her that she would claim there's no such thing as a crazy dream. But nonetheless, she dreamed of making a difference and changing the world for good. She wanted to be a superhero saving lives for the sake of it. Her radical ideas bled into our own, and before we knew it, the rest of us were following her like we were her disciples or something crazy like that. She even managed to make me believe my powers could be used for good.

Before this, all I was reminded time and time again, my powers were nothing but a curse. One's to hide away and never use, no matter what. That's what my mother drilled into my head when on the run from my father. For the longest time, I feared my own abilities. I saw myself as some monster who was a burden to the world, but Sam was different. She didn't see me like that at all. She was the first one to encourage my powers and use them to help others. I had never met anyone quite like her that's for sure, I saw her as the sister I never had and like the others was more than ready to follow her anywhere to the end. And when that end comes, and I was prepared to run again, Sam convinced me once more to fight. And during those final moments when Hero's Might fell like I imagined the thought flooded my mind. I should have run…


 Destiny didn't hesitate at all flooded the streamers with attacks laying waste to the area around them. Diego given the situation wasn't of much use forced to step back to avoid any injuries. Alton leapt up to meet Destiny head-on with his sword. Slashing forward Alton was held in places inches away from his target. Destiny stared on blankly whispering. "Why now? Why do you only care now? What changed… If only you were like this six years ago. Things might have been different." Moving her hand down, Alton was propelled to the ground slamming down without any resistance. Destiny frowned feeling empty by all of this. Jinx tried going in from behind firing at her with everything she had. Destiny tilted her head riding the bullets of all their gravity as they all just floated higher and higher. 

The snowflakes fell around Destiny as each one began to change and morph into a sharp weapon. Her eyes widened, forcing her on the defensive calling all the rubble to her shielding each attack. The micro attacks crept through the cracks cutting Destiny to pieces. The debris vanished as she fell to the ground panting. Alton ripped from the ground closing the gap before Destiny could recover swinging his sword around. Directly hit she was knocked over rolling through the streets collapsing next to a bus stop. As Alton moved in a car flew back crashing against Alton as both were sent into a building.

A sharp light echoed as the building exploded. Destiny froze in horror using all her combined effort to hold Alton on the spot which was now using his Garden form at full power. Even just having him back wasn't enough as the sheer force of his presence was overpowering Destiny. "Why do you fight?!" She screeched, stepping back freezing.

Unable to move, Alton stared daggers at Destiny hissing. "I'm always fighting for the sake of others. Whether that was to get the feeling of redemption or remorse doesn't matter. That changes today!"

Destiny stepped back in complete shock as Alton was breaking through her powers. She had him down with enough gravity to crush an entire building, but he just kept going. "Impossible! This can't be! Is this the true power of the Garden?"

Slowly moving through Destiny's gravity aura Alton gripped onto Destiny yelling. "For once I fight for myself!" Destiny was blown back by a sheer force of energy as it swirled around matching that of an avalanche. Moving his whole body around the snow, all formed together before crashing down, consuming the entire street, destroying everything in sight. Alton turned away, looking over his shoulder, letting the Garden energy fade as he took a cold breath. "And that's how it's always going to be from now on."

Destiny lay in the snow shivering as Alton walked over. She was already trying a counter-attack only for a gun to be pressed against her head. Her eyes darted up, seeing Jinx waving her finger. "Sorry, Hunny not this time."

Destiny lay back in the snow whimpering. "Why? After you that you've done why are you still allowed to keep moving on? The world idolises you; you have a new team, and we still can't beat you! It isn't fair. Did Hero's Might mean nothing to you?! Did Sam mean nothing to you?!"

Alton stared down at Destiny before sitting next to her, taking a while to think of something to say. "No words can describe the emotions I feel. Hero's Might. You, Marco. Sam. All of that meant the world to me. There's no point dwelling on the what-ifs any longer. I would have done anything for you at the time. Anything. Indeed, I don't deserve any of this. Team Rhapsody. A family none of it. But I'm done letting the past consume me. I'm moving on, call me selfish all you want, but I don't care. I'm moving towards the future I want."

"You killed so many people… Brothers and sisters. Husbands and wives. Friends so many gone in an instant and you think you're entitled to live?!"

Alton pressed his head against the snow. "Not one bit. I haven't been entitled to live the moment I was stolen from the garden. I bring nothing but pain and torment to everyone around me, and I accept that. I'll own all that I've done and carry the burden till my death and whoever is the one to put me down will be doing the world a favour." Standing up, Alton turned to Destiny, digging in his words. "But I have just as much of a right to live as anyone else. It's no longer about proving the world wrong or making up for my past mistakes. I'm beyond that now, and I hate myself for taking so long to realise that. Call me what you want, the butcher of Sunset Peak. The Child of the Garden. You can call me as many things as you like, but I'm just Alton Brantley. And I intend on living a life I can be proud of. That is who I am Destiny, and I'm not letting anyone take that from me again."

Destiny scrunched her face up crying as she covered her eyes. "Then, just kill me. I have nothing left. Everyone I loved is dead. I don't have any reason to live. So how about you pile on those sins and just kill me."

Alton raised his sword towards Destiny nodding. "I was in your position at one point. I understand how you feel. After Sunset Peak, I questioned why I was allowed to live when so many others deserved it died. I had nothing, but at the end of the day, I have a new family to call my own… But if that is what you truly wish then my soul will take on another sin." About to do the deed, Alton turned to Jinx. "What?"

"Is this what you all truly want?"

"Is this what Marco would want?" Diego questioned.

"Marco…" Destiny muttered, holding her chest chuckling. "He would probably only agree if he went too… He was always so stupid like that. I made him break his arm jumping off a roof… Do you remember that Alton?"

"I do."

"See right there, if you die. Who's going to remember those memories? Who's going to pass on those to others? Marco is gone, but that doesn't mean his memories have to go either."

Destiny flinched rolling over, hiding her face. "You're right… Marco… What the hell do I do without you?! I'm lost."

Alton threw his sword away sighing. "The better question is, what would Sam do?"

"She would probably beat us both up for fighting. She was always like that… Alton?"


"I've changed my mind. I want to live. For Marco, for Sam."

"Good… That's good."josei

Destiny sat up, rubbing her face. "I'm not quite sure what to do, to be honest. I always had the idea of running away and starting again. But now I'm clueless."

"Streaming is always an option?" Jinx suggests.

Both her and Alton laugh. "Streaming was never your strongest skill, was it?"

Destiny sniffed, losing her breath. "No… I got banned three times for breach of services… Sam would give me hell for it."

"Do something you want to do. Something new. You've got a second chance Destiny don't waste it."

Destiny stood up, walking past everyone. "I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you did… And something tells me you wouldn't want my forgiveness regardless. Tell me, can you beat him? Your father?"

"I can. I have to."

"Ok. Take that son of a bitch down. For everyone at Sunset Peak. For Marco Sam and myself. And for you too Alton…"

Alton watched Destiny walk into the blizzard vanishing from sight. He smiled, faintly nodding. "It's a promise."

"What now? At this rate, Team Rhapsody might already be fighting Ragnar."

"Help any survivors," Alton whispered. "You've done more than enough for me. Both of you, thank you so much for everything. I can take it from here. This is my fight and mine alone."

"We understand. We believe in you, Alton."

"Good luck, dude. Not that you need it. Show your old man who's boss."

Diego and Jinx ran off to aid the others. Alton looked up at the wall seeing the storm intensifies. Gripping his fists, he began running to his fate, yelling out. "Hang on just a little longer team. I'm coming!" 

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