Chapter 200

Chapter 200: The End of a Journey

"It's been well over a year now since the streaming world was taken by storm. Fifteen months ago, Victoria was shocked by the horrid truth behind the number one streamer Vanguard being a corrupt murderer. He was taken down and exposed for the world to see by a now-infamous streaming group. Since then, this group has taken down dozens of corrupted streamers and saved our city from total annihilation from threats far greater than we can expect. They require no introduction but regardless I'd like to welcome Scarlett Dawn of Team Rhapsody to the show!" Diego boosted in front of the cameras.

A small crowd cheered as Scarlett gave a slight grin. "Thank you for having me."

"Welcome to Garbage Flavour Scarlett, how have you been. Your group has been quite busy these past five months. Constant streams now daily, tell me how do you keep at it?" The other host, Caleb asked.

"I'm not going to lie and say it's been easy. The group is still recovering from the past year. But our leader has kept us together and now we're stronger than ever."

"Alton Brantley, yes. Well to think just five months ago he faked his death. What a stunt that was, that was a boom for the group wasn't it?" Diego recalled. "Felt so long ago."

"I always trust Alton's judgement. He always pulls through in the end for us. He's just an amazing leader."

"I smell a bit of romance in the air. Are the rumours true? Are you and mister Dauntless dating?" Jorden questioned.

"All of that is just rumours. I'm not here to confirm any of that."

"Quite right. Going back to last year you have quite the track record for a new streaming group. You've done more in the first year many of our top streamers do in serval. Taking down so many villains and plots must feel amazing. But on the other spectrum, you've lost a few members too. How has that been for the group?"

"We're doing alright all considering. I won't lie and say it's been easy. We almost disbanded after losing Gale and Zinnia leaving. But even someone like Percy leaves a hole we cannot fill."

"Speaking of Zinnia, no one has heard or seen of her in months. Do you guys keep in touch?"

Scarlett snarled, shaking her head. "She ran away because she couldn't handle the pressure. It got to her head, and she bailed on us when we when Alton needed her the most."

"I sense some bad blood between you two."

"I'm not one to hold petty grudges." Scarlett insisted sipping on a glass of water. "But what she did I cannot forgive."

"Well from what the fans are saying they are quite missing the original member a lot. But that hasn't stopped you from climbing the top. There is so much talk these days of you being number one any day now. All I can say to that is I don't believe there's a group more earning of the top spot. You've set the new standards for V.I.R.A.L Scarlett, and we hope to have many more streamers follow in your footsteps."

"Thank you, Jordan, but we can't just take all the credit. If it wasn't for our allies and friends, who have helped us along the way I'm not sure we would be here. Iris Hawthorne, Blossom and Goro, The Montagues, even you Diego. We owe our success all to everyone, especially the fans watching at home."

"Don't be like that. You've got to own some of the glory. You took down the dreaded Syndicate family after all. Tell us, Scarlett, you were born into that family probably raised to despise our roots. How did you manage to break from that brainwashing and be where you are today?"

Scarlett fell silent, reflecting on her past slightly disturbed. She gave a conflicted smile hiding her shaking hands under the table. "I was just lucky I guess… Lucky to have so many people who care about me and help me through those dark times."

"There's been rumours of their return for quite a while. What are your thoughts on that?"

"They… Clearly are false, Team Rhapsody took care of the details last Christmas… My sister… Sorry… Can you excuse me quickly?"

"No problem. We'll cut to a short commercial break and come back to this question after."

Scarlett stood up, leaving the small studio heading to the bathroom. Smashing the door open she threw up in the toilet gagging constantly. Once the vomiting stopped, Scarlett stared at herself in the mirror pale than usual. Taking long deep breaths, she opens the bathroom window for fresh air. Something came over Scarlett as she peered out the window finding herself on the eighth floor in that split moment. A deadly drop of certain death. Sliding out the window, she sat on the edge, panting sweating with fear. Scarlett's heart began racing as she edged closer to jumping.

"Miss Dawn, are you there?" Scarlett's head snapped back as she pulled herself back inside, opening the bathroom door to the assistant.

"What is it?"

"It's the news. Scarlett, you need to look at the news!"

Scarlett pulled out her phone, staring in shock. "No way… It's finally time…"


The door to the hospital ward was lightly tapped. "I'm coming in."

Iris stopped spotting Alton and Alice fast asleep on the sofa beside Sam's bed. She gave a small smile closing the door behind her, walking over to the two. Alton had his head rested against the wall while Alice lay down using his lap as a pillow. Iris placed a set of flowers next to Sam's bed sitting in the chair across the room watching them all. Alton moved his head, opening an eye seeing Iris. Glancing down at Alice, he decided to keep still allowing her to rest. "How long have you been here?"

"I just arrived. What were you two doing?"

Alton rubbed his eyes yawning. "Alice really wanted to see Sam again today. She practically dragged come visiting hours. She refuses to go without me, says it doesn't feel right… I was telling her about this one-time Sam and me… You know what it wasn't that interesting."

"She sure has livened up since visiting Sam for the first time a few months back."

Alton moved Alice's hair out of her face nodding. "No point trying to hide my secret now. It was only fair you two got to visit. How are things at home?"

"I'm keeping with my chores, and I'm doing my homework. I thought school would be a lot more fun…"

"It never really is." Alton chuckled yawning again. "Jesus, I'm shattered."

"You've been streaming a lot, haven't you? I still can't believe you took part in that 48-hour live stream, you're crazy."

"Well, it keeps me occupied. There isn't much to do these days. Scarlett insists I take a break from time to time, but I'm in no mood for resting. I've done plenty of that."

"You seem to be closer and closer to the Dawn family these days. You're practically apart of the family."

"Sure, feels like it. Scarlett's father wants me to be a part of the family."josei

Iris almost fell from her chair, yelling out in shock. "He wants you to marry Scarlett?!"

"What? No, at least I don't think so. More on the lines of adoption."

Alice grumbled to herself, snuggling into Alton's lap. "The Alice will not allow anyone to marry Alton. He's not for sale."

Alton poked Alice's face teasing her. "Marriage is not selling people, Alice."

Alice lay back staring up at Alton. "Really? But isn't it said the father gives away their daughter to the groom?"

"Not literally. Marriage is when two people love each other very much that they want to spend the rest of their lives together." Alton explains.

"Oh," Alice whispered dully poking Alton back. "Like us?"

Iris choked on her water, spitting it on the floor. "Alice! No, not like that."

Alton began nervously laughing, patting her head. "Not like us. We're more on family love, like siblings or close friends. Love as in you have feelings for the other person beyond friendship. You can't help but think about them all the time, and you want to spend every waking moment together."

"Ah like you and Zinnia!" The room fell into an awkward silence as Iris coughed clearing her throat. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Alice… I told you not to talk about Zinnia in front of Alton."

"Oh… Sorry, Alton."

"Bah, you have no reason to apologise." Alton plays off as Alice sits up upset. He stands up, opening the blind. "I'm just happy you guys are here. It may not seem like much, but Sam would be overjoyed to see you all."

"Really? She doesn't even know who we are." Alice states, staring closely at Sam.

"Sam was always fond of her fans. She would always be the one to arrange fan meetups and events. I would catch her during class reading the comments from our former streams. She would always have such a big smile when it came to those sorts of things. Knowing two of her biggest fans are visiting her here would put the biggest smile possible. So, thank you."

"No, no, we should be thanking you." Iris insisted on holding her hands together. "We know how much she means to you. Letting us be a part of that burden is a blessing. It's an honour just to see her even as this."

Alton wiped his eyes nodding. "It sure is…"

Alice leaned over, holding a box of tissues. "I'm sure Sam will wake up one day. You two made that promise on the wall five months back."

"We sure did. She would be there for me when I needed her the most. Today is not that day, I suppose. Say how about I treat you two to some lunch? How does ramen sound?"

Alice jumped up, spinning around. "I love ramen!"

"Alright, alright. Ramen it is. Let's go before Alice wakes the whole ward up." Leaving Sam's room, Alton zipped up his jacket nodding. "Ready?" Neither one responded as Alton rubbed his head. "Is something wrong?"

Iris was glued to her phone, sniffing almost crying. A few tears drop fell on the screen as she turned, showing Alton the screen. "Look, Alton! Look!"

Alton was trapped in the sense of shock and awe as he took the screen smiling. "Is this real?"

"Just updated twenty minutes ago. You really did it."

Before he was the ranking board of the streamers in V.I.R.A.L, Team Rhapsody had been stuck at the number two spot for months but all that had changed. They had done it, did what seemed impossible. The plan they had from the beginning. They had reached number one. "I never thought… We finally did it. Number one."

"There's already have a ceremony to drive in the new number one at the V.I.R.A.L ceremony gardens two days from now! It's official. Alton, Alice, you did it!"

"We all did it," Alton claimed dragging both twins in for a hug. "All of us together… After all this time our journey is at an end… We did it Zin…"

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