Chapter 202

Chapter 202: The Day She's Been Dreading Part 2

"My most sincere apologies. I did not mean to intrude on your gathering. Please forgive me. My name is Scarlett of the Dawn family. It's. Nice. To. Meet. You!"josei

"Ahh, what a shame and here I was hoping we could all chat more. Might I say how exciting this is for me! Meeting Team Rhapsody. I am indeed a big fan of your work."

"I will not let any of you down. You can count on me."

"I wouldn't expect anything less. Welcome aboard Scarlett Dawn."

Neither of us will. Alton, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done. We'll take down the Syndicate family once and for all… And then you should tell the others what you told me. If your father does ever show himself again, we will stand together."

"I don't regret having Scarlett on my team if that's what you're suggesting Mrs Dawn. We're a team, we stick together through hell and back."

"We're team Rhapsody we don't only help the weak but each other. We're family, we help each other. This isn't just about stopping Syndicate but preserving the happy memories."

"Alton… Thank you."

"Alton… I just wanted to say… Thank you for all of this. When we first met here so many months ago never did, I expect you to be so kind and caring. I love you very much for that. My family will say the same. When the time comes, I will return the favour. When your father comes, I'll help you stop him once and for all and get the revenge for your mother."


"YOU GODDAMN TRAITOR!!!" Scarlett burst back shielding herself with a small psychic bubble blocking the brutal blast of ice. This still sent her flying down to the bottom of stadium slamming to the ground. Alton crashed down beside her, turning to her like a crazed animal. Built on the pure rage, he jolted forward for close combat. Coming to her senses, Scarlett held him on the spot giving her time to adjust herself. "Why?! Why the hell did you trick us for so long?! Answer me!"

Scarlett held the crown frowning. "Out of all the people here Alton no one else mattered than you. The whole world could be against me as long as you're by my side; that's all that matters. Perhaps it was my own misjudgement or did I misread the atmosphere? Regardless…" A tear fell from her eye as the Demon Mask appeared covering her face alongside putting the crown on Scarlett began floating in the air holding both arms out. "You've made your decision well known. It appears this is where our allegiance ends Alton."

Emi jumped down behind Alton, ready to strike. "Give the word my Queen. We'll take him together."

"No… It's only fair that I face Alton Brantley alone. I'm sorry we couldn't see things eye to eye, but I won't hold back even for you." Alton was tossed back into the stadium as floating orbs appeared around him all exploding. Scarlett curled her hand back, taking a deep breath. "Stay down… For my sake."

From the smoke and rubble, Alton appeared slowly walking up, leaving small patches of ice behind him. Staring at Scarlett, he lifted his hand up, creating dozens of icicles all around him. "You don't get that privilege Syndicate scum." Each icicle was thrust forward piling at Scarlett. She made sure to destroy each one by either her psychic abilities, explosions or both. Fixated on Alton's distraction, he bolted forward bridging the gap. Scarlett focused on Alton expecting a frontal strike readying a psychic blast. Still, to her utmost surprise, Alton pressed himself against the ground leaping over. Taken back by this Alton swept her legs, knocking her to the floor and instead of attacking her again, Alton chose to keep the distance close. He grabbed the back of her dress, pulling her in for a bear hug stopping her from moving. Scarlett tried breaking free, but Alton's grip was too firm. Before she was given a chance for a counter-attack, Alton tilted himself over crashing Scarlett to the ground. Having pinned her down to the floor, he held her hands to the ground freezing her in place. Gripping her neck, he whispered. "Don't think this will be so easy for you, after all, I'm the one who killed your sister."

Scarlett flinched, using her own powers on herself in a state of panic, flinging herself into the air and ripping the top layer of her skin freeing herself from the ice. Alton held on refusing to let go as he pulled one arm back, creating an ice sword to use against Scarlett. Moving towards her only useable eye, she looked concerned as her eye glowed a crimson red. This caused herself to explode, sending them both back and finally freeing herself of Alton's grip. Holding her eye with doubt, she stopped all of Alton's attacks turning to him furious. Holding her arms out serval explosive orbs appeared as she pushed her mask closer to her face. "Then perhaps I shouldn't be holding back Alton Brantley."


Emil had made it his goal and took down the final Syndicate member panting. He placed a hand to his earpiece. "Alton I've taken down the last of the members the public is safe… Alton? Scarlett!"

Jinx jolted off the stands falling to his level. "Stepbro."

"What have I said about calling me that… It's off-putting."

Jinx smirked for a second before it fell short. "You're not going to get a hold of any of them soon. I saw an array of explosions and ice. It would appear the two are fighting."

"What?! Why the hell would they be fighting?! Where are they?"

"Outside the stadium, north entrance."

"We need to hurry if we are to help Alton." As Emil was to move out Jinx was torn backwards smashing to the wall down in a second. Emil's head turned in shock seeing Jinx bloody and beaten knocked out in a single blow. "Jinx!!!"

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to get in the way of the new Queen. She is far too occupied to have the likes of you get in her way."

Emil turned in shock seeing a lone man wearing a two-horned demon mask standing with his hands in his pockets. "Who are you?!"

The man held his hand out, smugly laughing. "In the past, this name was carried on between the rulers of the Syndicate family. Generations of power passed down to me; I too carry the name. The name of the most feared super-villain known to mankind. You may address me as Psychosis."

"Psychosis, huh? Ha never heard of you. But I'll may you pay for what you did to Jinx!" Emil yelled descending into the floor, charging him. However, Emil never made it anywhere near Psychosis appearing far away looking traumatised. "What the hell… Just then. I felt that great evil… If I attacked him just, then I would have died."

"You're not as dumb as you look, Emil Montague. It would be in your best interest to give up."

"It probably would… But my friend needs my help!"

Emil rushed Psychosis only to have his entire body-slammed to the ground. Gagging up bloody Emil lose conscience in a matter of moments as Psychosis shook his head. "It appears I misjudged you, Emil, you are just as foolish as the rest. Now it appears the Queen is endangered."


Explosive flurries of attacks ignited the sky as Alton bolted through each one, leaving a trail of frozen petals behind him. Scarlett was struggling to keep up with his newfound strength. Appearing behind her Scarlett couldn't react fast enough as she was smashed to the ground as a bombardment of ice shattered across the land. From the attack serval, small orbs flew past Alton exploding knocking him forward. Scarlett held him stunned for a split moment with her abilities. Twirling her whole body around smashing him through the stadium and back crashing into a set of cars setting off a chain explosion. Alton heaped from the flames slashing down with his sword. Luckily for Scarlett, her protective bubble stopped it from causing devasting harm. However, this wouldn't stop him as he kept swinging his sword in a blind rage chipping at the bubble. When that was no use, Alton began using his hands, forcing his way through burning his skin. Scarlett was left shocked as she started waving her hands around. "Alton, no. Stop don't do this!"

Alton broke through gripping his hands around Scarlett's next freezing her only at that moment to find himself launched so fast from grace he passed out from the sheer force. Waking up moments later, Alton was being held at the back of the neck by Psychosis who was floating in the air containing him. "You show him too much kindness, dear daughter, you're holding back where he is trying to kill you. May this be a lesson to you not to hold back."

Psychosis shoved his arm forward, tearing through Alton's chest, causing him to limp over down for the count. "Knowing what the boy has been through, he'll probably survive that. Helga will most likely heal him. May this be a lesson for you Scarlett of what to do next time. Psychosis threw him to the ground as Alton blacked out instantly. "Your plan failed daughter. It appears you couldn't get him to join us."

Scarlett bit her lip in frustration gripping her fist tightly. "Let me try again. I know I can make him turn to our side. Alton is my friend. I need him."

"Do not let your personal feelings get the better of you Scarlett... Very well, Emi take the boy he may prove to be useful after all..."

Alton lay on the ground coming to as he was picked up and dragged away. His eyes stared at Scarlett as she glanced back whispering. "I'm sorry Alton. Victoria aut mors…"

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