Chapter 204

Chapter 204: The Snap

"Jack. A word if you may?"

Jack turned his head towards Eli with a scorn look. He glanced back to Daemon. "One moment… This better be quick, Eli."

Eli stood still knowing what he wanted to say, but those words never came out. "It's about Scarlett."

"What about her?"

"Don't you… Don't you think you're too harsh on the girl?"

"What is your point?" Jack hissed.

Eli rubbed the back of his head, sighing. "I'm really trying to find the words here without pissing you off Jack. This whole ordeal you have going on using Scarlett as your pawn to destroy our enemy. I just think maybe she should be allowed to make her own choice?"

Jack continued to stare at Eli, folding his arms now judging Eli's every word. "Are you questioning my plan?"

"No, not at all. V.I.R.A.L needs to go yes. But at the cost of your own daughter's free will. She is falling apart. No one her age should be held with that much reasonability."

"I do not consider her my daughter." 

Eli stumbled back dazed. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Eli, I didn't have those children because I wanted to be a father. Scarlett and Riley were conceived for the very reason we are here today. To foster the most powerful Anti-Human in existence. I chose Lilith because of her power, that was all. With mine and her powers combined Scarlett will become unstoppable. Her sister failed us thinking she could challenge the order I've put through meaning Scarlett is our last hope. I handed you responsibility for her remember? She's your daughter now meaning if she fails, so do you."

Eli watched Jack walk away as all his built-up anger burst out. "What sort of person are you?! I've followed your every order, trusted you with this family's future! What's the point in this if our family is torn apart by it?! Don't you have any remorse?!"

Jack turned, walking back towards Eli. "400 years ago, this family was humiliated and destroyed by the very same overlords who rule this country now. We've had to adapt to our new way of life. This is how the Syndicate family is brought up. My father taught me this, and his father taught him the very same. I've taught Scarlett the same and one day she too will teach her children the same. It's the way of life."

"And what teaching is that?"

"Nothing else matters apart from victory. Victory over all means is what we strive for. If that means using everyone as a sacrifice to get my means to an end, so be it. This is true might do you have any issue in this? Going against our way of life is treason. Are you a traitor Eli?"

Eli glanced away, whispering. "No, sir…"

"Good. I don't want to hear any more of this self-pity shit. Inform Scarlett we're moving shortly. Our next course of action is pure chaos."


Emil smashed his hand against the wall in a fit of rage. "Damn it! Why?! Why the hell is this happening?"

"Shouting about it… Won't change anything." Alice whimpered looking down at the floor in disappointment.

It had been two days since the Syndicate family had attacked and left Team Rhapsody more broken than ever. Since then, they have been laying low at the Montague's manor coming to the harsh reality of what Scarlett has done. No one could fully accept the truth, the truth that their best friend was a traitor and the new ruler of the Syndicate organisation. Word of mouth spread quickly of this, the fact Alton had also been taken and now with just Emil Alice and Iris left to pick up the pieces neither one was sure what to do.

Jinx sat on the floor, sighing. "I dread to think about how Alton is taking this."

"He trusted Scarlett more than anyone. She was always there for him, no matter what. Those two were inseparable so to think Alton is taking this badly would be an understatement." Emil barked kicking a flower pot over. "Fuck!"josei

"I could hear your yelling from across the street Montague… We know you're upset but try keeping it down." Goro grumbled holding his head which had bandages wrapped around.

"Goro, Blossom. What are you two doing here?" Alice questioned.

"We're here to help you get Alton back obviously," Blossom stated, smiling. "We wouldn't leave a friend to rot away."

"Besides I fancy giving the Syndicate family a little bit of payback for the other day," Goro said, holding his head. "Alton has done plenty for us already. I think it's about time we return the favour."

Jinx shrugged her shoulders standing up. "Ah to hell with it. Count me in, if anything happened to that pathetic loser, I couldn't forgive myself. He's going to owe me big time for this."

"Isn't that great Alice?" Iris said, shaking her sister's shoulder. "Alice?"

"What if Alton has decided to join them?"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Emil said snapping at Alice. "If you think after all we've been through Alton would change sides like that then you might as well quit Team Rhapsody right now!"

"I hate to admit it, but Alice does have a point," Jinx replied. "Think about it's you guys learned V.I.R.A.L tried killing Alton on serval occasions. They sent you to fight Ragnar which got Gale killed and that in turn pushed Zinnia away. Syndicate plans on destroying V.I.R.A.L. Why would Alton fight against that, what reason does he have to fight with us?"

"Because. We're family." Blossom stated making everyone look at each other in disbelief. "And family always stick together no matter what."

"You heard the woman," Goro smirked.

"That's good enough for me," Iris claimed. "Alton would never turn his back on us. I know that."

Emil pushed himself away from the wall cracking his knuckles. "I never had any doubt."

Alice cupped her hands together, smiling. "Alton is my hero… He believed in me when no one else would. Not going to save him would be a worse betrayal than Scarlett's."

"Then it's settled. We're saving that loveable bastard." Jinx exclaimed clocking her gun over her shoulder. "And we'll show the Syndicate family just who they're messing with."

"What should we do if we run into Scarlett?"

Emil gripped his baseball tightly swinging it serval times glancing at Blossom. "Do we really need to answer that question? Isn't it quite obvious?"

"We still don't know the whole story. She could be forced into this; they could be holding her hostage, forcing her to betray us." Blossom said, looking determined. "We should save her too."

"Always thinking of others over yourself Blossom. We'll do what we can."

"Alice. I'll head to the hospital. Scarlett knows of Sam's location. They might try and use her as bait to trap Alton into a deal. I'll make sure she's safe." Iris stated.

Alice nodded, hugging her sister tightly. "Be careful Iris…"

"You too sis…"

"If we're done with all the sappy shit shall we get moving?" Jinx scoffed.

Emil nodded, taking charge. "Hell yeah. Just you hold tight Alton we're coming to get you!"


The shackles shook against the wall leaving a clattering sound echoing. Alton lifted his head slightly groaning. "I've really fucked it up, haven't I? Damn… What would you do if you were here, Zinnia?"

Alton looked through his cell, seeing Sam standing there for a split moment. His eyes widened as he smirked. "You're right Sam. No more being passive in this fight. Time to wake up and face the truth." The chains began to freeze, turning an ice-cold blue. However, this didn't shatter them as he expected, Scarlett probably told them to make ice resistance restraints. Closing his eyes, he called up for his friend again, and the last remanets of his inspiration ability crawled up as the chains burst into flames melting falling off Alton. He collapsed to the floor panting thanks to being forced up unable to stand for serval days. His bloody hands curled up into a fist as he whispered one last time. "Thank you, Sam."

He pulled himself from the ground and let out a sudden burst of power, ripping the cell door clean off, crashing into the wall. Limping out Alton held his stomach still feeling the pain caused. His eyes pivoted, seeing Eli stopping dead in his tracks as the two stared each other off. Eli with shock, Alton with hate. "Alton Brantley… You escaped. That's good no that's great. I was hoping to find Scarlett here, but this will do. I need your help getting her out of here everything Jack is doing is wrong. You'll help me right I've heard so much about you from Scarlett. The hero of Rhinefield."

Eli stopped talking as a shard of ice rippled by scrapping his cheek, leaving a deep cut. He stumbled back in shock, holding his cheek. "Why should I help the likes of you for Syndicate scum? The only thing all of you deserve is death, and when I find Scarlett, I'm going to kill her for betraying me. Betrayal is worse than death I won't stand for it!"

Eli was left dazed, staring at Alton, sensing the same sort of fear he felt in the presence of Jack himself. "There's a misunderstanding Alton… I didn't… Scarlett doesn't deserve this. Please help me save her from the path she's being forced down."

"I'm sick and tired of it all. How many times must I keep saying it over and over?" Alton spat as the area around him began to freeze. His yellows eyes turned on Eli as he hissed, showing no remorse. "I'm no hero."

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