Chapter 206

Chapter 206: The Tipping Point

Scarlett had finally gotten herself back to normal. She had spent a usual time in the bathroom, letting her raw emotions out. She wasn't fond of others, especially the weak low members of Syndicate seeing her like that. After the incident with Alton, she was at the tipping point. But alas she was back to sort of normal enough to trick anyone into thinking that. All apart from one person. "Oi, Syndicate." Scarlett turned facing the mess hall as Melissa Elion, the head of the family's security, waved her over. She bared it all up and approached with little choice. "Suppose I should congratulate on your first proper victory. Some of us were unsure of you, to begin with, especially being made Queen of the family out of nowhere. But you didn't do bad kid I misjudged you. Therefore, I wanted to apologise."

"There is no need for such petty scabbles as apologies. I haven't earned the right to be known as the Queen yet."

Melissa smirked, tying her dreadlocks up. "Care to share a meal with your disciples? I would very much like to know how it all went down. Betraying your fake allies. I wish I saw their faces."

"I do not have the time for such breaks. I still have much to do."

Dropping her spoon into her soup, she wiped her mouth scoffing. "You can drop the fake noble act with me, child. If one boy can do this much harm to you, then you are going to have a short rein."

Flinching slightly Scarlett cleared her throat, holding her hands down in front of her. "I haven't the faintest clue what you are talking about."

Melissa turned to her other clan members, sighing. "You may fool most of the idiots here but not us. That act you held up against your precious Team Rhapsody won't work on us. It's already clear you're not suited to be our Queen, but we'll play along for now. After all, Jack has such high hopes for you."

"How dare you talk to me like that. That is no way to talk to your Queen!"

"You never were our Queen." Melissa frowned upon scooping the last sliver of soup. "We only pledged our allegiance to your father, not a broken girl who can't get over one boy rejecting her. At least Riley dared to run away. Like I always say if you can't handle the beast, you might as well be the prey. If you don't mind us, we got to get ready for our next mission. Jack has ordered us to gather more followers. Sunset Peak prison sounds like a good start to me." Scarlett stood dumbfounded as she gripped her fists tightly biting her lip in frustration. She was beyond humiliated and in front of all the recruits. "Oh, and one last thing. Eli was looking for you. I saw him heading towards the holding cell. His name is Alton Brantley, yeah? Now that's a boy I can stand behind I've seen the feeds. He would have made a good king."

Scarlett stormed off, biting her lip so hard it began to bleed. "I'll show her… I'll show Alton. I'll show everyone Scarlett Syndicate is strong!"


"Alton Brantley… You escaped. That's good no that's great. I was hoping to find Scarlett here, but this will do. I need your help getting her out of here everything Jack is doing is wrong. You'll help me right I've heard so much about you from Scarlett. The hero of Rhinefield."

Eli stopped talking as a shard of ice rippled by scrapping his cheek, leaving a deep cut. He stumbled back in shock, holding his cheek. "Why should I help the likes of you for Syndicate scum? The only thing all of you deserve is death, and when I find Scarlett, I'm going to kill her for betraying me. Betrayal is worse than death I won't stand for it!"

Eli was left dazed, staring at Alton, sensing the same sort of fear he felt in the presence of Jack himself. "There's a misunderstanding Alton… I didn't… Scarlett doesn't deserve this. Please help me save her from the path she's being forced down."

"I'm sick and tired of it all. How many times must I keep saying it over and over?" Alton spat as the area around him began to freeze. His yellows eyes turned on Eli as he hissed, showing no remorse. "I'm no hero." Alton didn't even give a second thought. He already pinned Eli against the other cells smashing through them, pinning him to the ground. Raising his fist, he tried punching Eli but hesitated for a short moment. For a split-second, Eli's fear rubbed off on Alton, giving Eli enough time to push him off and run. Making it up the stairs, a sharp chunk of ice slashed his ankle's back, forcing him to a sudden halt. Alton walked out of the cell, moving his head around. "So that's your psychic ability. Pretty remarkable but fear won't save you here, Eli!"

"Guards! Guards!" Eli screeched in fear crawling back, knowing all too well he had no chance in beating someone like Alton. Serval Syndicate guards rushed startled by Alton. "Hold him back enough! And someone call for Jack!"

Before any of the guards could even react, each of them shattered into little pieces as Alton began climbing the stairs. "No one is going to save you Syndicate scum." A large wall of ice pinned Eli back smacking him into the wall serval times. Alton broke through this holding Eli up beating him to a bloody pulp before slamming him down. "All this pain and torment. What's the point? There's no place in the world for people like you."

Eli coughed slouched over panting. "You're right… I was so caught up being a family man, I'd do anything for this family, and I was like that for the longest time. I saw the brutal acts my cousin has committed what he forced his children to do. I saw Riley crumble apart until you killed her. I cannot let that happen to Scarlett! I cannot die here not until I saved Scarlett from the same fate. I'll make sure she has a place in this world no matter the cost!"

Alton didn't even bat an eye to Eli's cries of desperation as his hand froze over and he launched Eli through the wall crashing into the barracks. The bloody man collapsed to the floor defeated as Alton crashed down looking around at the dozens of dazed Syndicate members. Each of them readied to battle with some using psychic powers while others readied a handful of guns. Alton took a deep breath as cold air extinguished from his lips. "None of you have a right to this world when the good people I care about die right in front of me!" The room froze over as all the guns exploded from the sudden cold, leaving many Syndicate members stunned as chunks of metals clashed against them. Alton slammed his fist to the ground as icicles rippled everywhere in the ground stabbing into all the Syndicate members holding them all up. Swinging his arm around, he began crushing his fist whispering. "Obliterate." Each grunt froze over entirely before shattering into nothing but powered snow.

Eli began choking on his own blood, staring at Alton with utmost fear looking at the dead all around him. "You're. You're a monster! One that rivals Jack himself!"

Alton glared down at Eli speaking with a dull tone. "You only have yourself to blame. If none of you existed, I wouldn't have done this. Soon all members of the Syndicate family will believe the same thing too. I hate you all."

"Please… Please spare Scarlett… She deserves so much more than what this world has given her."

"Don't we all?" Alton whispered, walking away from the dying Eli, showing little care for his words. Easily able to escape Alton stood outside the main base covered in his and the mixture of other Syndicate members' blood. His eyes landed on his allies as each one of them looked at him in horror. "Took you guys long enough."

"What the hell happened?!" Emil yelled.

"I handled it."

"What does tha…"

"I handled it."

"Where's Scarlett?"josei

"Don't know. Don't care, let's get out of here I already know where they are moving on next."


The destruction on the base left the remaining stationed Syndicate members in a shamble. All of them were running around, searching for the escaped prisoner. Scarlett was rushing to the cells in a panic. It was Eli's last known location as well as Alton's. She had to get there before anything happened. Turning the corner, Scarlett stopped finding herself in the frozen barracks the sight of death long and wide. She was already trembling from the cold coughing. "Eli! Eli, where are you?!" As she kept looking, her heart dropped to her stomach seeing her Godfather dead on the floor. Scarlett screamed in pain, falling to her knees, breaking down. "No, no! Eli! Eli!" She crawled over resting her head on his frozen body, sobbing for the only father figure she had. She had known the man for nearly all her life and was the only reason she was probably still alive till this day. He would shield and protect her to hell and back and always made sure she was happy. And now he was gone taken from her by the very same she also held dear. Alton Brantley. Her hand began shaking as her blood boiled, and her eyes glowed a crimson red. Her rage built as she screamed out with fury as the whole barracks blew up, leaving nothing but rubble carnage. Scarlett tore at her face leaving cuts as she stared up cursing to the world. "I'll do it! I'll change this disgusting world once and for all! Hear this Alton Brantley, I'm going to kill you no matter what! I'm going to make you pay for taking everything from me. This is a declaration of war!"

Jack watched from the sidelines smiling away before leaving with a small chuckle. "Good. All is going to plan…"

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