Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Intertwined Fates

Scarlett had snuck out once again, this time choosing to leave Riley behind. With their birthdays coming up Scarlett wanted to buy her sister something unique, but with no money Scarlett's chances were small. To top that she was also lost in the vast shopping area of Rhinefield with no clue where to begin. But this didn't bother her, the vase amount of people talking and laughing was enough to get Scarlett drunk off the atmosphere. Standing by the side, she was lost when watching the many people going about their lives. She would let her imagination run wild dreaming she was in their shoes, pretending to be out with friends shopping and having fun.

Her little sequence was cut short as she noticed a little boy sitting in the corner wiping his wet eyes, he had a troubled look, yet nobody paid him any attention. Feeling bad for the boy Scarlett jumped down from the wall she poured through the crowds reaching the crying boy. "Are you alright?"

The boy jumped looking up, confused. "Oh, I thought you were my mum…"

"What is wrong? Are you hurt?"

Shaking his head, he kept wiping his eyes. "I'm fine. I am just lost."

"Lost? Well, I can't say I'm far off myself. Do you have someone we can look for?"

"No. I ran away from home."

"Oh," Scarlett whispered, taking a while to respond. "I've done that a couple of times. If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"My mother says we have to move again. It's the fourth time this year, and I'm sick of it. I'm leaving all my friends again and running away. She says that we have to go. Otherwise, my father will find us. I wish he did… We wouldn't have to run all the time."

"Why are you running from your father?"

"I don't know?" The boy said in a sulking matter. "My mum says he's dangerous. If he finds me, I'll die. I can't take this anymore I wish he did just kill me at this rate."

Scarlett frowned sitting next to the boy whispering. "I'm sure your father doesn't want to kill you. Families are meant to love each other."

"Really? Does your family love you?"

"My sister does, and I have my Godfather Eli."

"Godfather? What's that?"

Scarlett paused for a moment, thinking. "You know what? I have no idea. He looks after my sister and me and makes sure we are good girls."

"That sounds more like a father to me." He replies. "Why did you run away for?"

"Me? Well, I would get into arguments with my parents about my future. They have a plan already set out for me, and that annoys me. So, I ran away with my sister to get away from that… We didn't get far before we got hungry and went back, no one even noticed we were gone. Apart from Eli, of course!"

"I don't want to go home… I saved up my pocket-money to get a train from Sunset Peak to here… I had hoped to find my dad, but this city is too big…"

"What's your name? Mine is Scarlett."


"Well, Alton. How about I help you find your father? He lives here, yes?"

"I think so. I remember walking to the shops for my school uniform with him, but everything else is a blur."

Scarlett stood up, holding her hand out. "Well, I promise you I'll help you find him!"

"You will? But… Why?"

"It's what you want, isn't it? I just want to help you… Oh but your mother said he wants to kill you…"

"She doesn't tell me why. I just think she wants me to never see him again."

Scarlett tapped her foot, thinking as she smiled. "Ok, if he does, I'll just protect you, Alton."

"You will?"

"Yes. I promise you I'll always protect you no matter what."

Alton tilted his head confused. "But why? We've just met. Only friends do that. Are we friends?"

"Friends? I've never had any friends."

"You haven't? Everyone has friends Scarlett. I'll be your friend."

"You will! Wow, my first friend… What are you doing?"

Alton held his pinkie finger out, looking at Scarlett's. "Friends make a pinkie promise meaning we can never break it no matter what. This way, we'll be friends together."

"Friends forever?" Scarlett whispered, making the promise. "Does this mean we'll be together forever?"

"I don't think that's what friendship is…" Alton glosses over, confused. Scratching his head, he gives a small nod. "I'm pretty sure that was the promise my mother and father made. To be together forever."josei

"Forever? That's just outright impossible though. Together is a very long time, and people can only live for an average of 80 years, meaning together forever really only means that long. Unless we're talking about through the afterlife, that does in fact change everything and make perfect sense. But as I said forever is with a doubt a very long time can someone be together forever?"

"You're a strange girl Scarlett," Alton whispers lost in her mindless rambles.

"Together forever… That does sound nice, though." Scarlett whispers only to hear Eli calling out to her. She turned startled. "Eli? How did that man find me, maybe he can help us find your father, Alton?" She turned around finding Alton gone Eli must have scared him off she thought.

"What are you doing, Scarlett? If your father found out you ran away again, I'd be so dead. Come on, let's go home." Eli panicked, taking her hand.

Scarlett followed without much resistance staring at her free hand, the one she made the pinkie promise with smiling at her newfound friendship. "Together forever."


Scarlett rolled back trampling on the floor, holding her arm in pain. She stared down, furious with herself for losing focus on the fight. "Why am I thinking of something like that now?!" She stared up at Alton, who was already moving in on her. "We were already friends before? How, how did I forget that?"

Leaping forward Alton slashed down striking Scarlett. Swinging her arm around two swords rapidly spun around her, blocking and parrying each of his blows now with him wide open. Scarlett pushed him back, distancing each other. "What's wrong I thought you wanted to kill me, Scarlett."

Scarlett bit her lip holding her head conflicted once more. "Why? Why did you have to kill Eli for? He did nothing wrong; he was the only decent person I knew! He wasn't like my parents. He was kind and caring. He didn't deserve that!" Alton didn't respond as Scarlett snapped for a split second twirling her swords around at high speed before zipping them around the battlefield leaving a green trail behind. Alton looked around unable to keep up with the swords pattern, and before long it struck him, forcing him to one knee.

"Alton!" Alice yelled.

Alton held his hand out as his wound froze over. "I told you to stay. I killed Eli because he was my enemy, Scarlett. I fight my enemy till their last breath, that's how I've been raised to survive."

Scarlett drew her sword back staring forward, lowering her head. "I guess that's just how we were born, wasn't it? Both victims to the same principle just different causes. You were raised to always run away, to hide your powers and never let anyone harm you or the people you care about. I was raised to use my powers to destroy everyone standing in my way for the advantage of my family. The world is my enemy; that's how I was raised. Before us, we carry on their cursed dream from the people even if it was never our own. My family were drunk on the ideology of our past ancestors. Victoria aut mors the meaning. Victory or death, that's all my family believes in even to this day. Neither of us knows any difference forced on a path we can never truly leave. That's just how this cruel world works." Alton felt his entire body freeze as he was lifted in the air, unable to break free. Raising her hand, Scarlett swiped either side as the swords cut Alton down, leaving him defenceless. Letting go Alton collapsed as Scarlett dragged her sword towards him. Holding it above his head Alton stared blankly at her with dead eyes. "Alton."

"Well, what are you waiting for? You'll get no begging from me. Do it."

Scarlett's hands began shaking as she pulled the blade up higher, ready to do the deed. That was until she snapped, dropping the sword falling to her knees. "I. I can't! I just can't kill you?! Why? Why can't I do it?!"

The area began to freeze over as Scarlett's tears froze over instantly. Her head cranked up as Alton sat up, staring with hate at her. "You might not be able to, but I can." Scarlett's eyes widened as Alton moved in for the kill. Before he did, he stopped jumping back as a large set of explosions rippled off distancing the killer. "Tch, it's never that simple it is Lilith?"

Scarlett's mother stood holding Scarlett in her arms, turning to Alton. "I appreciate this all Alton. This would all be meaningless if you held back. I like you, child, I see the fire in your eyes I wish Scarlett had. Nonetheless, we cannot fail our goal. We will be attacking the V.I.R.A.L HQ in three days. I want you to be there, our Queen can only overcome her goal with your defeat. If she is too weak kill her.

Lilith called upon a set of explosions sending her flying into the morning sky. Alton stared on snarling. "Those sorts of threats will only get you killed Mistress Chaos."

"Alton are you alright?!" Alice yelled.

 "I've been through worse, thanks for not getting involved." He said smirking ruffing up Alice's hair.

"This isn't funny. She could have killed you."

"No. You saw her; Scarlett is just too caught up with us to do the deed in."

"Then we can save her?"

"Why would I do that? That's something Zinnia would want last I checked she wasn't here Alice."

Emil sat with his father wiping his eyes. "You idiot… Why did you have to and die on me like that…"

Alton walked over staring down. "Syndicate is attacking the prison today. If we want to stop them, we need to go."

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Can't you see I'm mourning you bastard!"

"Mourning… Yes, I suppose you could do that. Stay here and mourn over your father then Emil I'll fight Syndicate alone. Alice?"

"I'll be by your side, Alton."

"Good. One less person who betrays me. Hurry up and get your mourning over and done with and meet us at the prison."

"You've lost it, Alton. You really have, you've finally snapped. Don't you feel anything for anyone anymore?! Scarlett was our friend, and you're just happy to kill her!"

"Like you said. Was our friend. I've heard the word mourning so much it's lost all meaning to me now. I was too soft in the past. Got choked up on the idea of heroes and villains I can blame that on Zinnia I suppose. Because of that, Percy and Gale are dead. Zinnia ran away, and now Scarlett has betrayed me. That changes today no more messing around. Like Scarlett said Victory or death."

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