Chapter 210

Chapter 210: The Undying Paradox

For the longest time, Goro sat in the car staring blankly at the old worn-down log cabin he used to regard as a second home at one point. He would come to this location three times a week to play with Aoi and Gemini after school or on weekends. He would be so excited to see such a sight after hours of homework, nowadays he didn't feel that sort of excitement. His hand rested on the key, letting the car run as he sighed. "Umm, Goro are you alright?" Blossom questioned. "If this is too much, we can do this another day."

Switching the engine off Goro shook his head, pulling a forced smile. "I should be asking you that. It did throw me off you want to visit your old home, but it should be expected. Can't keep you cooped up at mine forever." The two stepped outside the car as a fluster of snow began to settle around the cabin. Fumbling around with the keys Goro unlocked the door slowly cranking it open. "I tried keeping it as tidy as possible, but I was never the greatest at cleaning…"

Blossom stepped inside as Goro flicked the light on. The walls' paint was faded and starting to crack, the lights were covered in cobwebs, and the surfaces were laid with a thick layer of dust. She looked around, feeling nothing of any nostalgia she was hoping for. Following Goro idly she watched as he set up the fire-throwing in chunks of broken logs. "This is where I lived?"

"For most of the year yes, although you did have a summer house just off the peak of Sunset… And well we all know what happened there. Is anything coming back?"

Blossom shook her head, keeping her brave smile up. "Unfortunately, no. I was really hoping to have something appear for me. Even if it was just a blur…"

"Expecting results straight away is silly, to say the least… Why don't you have a look around maybe something will jog your memory?"

Blossom nodded, leaving Goro to the fire as she climbed the stairs to the bedrooms. Cranking the wooden door open Blossom stood in front of a twin bedroom—one with two matching beds and a shared mirror. Posters of streamers were on the wall with a couple collapsed on the floor. Picking the poster up Blossom stared blankly at a poorly fan-made poster of Hero's Might. Her hand began to shake as she dropped the poster in confusion. "What was that?"

"Hey Blossom, I was going to make hot chocolates… Are you alright?" Goro questioned standing in the hallway, slightly shocked. "Gemini… You're crying."

Blossom felt her face confirming she was in fact, crying. "I don't know… Why? Why am I crying?"

"Did you remember something?"

Blossom wiped her eyes smiling. "Nothing at all, I just caught a glimpse of this poster. Alton was on it, so it really threw me off. Ha!"


"I'm fine, seriously. You don't always have to worry about me, Goro."

"Worrying is all I can do these days… So that hot chocolate?"

"I'm dying for a good hot chocolate. Oh! Three sugars and whipped cream, please… Wait, huh?"

Goro stared at her baffled. "That's how Aoi had hers."

"It was? Aoi Fujisaki… She was my sister, yeah? You claimed she looks similar to me but with fairer skin and shorter hair? Well, she had good taste in hot chocolates! Chop chop, daylight is breaking!" Goro nodded, feeling his heart skip a beat at that moment. Stepping outside the room, he already went to finishing the drinks bringing them to Blossom. He stopped just outside hearing muffled sobs as he listened. "What sort of sister am I to forget you Aoi? I want to remember you so badly! I'm sorry, even in death; I can't carry on the memories we shared… I'm such a bad sister."

Goro sat leaning against the wall holding the hot chocolates deflated looking to the celling sighing. Oh, Gemini…"


Melissa left no stone unturned when it came to her brutal fighting prowess as she gave Goro a run for his money locked in a constant death battle. Her speed and raw power were beginning to overwhelm Goro as her animal instincts continued to grow. Leaping up performing a spinning roundhouse kick Melissa caught his leg throwing him to the ground. Using this built-up momentum, Goro pushed his hands back, flinging himself further around to safety. Back on his feet, he began panting wiping his bloody face. "I won't let you touch a hair on Gemini's head! Your fight is with me Syndicate scum!"

Running forward throwing serval attacks alongside dodging others, his attempts proved futile. He was slashed across the face and launched flying back down once more. "For someone with no powers of their own, I admire your sheer determination. I am sure other streamers must underestimate you and pay the price for that Revert. However, as a former Elion clan member, we know never to underestimate our foe no matter who they are. Your simple tricks will not work on us."

Taking much longer to stand up, Goro held his arm slouched over. "All my opponents I've battled always had an advantage over me no matter the case. I've fought people on the same level as Vanguard himself, but that never wagered me. I've never felt afraid or weak in their presence. Showing any sign of weakness in their eyes proves how unworthy I am. I made a promise to be a streamer to the people who meant the most to me, and I'm not about to let the likes of you take that promise away from me!"

Screaming at the top of his lungs, Goro initiated his final attack rushing at Melissa. She stared at him with a determined frown as she vanished in front of his eyes countering his attack knocking him down for the count. Melissa stood over Goro, her wolf-like appearance growing to inhuman levels as her sharp claws rippled further. "Quite the words you threw out there Revert what a shame you couldn't match those words with power. Now, who did you make that promise with because you lied to them."

"Me." Melissa was blown back, managing to keep her balance as she glanced up, seeing Blossom holding her hand out. A thin layer of fog began to appear throughout the prison, Blossom kneeled down checking on Goro.

He glanced up at her whispering. "Gemini?"

"I'm sorry… Because of me, you are once again hurt Goro. Please allow me to make up for my mistakes."

"You've done no such thing Blossom…"

Blossom stood up, muttering slowly. "I did, pretending to be Aoi to take my grief out on you and all those other streamers."

Goro's eyes widened as Blossom walked towards Melissa. "You remember…"

"Not bad kid. Not bad. Of course, that won't be enough."

"Melissa! Melissa."


"There's something in the fog." The Elion clan members whispered pulled into the thickness of the mist never to be seen apart from the sound of screams.

Melissa turned to Blossom on edge. "This is the power of Paradox…"

"My name is Gemini Fujisaki, and I am 23 years old. My sister was called Aoi Fujisaki, and she was a legendary streamer in my eyes, who could have changed the world. She was the infamous Paradox. I am nothing like her, she died because of neglect on her own needs because of that I used my grief as an excuse to attack innocent streamers who did nothing wrong. I judged the masses for who was worthy out of spite for others to make their dream come true but not my sister. I paid the ultimate price for my blind ways and pushed everyone who cared for me away. Even then Goro saw a different light in me, and thus I was given a second chance one I won't let slip away again. I am Blossom the streamer who will put an end to your path of destruction and although I may not be worthy of claiming such things. I know for a fact anyone who wants to disrupt the peace of this country isn't either!"

The fog devoured the entire cell block as Melissa was left confined in pure darkness blind to the world around her. However, this wouldn't waver her as she used her animal instincts to pressure out the white noise and focus in on Blossom. Static noises flooded the area as Melissa heard whispers coming from her earpiece. Holding it against her ear, she looked around talking. "Psychosis? Is that you, sir?"

"You are not worthy." A distorted crackle hissed in her ear. Melissa snapped, throwing the earpiece away as she glanced away hearing those words echo frequently. "You are not worthy."

"Enough games! Face me, Paradox!"

Melissa turned as Blossom stood in the fog holding her arms out taunting the woman. Snapping at this Melissa charged Blossom at high speed, but inches from her something wrapped around her leg dragged her back into the darkness. The roots surrounding Blossom latched onto Melissa crashing her through serval cells, leaving no chance of escape. She was snapped back, crashing through the roof before smashing down to the ground. Melissa panted, losing her beast form. Her head pivoted around seeing dozens of figures running through the fog, leaving the woman paranoid. Standing up, she stepped back turning to every little sound heard. Losing all sense of control, Melissa ran towards Goro using him as a hostage to escape. That was until Blossom stood in front of her with a sad look. "I warned you to stop. I didn't want to hurt you, but you are looking to hurt good people. People who have helped me so much I cannot allow good people like Goro to die. I'm so sorry." Melissa flinched as serval roots whipped past her. A short time went by as the fog faded and Melissa collapsed bleeding out. Blossom bowed, showing her respects. "Forgive me I had no other choice."

Melissa lay back coughing as she smiled, looking to the sky. "You've truly shown me what power is… Parad- no Blossom thank you."

Blossom looked to Melissa slightly confused, wiping her teary eyes. "You are welcome, I suppose."

Goro pulled himself up looking troubled. "Gemini, is that you? Do you remember who you are?"

"I do… The worry of losing the people I care about was the last push I needed. I hear those whispers again; the Garden is trying to plough through my mind, but I feel strong enough to withstand their tricks for the first time in my life. It's all thanks to you Goro. You and Aoi."

Blossom hugged her dear friend as Goro began wiping his eyes unable to hold back his tears. "I am glad. I am glad to be of assistance Gemini! No matter what I'll always be there for you like Aoi once was!"

"Goro. Thank you from both of us."

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