Chapter 212

Chapter 212: The Fury of Mistress Chaos Part 1

Iris had been staring at the sunset for the longest time now. Her thoughts were with her friends, she felt like a coward not fighting alongside them, but she just knew how important her own task was. Closing the curtain, her eyes turned to Sam resting like always. She sat down next to her mumbling, trying to find the words to say. "I'm sorry it's me who's here to protect you today… It should have been Alton I know but. Man, how did you do this, Unity? How did you keep such a brave face fighting evil…" Feeling ever so slightly hopeless she frowned leaning back in her chair nibbling on a bag of crisps. "I hope the others are doing alright…"

The door to the room slid open as a nurse stood smiling. "Miss Hawthorne I'm afraid visiting hours ended hours ago. You should really go home."

"I can't I made a promise to keep Sam safe, can you overlook this for me?"

"I'm afraid not. Don't worry though Miss Belling is very safe here I can ensure you."

Iris crumbled her crisp bag up, throwing it away. "No matter, if it's all the same to you can I stay at the hospital tonight? With all the Syndicate mess happening, I want to be here in case anything happens."

"You seriously think they will attack an innocent girl?"

"She's more than that. She's a hero."

Understanding Iris' worries the nurse gave in walking her out. "You can stay in the staff room tonight if you see it fit. I've been attending to Miss Belling since she first arrived here nearly seven years ago. I've been around her so long it too is very personal to me. For the longest time, only Alton visited her, and I could always see the sad look he would give her whenever he rarely visited. But now, you and your sister visit regularly and although you might not see it, I can tell Sam is delighted by this."

"Will she ever wake up?"

"The other doctors aren't optimistic. We don't even really know what is wrong with her. It's been written down as a coma, but that's all we've really got at the time being. Even so, I know she will wake up. She has to."josei

Iris smiled, standing in the corridor by the reception. "You care deeply for your patients, don't you?"

"It's why I became a nurse. Is there anything I can get you? Some food and a blanket?"

"I'll be fine, thank you." Iris shook her head to as the nurse left her be. She began signing some papers when she started hearing a racket a few wards down. Poorly writing her name due to her still getting used to her eyesight, she placed the pen down walking over, staring down the corridor. The racket had come to a halt for the time being. Or so she thought, at that moment a large explosion rippled through the hospital knocking Iris to her feet. Coughing over the excessive amount of smoke pouring in Iris' eyes widened. A woman in a long black dress and white hair walked out from the ward furthest from her wearing a black demon mask identical to the Syndicate masks. Iris bolted up, moving her arm back as a cube rushed into Sam's room. Her head turned to the nurses as she kept ushering them back. "Get to safety."

The woman stopped staring directly at Iris with a dull look. "So, you're the one assigned to protect the girl. Should have expected something like this. No matter I'll just dispose of you here." A rippled explosion blew the area away as Iris pulled out another cube creating a barrier to block her attack. However, to her utmost horror, the explosion blasted through her unbreakable defence knocking Iris to the ground in pain. "Was that meant to stop me?"

Iris crawled back holding her stomach in pain she began crawling back before her cubes rushed under her body, dragging her into Sam's room. Leaning back against the wall, she held her hand up, ready to strike when she came in. A small amount of time passed before the barrier to Iris' right exploded with large chunks of rubble ripping through the room. The woman walked in glancing around grumbling. "I bet you think yourself pretty smart don't you little girl, moving Sam Belling like that give me a break."

Iris pulled herself up giggling. "The moment I suspected an attack, I moved Sam to another ward. She could be anywhere in this building, and you'd have no idea. The police and other streamers should be here at any moment. That's enough time to hold you back!" Jerking her arm forward the cube extended smashing the woman back to the wall. Although it was clearly a direct hit, she seemed relatively unphased by it.

"Was that meant to hurt the little girl? You don't have any idea who you're dealing with, do you?! My name is Mistress Chaos, and I'm known as the fury of the Syndicate family!"

The whole roomed ruptured into an explosion as Iris leapt out the window free falling before her cube pushed her into the floor below. Thankfully for her, the room was empty, but that wasn't the case for many others. Dozens of sick and injured people could become victim to Mistress Chaos' almighty powers, and Iris knew that. Even if the so-called backup arrived, it might be too late at that moment. Iris had to defeat the Syndicate member now. Hearing another charged attack, Iris bolted back leaping into the air vents hiding. The ceiling caved in as Mistress chaos dropped down looking around. "You cannot hide forever, girl. Or you can and watch innocent people die."

Crawling around the vents, knowing her only chance was a surprise attack, Iris stopped leaning against the side in pain. Flicking her hand around two cubes formed around her before darting around the vents scouting the floor. Coming back to her, she learned how many people she had to keep safe. Twenty-six people on the floor. Knowing all well the other floors were probably already being evacuated Iris felt a little at ease. But this wasn't the end of it, yet she had to protect everyone in the hospital alongside Sam. No easy task but she was determined to win. Crawling through the vents, she jumped out a few rooms down leaning against the wall using a small cube to scout Mistress Chaos' location. Still, she felt a little at ease in the same room, moving around checking the rooms. One had a nurse moving two patients. Scurrying in the room, she put a finger to her mouth, ushering her forward. "Keep quiet and hurry." Helping the nurse and patients out they called the elevator, which was locked to the first floor. Having no choice, they had to use the stairs. This, however, was of no use with the stairs caved in due to the explosion.

"There you are!" Iris flinched turning to see Mistress chaos muddling up a large explosion. Calling up all her cubes, she created serval barriers to block the attack, and although it broke through most of them, thankfully, it was enough to hold the attacks back. Iris called up one more cube panting holding it in her hand, squeezing it hard enough for it to become soft. Launching it out the window, she three civilians out collapsing safely on the new landing down below. Pushing herself back, she climbed back into another set of vents to slip away. The cubes broke apart as Iris watched from the vents Mistress Chaos walk past. "Cautious one aren't you. If you think sneaking around will help you win, you're dead wrong little one." The woman looked directly up, staring at Iris through the vents making her freeze in horror. "Die!"

Iris was blown out of the vents smashing to the ground struggling to stand. Lifted up by her neck Iris struggled around kicking Mistress Chaos serval times. "Even if I cannot kill Sam Belling, I'm sure you are close enough to Alton for him to feel something."

Iris gripped the woman's arm tightly before yelling her eyes glittering yellow. "Don't underestimate a Hawthorne member!" The woman was knocked back as two cubes smashed against her lifting the villain in the air morphing around, twisting and turning. On the floor, Iris threw her hand down as serval cubes now spears stabbed into the cube, cutting it apart before it was smashed down. On her last leg, Iris panted looking up in shock. "Impossible… How did that do nothing?"

Mistress Chaos emerged from the onslaught with nothing but a few cuts. "While I admire your efforts, this ends now."

Iris panicked forming a bubble around Mistress Chaos negating the explosion. It worked for the most part, but Iris was still knocked back, hitting the wall behind her. Staring at her foe, Iris gripped her fist tightly, always willing to fight. "Why are you doing this?! Just how sick are you to attack a hospital and attempt to kill an innocent girl stuck in a coma?!"

"Call me what you like I do not care. You're a friend of my daughter; I suppose one of the weaklings to soften her up. She hesitates to even kill her enemies these days how far she's fallen. But if I were to kill people who are close to her dear sweet Alton Brantley, maybe that will give her a wakeup call to fight."

"Scarlett… You're Lilith Syndicate then, Scarlett's mother."

"Correct. Thinking about it, I believe we've met before correct? Hawthorne, you're not anything special so you must be Iris Hawthorne. If it were Alice, she might have defeated me."

Perhaps. That's just how amazing my sister is. But that doesn't mean I'll let you walk all over me. I'll defend Sam's life until my last breath!"

"Like I was going to let you have it any other way."

Lighting an explosion Iris prepared for the worst looking away expecting death to come. But before her eyes, the blast was stopped as Mistress Chaos was sent flying to her right through serval walls. Iris glanced up coughing, struggling to see who it was. "Sam?"

Iris was picked up thrown onto the figure's back as they began to run. Both, however, stopped as Mistress Chaos blasted back blocking their escape. "After all this time you foolish decide to show yourself after the humiliating defeat again and again."

"Well, that's just me. I'm a real sore loser."

Iris was left in shock recognising the voice straight away clinging onto the figure with the last of her strength. The figure pulled his sleeve up as a thick tattoo was revealed of a sea serpent. It began coming to life reacting as another explosion came. The sea serpent snapped from the figure's arm wrapping around both of them negating the blast with a heavy burst of water. "It can't be… You, why are you here?"

"It's a long story. I'll explain everything when this is all over. Can you still fight midget?"

"I can…"

Iris was let down working on pure willpower just to stand. Mistress Chaos smirked rubbing her chin. "You stopped my explosion. Not too bad for a Montague that is."

"I'm not Montague. I threw that life away because of my own twisted desires and corrupted natures. I hate that I thought like that, but the veil has been torn from my eyes. I'm changing my ways. I'm returning to my old ways and making good on that promise. You're now up against Monty, the first hero of Rhinefield I hope your prepared villain."

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