Chapter 214

Chapter 214: The Blood Moon Rising

"So, you've finally come, have you, your entire life has been working to this moment. How does it feel?" Kurt taunted walking down the flight of stairs staring Scarlett down from the lobby of V.I.R.A.L HQ. The security had been dealt with as Scarlett turned to her enemy. "Are you going to kill me now?"

"That is why I'm here."

"Quite right. For your family and the new future." Kurt nodded, standing in front of her. "So, what are you waiting for? I'm unarmed no one to protect me. Slay your enemy and free yourself!"

Scarlett was about to before hesitating. "No…"

"No? Hmm, how interesting. Did you catch onto my plan? No, you couldn't possibly to know of my power. You're hesitant, or perhaps, ah I understand now. You still have unfinished business, don't you."

Scarlett raised her blade towards Kurt's neck. "I will get to the bottom of this all. But I must prove myself worthy in defeating my former allies. I must be the one to defeat Alton Brantley. If I cannot then my life will mean nothing. The people who raised me will have died for nothing. Then and only then can I think about your twisted deeds demon."

Pushing the blade away Kurt scoffed. "I'd like to see myself more of an angel of death. Very well, though. I will not intervene one bit; I'm not the sort of person to stand between someone and fate. I will wait here to see the results myself. Cause chaos and mayhem sweet child. Destroy all of your enemies."

The red light pierced through the skyline as the blood moon was on full display. Kurt began laughing to himself, uncontrollably sitting down on the steps, making Scarlett uncomfortable. "What have you done?"

Raising his hands, he kept laughing to himself with a gleeful look. "Nothing. I've been talking with you this whole time. But now the question arises, do you know who the real enemy is anymore?"


"Are you alright, Emil?" Alice questioned concerned for her friend. "Alton can we stop a moment."

Frustrated by this, Alton turned back around, walking over. "What is the problem now? Emil talk to me."josei

"My head is all fuzzy. I can't think straight, and I keep hearing a voice."

"A voice? What kind of voice?" Alton snapped. "You didn't make a deal with any stages of grief, did you?"

"Don't be absurd I'm not idiotic like you or Zinnia." Emil barked falling to his knee as the blood moon was on full display. "The voice… It's so soothing, the voice of reason."

Alton tugged Alice back looking concerned. "Keep on your guard Alice… That moon."

"A blood moon? That doesn't make any sense."

"Yet there one stands. It seems it's affecting Emil… Emil, can you hear me? Emil?!"

A chuckle of a thousand voices echoed out of Emil as he looked up with cold dead black eyes. "How goes the struggle Alton Brantley? Are you still you?"

"Who are you? What stage of grief has taken Emil? Answer me!"

"I have gone nowhere," Emil whispered, standing up straight. "It's me, Alton, don't you recognise your friend?"

"Don't fuck with me, I've had enough of this all."

"You've been through a lot, we know. We've been watching you since the day you arrived on this planet. How does it feel Alton? How does it feel to be always two steps behind us?"

"Bargaining I swear to God…"

"There is no Bargaining here. Nor is there any denial. There is no anger nor depression. There is no such thing as acceptance only death soon, only us."

Alice looked troubled, holding her head. "This feeling? What is this? I remember this light…"


"I'm fine… I think so, anyway. This monster won't sway me."

"Children of the Garden, so annoying to take. No matter what will you do now, Team Rhapsody?"

"You keep going, Alton. I'll handle Emil and stop whatever has possessed him."

"No, we take him together. We cannot defeat Scarlett alone."

"You both want to defy the future? What a pity and here I thought we were allies? Foolish of me." Emil scoffed as serval shadows emerged all around him. The stench of death crept closer to the heroes as Emil stopped jumping back as a figure crashed between them. "What's this?"

Alton moved his arm away lost. "Wait, you're…"

Emi stood igniting her psychic prowess from her fists. "You probably have many questions, but we do not have time for any of them. They've already begun their purge."

"Purge? What are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter," Alton whispered. "I don't trust you Syndicate scum, but I'll allow this. If you do anything to even harm Emil."

"Don't worry Alton, I'll leave your friend in one piece. I was hoping to settle our score, but it appears we won't get that chance. You're a good person, don't let your feelings change that."

Alton and Alice ran off as Emi Syndicate turned to Emil. "I'm sorry they got to you, Montague. I wish we could have been there sooner. I'm not sure if I can but… I'll free you from the hands of V.I.R.A.L!"

Emil shook his head sighing. "How boring. Here I was wanting to destroy the children of the garden. Syndicate always getting in my way. Even then 400 years ago, you chose to blindly fight when you were clearly defeated. Some things never change." He stared at Emi with a death glare as the shadows consumed the area. "Shall we get started then?"


"Why did we do that? We left him to die!" Alice yelled, feeling horrified for abandoning Emil to his demon. "To make matters worse, we trusted a member of the high council of Syndicate to save him! What sort of friends are we?"

Alton turned to slap Alice around the face leaving her in complete shock. "We have more to concern ourself over than Emil. Scarlett is the one we should focus on."

Alice held her face sniffing on the verge of crying. "You don't care about Syndicate destroying V.I.R.A.L or whatever took over Emil. You just want to fight Scarlett… Emil was right you've lost it. Please, Alton, please hear me. I may not be Zinnia or Scarlett but don't go down this path. Don't let it consume you."

Alton turned away facing the HQ. "Are you wishing to stop me, Alice? If you doubt my means, you are no longer my ally."

Alice couldn't help but feel hurt by this as she shook her head, holding his hand. "I'll always be your ally, Alton… I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. Let's end this betrayal once and for all. Just make sure you don't stab me in the back as well."


Scarlett's head turns as she felt her heart drop. She stood up seeing Alton and Alice standing before her. "So, you've finally shown up… Where's Emil?"

"Why do you care?"

"I suppose that is only fair. You treat me so-called more so than our usual enemies. I guess I deserved it…"

"My mother taught me something when I was a child. Out of everything told one thing was made sure. Betraying others is the worst thing of all time. It's worse than murder. It doesn't just break friendships but memories. That is something I can never forgive or do myself. I'll end this once and for all."

Scarlett turned, seeing Kurt watching in the distance. She bit her lip finding her courage again. "I was still holding out on hope we could be allies once again. I still believe we can but…" She glanced up as her eyes glowed crimson red and she began floating. "I cannot lose here! If I do, my whole life would have been for nothing. I will not lose again!"

Alton lowers his hand like an ice sword ripples into existence. His determined look grew only more robust. "Let's end this once and for all."

Kurt watched the battle begin as he leaned against his hand grinning. "Who will win? The tormented hero of Team Rhapsody or the child prodigy destined to change the world for her family? I'm very much looking forwards to finding out." Kurt suddenly stopped what he was saying, holding his head with a sudden jolt of pain. He stood up seeing lightning strikes appearing flooding the city his eyes widened before he grinned mischievously. "So, after all this time you've finally returned to your home legendary hero…"


From the rooftop, a girl stood looking over the city. Her hand ran over the railings, which met with a small giggle. "I haven't seen this place in a while it sure has changed…" Another lightning strike roared down behind the girl as she tied up her pink hair nodding as a crackle of electricity move through her veins. A strong wind blows as she jumps up balancing off the railings leaning back, smiling. "Don't worry Team Rhapsody. I'm coming to save you all."

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