Chapter 216

Chapter 216: Goodbye Rhapsody Part 2

"No… Alice, I didn't mean to… It wasn't meant to hit you…"

Alton ran over, holding Alice in his arms. "Why did you do that?!"

"I promised you. I'd always protect you, Alton, I'll take Zinnia's place and make sure of that no matter what."

Alice passed out looking worse for wear. Alton lowered her down slowly as he turned to Scarlett his body freezing over. Each step he took froze everything around him with pure black ice, his skin turned a bleak white as his whole body was dropping in temperature. Alton's head lifted tears frozen down his face as he bit his lip screaming. All the ice shattered instantly as Alton lost all self-control over himself. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Kurt watched on with a gleeful grin. "And this is the moment I've been waiting for. The fall of Team Rhapsody once and for all."

Alton snapped forward at immense speed throwing Scarlett off as his hand moved around, sending a mass array of ice at her. Like how his father fought, Scarlett was utterly overwhelmed. Alton gave her no chance of a counter-attack as heavy blizzard and icicles just kept bombarding the girl. With her back against the corner, she unleashed a gigantic set of explosions stopping Alton's attack. Or at least she thought so anyway. Alton broke through the blast kicking Scarlett against the wall smashing his fist right through as Scarlett just avoided the attack. Twisted herself around, she called on her swords which floated around her before striking. Alton's head turned as his face was slashed by the blade, but no blood came out. Scarlett was left horrified, knowing what this meant. His heart was freezing, and he was losing all emotion is his body; he was so hellbent on killing her, and there was nothing to stop him. No longer did Scarlett see her former friend but a monster better suited to her battle against Ragnar himself.

Stomping the ground serval times icicles ripped from the earth towards Scarlett. Flying high up to avoid such drastic powers she was blasted down by a massive blizzard. Inches from being impaled, she held herself steady just saving herself from certain death. Her hand moved back as Alton was torn from his point towards Scarlett. As she readied her counter-attack, Alton grabbed onto her neck, choking her out slowly freezing her. Trying to break free Alton showed not one bit of sympathy. Scarlett was tossed to the side, smashed into a newly made ice wall. Alton pinned her against the wall holding her by the neck as the hailstorm returned. "You're nothing more than a leech feeding off others. You cannot be anything more than that." Thrown into the air Scarlett was blasted with a constant barrage of hail flying back. Twitching her hand, almost passing out a second burst of wind ran through her body. She held both hands together, igniting the whole area blowing away Alton's attacks. Before any more attacks could be summoned for Scarlett's use, Alton interrupted rising from the ground kneeing Scarlett in the stomach, destroying her counter-attack. Above the former ally, Alton clutched both hands together slamming Scarlett down crashing through the ice walls and the ground.

Refusing to give in Scarlett sent out a small concentrated explosion simply to distance herself from Alton. The further back she was the safer she felt countering her escape with a bombardment of psychic attacks. Alton walked forward summoning icicles all around him bombarding Scarlett. Her own attacks would counter and block much as possible, but it was too much for her as Alton was now a pure monster. Forced back this would be her downfall. Propelling both arms in the air Scarlett was crushed by an unrelenting blizzard blocking him from view. The room began to shake as Alton's eyes glowed through the fog alongside a maniac laugh. Teleporting in front of Scarlett he pinned her against the wall as he screamed out. "Almighty Ice Age!" A colossal iceberg ripped through the HQ destroying half the building as everything all around froze over instantly. A heavy layer of snow fell upon the area covering it forever.

Scarlett lay on her back, defeated coughing up blood. Kurt stood up, clapping the echo booming around the HQ. "Wonderful, truly wonderful. Your power is unlike anything we have ever seen. You know what to do Alton. Kill her, she betrayed you and tried taking away everything you hold dear. She almost killed Alice, she wants to take Sam from you and destroy Team Rhapsody. So, fulfil your purpose and kill her."

Scarlett stared up in horror, crawling away as Alton approached her with a blank expression. She tried escaping so desperately. Stopping in her tracks, Alton kicked her back as she rolled over whimpering. Staring down with his hate, he raised his hand as an icicle stabbed down just missing Scarlett and another and another with none seeming to hit its mark. A concentrated one, however, managed to hit right through her shoulder lifting the girl up. She screamed in pain, shaking her head in horror. "Please Alton, please don't do it! I beg of you!" His eyes twisted and turned as he pulled her away, pinning her down strangling his former friend. She tried breaking free, but all her strength was gone. All she could do was accept her death, failing her family once again. Alton screamed in pain, doing the deed in feeling boiling rage swell and consume him. But for a split moment, that faded as he saw Alice staring at him in horror holding her hand out. "Stop…"

Alton fell back at the last moment just sparing Scarlett as he looked at his hands disgusted at what he was doing. A firm sigh was heard as Kurt stood up, shaking his head. "What a pity, you're no different to the rest. So weak."

Alton stood up, turning to the CEO weary. His hand began to shake as he readied his own attack. "No one else will contr-." Alton was cut short as a shadow ripped through his built-up attack cutting his hand clean off. His eyes widened as he fell to the floor down by a single blow.

"Alton!" Alice screamed.

"What a shame, what a shame. You could have joined our ranks Alton Brantley, saved the world from evil and relished in immortality. But nonetheless, you had to play the hero."

"What just happened?" Alton whispered lying back, unable to move. "Did he just attack? I didn't even see it."

Kurt walked down the stairway tutting. "That my boy would be my cursed powers bestowed to me by the Garden. The shadows of death, built to defeat any pathetic human like yourself."

"The Garden?!" Alton cried, turning his head.

"Quite right. For you see Alton 400 years ago, I was created by our overlords for the sole purpose of destroying mankind and while my plans have changed since then. My power hasn't. If you do not join us, then I see no reason for you to live any longer." Kurt scoffed consuming Alton in a dark shadow. But before the deed could be finished, Kurt rolled his eyes standing back as Psychosis burst through attacking the CEO. A thick shadow rippled up, blocking this attack. "You Syndicate family never knows when to quit do you?!"

"Mortem! I'll make you pay for what you did to our family. What you did to Victoria, you will not win today, and you will not take the lives of these children!"

Kurt turned his head smirking as smoke poured from his hand. "Oh, but I will." Psychosis was blinded by a puff of smoke choking on his own breath. Before long Kurt walked past cutting down Psychosis with a single blow from his shadow. A deep cut grained into his skull as Psychosis died on the spot with little chance. "That was the almighty Psychosis the most powerful super-villain known to Victoria? Pathetic, truly pathetic. But I suppose he was holding back if he truly wanted to, he might have killed me if he had used all his powers. But that's just the man Jack Syndicate was. Far too fixated on protecting his children even if one of them turned him down and tried stopping them. A father till the very end."

Scarlett watched on in horror seeing her own father killed before her very eyes. She tried fighting but fell short, unable to move. "Who are you?!" Alton yelled.

"Who am I? It's probably better to ask who we are? CEOs of V.I.R.A.L? Ha, how low. We sure fooled the world, didn't we?  400 years ago, the Garden was stopped, and we failed our mission. But our kind remained able to possess the masses we hid away using fake stories like V.I.R.A.L saving the world to build up our ranks. Now we have full control over the country and an army of streamers at our disposal. We are known as angels of death; you may call us Mortem."

"I won't let you get away with this!"

"Oh, but Alton. We already have, if you had sided with your sweet Scarlett, you might have had a slight chance, but alas you've lost. The world will quickly forget who you are, and we will move on towards a bright golden age."

Alton turned to Alice coughing, holding his hand out. "Alice, run!"

"Oh, I don't think so. I won't let anyone else slip from my grip again!"

"It wouldn't be the first time." Kurt's head turned as he stood up, staring on in awe. Geostruction stood at the entrance shaking her head. "We meet once again, Kurt Hatching."josei

Alton's eyes turned to the woman who was the spitting image of Zinnia down to the hair colour and looks. His vision blurry he held his hand out whimpering. "Zinnia?"

Geostruction kneeled to his level, patting Alton's head. "You must be Alton Brantley; I've heard all of what you've done for my daughter. Thank you, I'll handle this."

"Hanna Trost. It's been 400 years, but at last, we are reunited as husband and wife. Are you here for this body?"

Hannah stared at Kurt with a firm look. "You bet your ass I am Mortem. I won't allow you to hurt any more people. This is where it all ends."

Kurt grinned as serval shadows appeared all around him. "You're absolutely right, my dear. Let's finish what we started 400 years ago shall we?"

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