Chapter 218

Chapter 218: The Child of V.I.R.A.L

400 years ago, our country was left in ruins, on the verge of destruction from the great evil known only as of the Garden. When all hope seemed lost, four almighty warriors rose and purged the Garden from our world. They came together and saved our country from doom, creating the great and powerful V.I.R.A.L forevermore. Wanting to share their gifts with the world, they recruited the Anti-Humans of Victoria to the fame and fortune they too received. Ever since then, Victoria's last remaining country had blossomed and grown to a new Golden age with the streamers protecting the people from whatever threat. However, two years ago, our beautiful nation was left shocked and devasted as our own streamers were seen as the enemy. The evil and infamous Syndicate family saw to destroy all we worked hard to build alongside them. The once-beloved Team Rhapsody betrayed us and stood with the family to destroy V.I.R.A.L once and for all. Fear not, though, as the all-powerful CEOs stopped their plans with the aid of Team Rhapsody's own Alton Brantley. Even though he sacrificed his very soul to save us all, it was no in vain. We will ensure you we'll hunt down the rest of this traitorous group of streamers and anyone who sides with them. Only together can we win as we are the Vanguard to light the way, the imagination to spark anew, we are revolutionary and almighty. We are the law. We are V.I.R.A.L.


The V.I.R.A.L broadcast boomed throughout a large military-type plane as it roared over the outskirts of Rhinefield, hovering over an old rundown bunker. The sun had only just set as the next mission was about to begin. Within the plane, three figures sat awaiting the drop. In her mid-teens, a young girl sat in the middle of the runway making loud noises while playing with her toy cars. She had them scattered all around in different shapes and sizes. No one paid her much attention as they were all gearing up. A girl the same age was brushing her chestnut brown hair down by her side, carefree chewing on some gum. The last was a boy staring out the window, clicking a pen serval time to a four-beat rhythm. They suddenly stopped apart from the girl playing with her toys as Kurt walked in from the front, turning to the Anti-humans. "Zephyr Squad at the ready."

The two stood up, glancing at the girl. "Lily, get up."

Lily pivoted her head, moving her tangled black hair away from her bare and pale face. "Oh, are we starting? I wanted to play some more…"

Kurt walked past as the back of the plane opened up, and the wind roared through. "Dollhouse, Rapunzel and Gogh, your mission is simple. We have located the remaining family member of the Montagues Jinx Montague. Your mission is simple, kill her and any other traitor of V.I.R.A.L, that is all. The drop zone will be just outside the main bunker. Alpha squad will meet to assist you if needed. However, that won't be likely. Any other questions."

Rapunzel raised her hand, spitting her gum out. "Yeah, I have one boss. Where's lucky number four?"

Kurt turned around, folding his arms. "Fear not, Rapunzel Cascade will be there. He's already infiltrated the base as we speak. He will get done what you cannot. Drop zone in thirty."

Gogh walked over to the edge of the walkway, leaning forward, letting the wind blow against his face. "What a hassle all of this is…"

"Always such a Dobbie downer Kenny lighten up, will you?"

Letting out another sigh, he rubs the back of his head, grumbling. "I don't care."

Lily walked over her arms full of toy cars and trucks as she swayed left and right. "I'm so looking forward to playing with my toys, hehe. Oh shit…" She gasped, dropping one over the edge. "My red car… Might as well throw them all, I guess."

From the bunker, serval guards looked up, seeing the plane flying overhead. As they were about to call for backup, dozens of toy cars were thrown, falling. Lily clapped her hands together as one eye glowed before all of the toys grew out of nowhere to their standard size. Dozens of cars and trucks crashed down, exploding on impact blowing the first-line defence away like nothing. Jumping from joy, Lily began punching the air. "Direct hit! Hell, yeah, did you see that Alesha did you?!"

"How could I not?" Rapunzel muttered in awe. The green light ignited as the three Anti-humans crashed down, freefalling to the battlefield. Rapunzel smashed down, leaving a crater around her as serval freedom fighters turned to her in horror. She grinned mischievously, cracking her knuckles. "Isn't war such an exciting thing?"

Before any of them could respond, they were all snared and cut down by Rapunzel's hair extending in razor-sharp metal. Lily elegantly fell from the safety of her umbrella, spinning it around, falling into Rapunzel's arms. "Anything is exciting when I'm with you."

Gogh hit the floor, standing up dusting off two worn down paintbrushes. As the grounds flooded out with freedom fighters, Gogh turned, swinging his brushes around. Each of the troopers saw themselves held up by strings unable to move. Twirling the brush around, he swiped through each fighter by their neck. Moments passed until their heads came clean off and blue paint burst out. "So boring… I wish this Jinx would just give herself up…"

"All in good time, Kenny. Let us enjoy the battle." Rapunzel reminded.

"I hardly see how killing people is considered fun."

"Usually, it's not, but when they are traitors, and we get paid to do so, I tend to overlook the killing part."

"Whatever, I don't care."

Swinging a toy plane around in the air with the sounds to match, Lily suddenly stopped looking weary. "I sense something off."

The ground beneath them crumbled apart as the three members of Zephyr squad were blown back. Lying on her back in pain, Rapunzel glanced up, flinching in shock. "We weren't told of this… After all these years, you finally show yourself."

From the rubble, Emi Syndicate appeared with now short hair turned to one side; her menacing presence still remained as she stared at the foes. "Zephyr Squad. You are fools to attack so blindly."

Emi leapt back, avoiding Gogh's attacks as she crouched down, letting her psychic energy flow through her arms and legs. "As are you. The last remaining high council member and now the new Queen to Syndicate. Your leader fell to our cause, as shall you."

"Cute. The only one here who will face defeat is you." Emi challenged, bolting forward, catching the group off guard. She crushed Gogh's hand with her own, throwing him over her shoulder, hitting the ground leaving behind a deep crater. Emi's head turned as Rapunzel shot her hair forward, clashing with Emi. Having no choice, she dodged and weaved throughout the entire attack closing the gap landing a single uppercut to her stomach, taking out Rapunzel right there and then.

Lily gasped at this sight. "Alesha!" Lily threw her toy plane out of pure anger growing it to its regular size, throwing Emi off entirely. Emi stomped her foot, throwing her fists at incredible scream with a battle yell breaking the plane apart, leaving a chain explosion behind her. Lily fell to the ground crawling back, devasted. "I'm sorry… Please, I didn't mean to…"

Rapunzel held her hand out, yelling out. "Lily, no!"

Lily began tearing up, covering her face knowing all too well she was going to die. That was until Emi's head turned as the bunker collapsed and one last figure rippled out. Emi's eyes widened as she didn't have time to respond. "Alton?!"

Alton tackled her with his built-up momentum throwing her into a tree as frozen spikes rippled out, blocking her every move. Alton stood up, turning to Lily with a blank stare. He scratched his thick yet small beard; his long white hair moved with the wind as Lily smiled, still shaking. "Cascade! You came."

Alton turned, walking towards Emi, whose legs were shaking with a mixture of fear and pain. "Alton? That can't be. We were told you died two years ago… How are you?"

Alton continued to stare blankly, staring down at Emi with a judgmental look. "Who the hell is Alton?" Emi's eyes widen as she was knocked to the ground with a strong current of water holding her down and slowly drowning her. Lifting the water bubble with Emi inside, he gripped it tightly, readying three spears of ice to do the deed in. "There is only Cascade."

"That's enough!" Alton stopped his attack, turning to see Jinx standing in the open panting, throwing the last of the Alpha squad away. "Your fight is with me."

Alton let Emi go walking over to Jinx. "Did you honestly believe you would be able to hide forever, Jinx Montague? We were always going to find you."

"What the hell have they done to you, Brantley? This isn't you. You don't have to do this; V.I.R.A.L is using you for their own gains. Fight this! Together we can make them pay for what they did to you, to Scarlett, to Emil."

Alton continued to stare at Jinx, not saying a single word. His hand twitched as Emi rushed in, pushing Jinx out of the way. "Look out!" Emi was torn towards the sky as dozens of icicles ripped from the ground holding her in place. Blood trickled down, hardening and moving back towards Emi. She held her hand out, screaming. "Hollie, run!"

Emi was cut down as the life in her eyes faded all at once. Jinx stared on in horror, gritting her teeth pulling out a pistol to shoot Alton down. Tossing his hand forward, a small chunk of ice wedged its way into the barrel, making the gun explode in Jinx's face making her stumble back stunned. Alton snapped forward, swinging his fist down, smacking Jinx so hard to the ground she flew back up into a combo. Alton started swinging his arms around serval times, landing multiple hits on her before blasting her back with a burst of water, smacking her into a wall of ice. The pressure grew until it's breaking point smashing her through the wall shattering the ice, and leaving chunks stabbing into her.

Jinx collapsed to the ground, long defeated by Alton once more. Wandering up to her with a sharp frozen spear in hand, he held it up, ready to finish the traitor off. Jinx held his leg, whimpering out. "Come home… Alice is waiting, we need you to help us find… Zinnia."josei

That name dug daggers through Alton's heart for a reason he seemly wasn't unsure of. His hand trembled as he felt a teardrop fall landing on Jinx. Gritting his teeth, he dropped the spear, stomping on Jinx's face knocking her out. Turning around, Alton held a hand to his earpiece. "This is Cascade of the Zephyr squad target is down. Ready for pick up."

Rapunzel was helped up by Lily as both embraced each other, feeling like everything was about to end. Lily stared on at Alton, smiling yelling out. "Thank you, Cascade! Thank you for saving us."

Alton turned his head towards his group, giving them a small nod as he stared down at Jinx, sighing. "You just never know when to quit, do you, Hollie? Why did you have to bring her up for?"

Gogh stood staring on with shame. "Is this what we do now? Kill people who disagree with our cause? I thought Victoria was meant to be a country welcome to all."

"This is necessary, Kenny. For the future, we are all running towards V.I.R.A.L must stand. They are all we Anti-Humans got."

"I suppose you're not wrong…"

Alton walked over, wiping his face of the blood. "You all alright?"

"Thanks to you, leader. Man, you are unlike anything we've ever seen. Your power is on an entirely different level!" Lily screeched, thrilled hugging Rapunzel even tighter."

"Bring it down two notches, Lily." She whispered, hugging Lily back. "Say, back then, they called you Alton Brantley. But Alton is dead, isn't he?"

"Don't let it worry you. They must have mistaken me for him… I'm just Cascade, nothing more, nothing less. Alton Brantley never existed. Forget him."

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