Chapter 220

Chapter 220: A Terrible Truth

"Isn't it? Tell me, Child of the Garden, what do you see as impossible these days? You've become sloppy, and we're knocking on your front door, Alton Brantley. It's been a while, hasn't it, though? Last time we met was back on the island. I did warn you next time I won't show any mercy."


Acceptance grinned, twisting his head to his side, mocking Alton. "Now, shall I show you a terrible truth?"


Alton lowered his head as the fire crackled, keeping him awake. He peered over at Scarlett, who was fast asleep. However, they hadn't seen a sign of any Moss in hours that wouldn't allow him to keep his guard down. It was still lightly snowing as the fire didn't help keep him warm at all. Shivering, Alton curled up, breathing into his hands. He always felt guilty for not being able to save the children for allowing Lucas to be kidnapped. He wasn't quite prepared for the reaction he would receive when they do arrive back at the village. Resting his eyes for a short moment, they soon snapped back open as a voice called to him. "Alton Brantley, denier of the past."

Alton stood up, looking around in confusion. Scarlett hadn't noticed anything. Playing it off as his imagination, he sat back down, letting his guard down, falling fast asleep. Little time past as he awoke. He was no longer in the forest but a frozen wasteland dead of life. Scarlett was gone. In the distance was serval buildings all frozen over. In the snow, evidence remains of people. Alton stepped back paranoid. "What the hell is this?"

"This would be my powers gifted to me by the Garden. A Pocket dimension. I can snatch people's minds casting them into a world of my creation where they are trapped forever, or until I decide to release them. Unfortunately, my powers aren't nearly as they use to be. I will only be able to hold you for a short while."

"This place. I recognise it. Where am I?"

"Of course, you recognise it, Alton. This is your home. This is what remains of Sunset Peak."

"Impossible! How can I…" He stopped calming himself. "Who are you?"

"You may call me Acceptance, slave to the five stages of grief, burn it into your memory, Alton. For I am your doom." Acceptance boomed, appearing before Alton in his usual black suit. "I am your Salvation."


"I remember that day… You ambushed and took me by surprise back on the island. How are you here now?"

"While you've been slacking off following V.I.R.A. L's every command like a good lapdog, we've been growing stronger corrupting more of the innocence of this world. We are so very close to returning."

Alton sat back on his bed, frowning. "If that's the case, so be it. The CEOs will stop you."

"Is that how you truly feel, Alton Brantley? Although my seal doesn't work on you, I'm more than aware when you're lying. You allowed yourself to be captured by these slimes, and now you're locked away forever more doing their deeds without a second thought. You've even killed off your last identity going by Cascade now pretending you lost your memories to make things easier for you. How truly pathetic."josei

"Shut it… Like you know any better." Alton snapped, staring down, traumatised. "I failed to see the error of my ways. I got people hurt and killed because of it. I could have stopped them, but I let my own self-interest get in the way again. It was about money; I was number one alongside my friends. Everything was going my way, and I wasn't going to let that change. Because of that, I'm here where I belong. I haven't changed one bit since Vanguard, not now, not ever."

"So why lock yourself up and throw away the key? Tell me, Brantley, why are you working for your enemy?"

"The lesser of two greater evils, I suppose…" Alton suggested. "No, I would like to believe that. I picked a side to face against you, but that's not true. I chose this path because it's the easiest. If I chose to fight them, it would be hypocritical. It would only be because it suits my best interest, which I won't fight for again. I'd rather just let the old me wither and die away. The world only needs Cascade now, not Alton Brantley."

Acceptance chuckled, stepping back mocking Alton. "Is that so? You've rotted away here for so long you believe your own twisted lies. I believe at one point, you did care. You ordered Alice to flee all those years ago. You refused to kill Scarlett and tried taking down Mortem but after losing everything. Losing Zinnia and Gale, Emil and Alice, you just gave up."

Alton gripped his single handshaking it furiously. "Is this what you do? Bewitch and mock people for their mistakes? If Gale defeated you, I have no problem doing the same."

Acceptance floated in the air holding his arms out. "While it is a shame, I'll have to cut the contract between you and Bargaining. He'll get over it. If you do not fight V.I.R.A.L, then I have no use for you." Alton readied himself only for Acceptance to turn his head flinching. "Impossible."

The area exploded, blowing the cell away as ripples of electricity igniting everywhere. Acceptance was blown away as Alton lay on the floor coughing. Cracking his eyes open, Alton's heart skipped a beat-matched this with his handshaking, and Alton was left in shock by what was happening. From the dust, Zinnia appeared, looking no different to the day she left, holding her katana by her side. She stared at Alton with a sad smile. "Zinnia… It can't be."

"Hey, Alton… Long-time no see."

Alton stood up distant, trembling. "Is, is it really you? Are you really there?"

Zinnia walked up to Alton taking his hand, nodding. "It is."

"Why… Why are you here?"

"To save you, silly." She frowned, looking at Alton's missing hand. "I can't even imagine how difficult these last three years have been. I should have never left… None of this might have happened if I didn't. But I'm here now to make things right."

Zinnia took Alton's hand, dragging him out of the cell. The prison block was empty, with guards scattered all across the walkway. "How did you find me?"

"It took a while to believe me. But I would never give up; I couldn't. Alice and the others are waiting for us outside. Team Rhapsody will rise again." Alton stopped making Zinnia confused as she turned around. What's wrong? We've got to hurry."

"I can't…"

Zinnia's face dropped as she walked over, holding his arms. "What do you mean? I'm here now; you don't have to hold that burden on your shoulders alone anymore. Whatever the CEOs have done to you, whatever Scarlett did, doesn't matter. We have to save Victoria from these monsters. I can't do that without you."

Alton looked at his feet with a dead look. He kept idly, shaking his head, looking more traumatised by the second. "Doing so will only get you killed. Get me hurt; I can't sacrifice you for my mistakes… Please leave me in peace."

Zinnia looked devastated, hugging Alton squeezing him tightly, begging him. "Alton, please, we can help. We're heroes till the very end."

"My name isn't Alton, and I'm no hero," Cascade whispered, blasting Zinnia back, freezing her against the wall. "And I won't send anyone else to their deaths."

Turning around, Alton stopped hearing Zinnia's voice change back into Acceptance's calm and collective tone. "Accept a terrible truth. This false fantasy of yours is a shamble. Allow me to show you." Alton's head turned as Zinnia, now acceptance, burst from his chains, pinning Alton against the wall. The moment this happened, Alton snapped awake, looking horrified as Acceptance's laugh echoed. "Don't you remember the last time we had this conversation, Alton? You fell for the same trick twice. Shame on you."

Alton held himself back, panting. "Just then… That. That wasn't real?"

"Not at all. But your intention very much was. You'd push the people who wish to save you away just to suit your own self-pity. You claim you don't want to send anyone else to their death, but this will just do the deed in through the worse possible outcome."

Crouched up, hiding away, Alton stared down, mumbling. "Leave me alone, just let me die in peace. This is what I deserve. I betrayed everything I stood for and paid the price. Why can't everyone accept that and leave me in peace?"

Acceptance stepped through the cell, staring down at Alton. "The world cannot accept that lie anymore, Alton Brantley. The world needs you to defeat V.I.R.A.L for a better tomorrow."


"If you will not accept that, then I'll have to push you along and show you what you fight for. I will show you a terrible truth."

Alton held his hand out, ready to fight, but his willpower wouldn't let him. He had none as he felt himself fading. "No, don't… I don't want to…"

"Sleep, sleep, Alton and awake to a new world of truth and cunning. Foresee what has happened and what will happen. Accept your fate to find your salvation."


Alton was jarred away by the sound of a school bell. Snapping up, he looked around to a classroom he didn't recognise. He felt his shoulder being tugged as he turned lost. "Oi, Kurt class is over. You coming or what?"

"Huh?" Was all Alton could splutter out.

"What does huh mean?!" The boy barked back. "We're are hanging out after school, remember Hatching? Stop brooding, and let's go."

Alton looked out the window, frozen in shock, seeing someone entirely different in the reflection. The person matched his body movements confirming the truth. The boy he saw had short, messy red hair and green eyes with freckles to match. He was left even more dumbfounded hearing the name. Alton's eyes widened as he whispered to himself in shock. "What the hell is going on?!"

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