Chapter 226

Chapter 226: Rise of a Hero Part 5

Crowds of people began running away in fear. The cluster of people faded as a loud explosion rung down the empty streets. One more blast flurried out as a girl in green spandex appeared from the flames floating in the air, holding bags of money howling with laughter. "Ahh, this shit is just too easy. Like taking candy from a forty-year-old businessman." Police officers poured onto the streets guns at the ready to strike. She tutted at sight, raising her hand as a small tornado rippled around her fingers. "They never learn, do they?"

Before the villain had the chance to strike, smoke poured throughout the streets, blocking her view. She looked around weary as a smoke bomb flew in her face knocking her back. Alton landed on a nearby lamppost keeping his balance. "Has anyone told you stealing is wrong?"

"It is?! Damn now I just feel bad." She cackled in a mocking tone. "Buddy, do you have any idea who I am?"

"The Oncoming Storm," Alton replied, turning to her with his Phantom attire being a half mask and hoodie. Holding a baseball bat over his shoulder, he shook his head, sighing. "I remember when Zinnia tried making me wear this stupid thing… How the tables have turned."

"Wait for a second, I know you. You're that know-it-all superhero, the Phantom. This is our first meeting, correct? A pleasure to meet my rival."

"You're in the wrong profession if you think we are rivals, Oncoming Storm."

"Sorry, I guess you weren't told I've changed my name. The oncoming storm was a mouthful and a terrible Doctor Who reference. I simply go by Geostruction now."

"Geostruction… Why does that name ring a bell for?" Alton whispered, looking confused. "No matter, I've received direct orders from The Blight father to dispose of you."

"So, he even got to you too, huh? Sorry to hear that. Did he promise you fame and fortune or something? Blackmail you or maybe forced you into this arrangement? Whatever it is, listen, you don't have to go there… Don't let that man ruin your life."

A smoke bomb grazed Geostruction's face blowing up behind her leaving her with a shocked look. "Your warning is noted. Truth be told, I don't really care. That man can say whatever he wants; I'm not here to take orders from him. You broke his promise and betrayed him. There's nothing more in this world I hate more than traitors. I no longer care for fame or fortune, nor has he blackmailed me. I'm simply going to kill you because I can."

"Your no hero then. You're a mere crook!"

Alton remained silent, holding his head in shame… "Maybe I am… What does it mean to be a hero…? I've been trying to figure that out for a while. No matter, this is what needs to be done of me." Alton held both hands back as he began cooking up smoke bombs, ready for a fight. Geostruction didn't even bother waiting, dropping the bags of cash flying the opposite way. Alton stopped staring blankly. "Is she seriously running away?" Crouching down, he propelled himself forward, phasing through buildings using his built-up force to keep up with Geostruction. Alongside her, Alton spun, chucking his bombs at the villain. She leapt over a railing onto the next building avoiding the explosion of smoke collapsing onto the next roof, rolling forward to brace her fall. The moment she landed, she continued to run at high-speed using the wind to push her along. Her head cranked seeing Alton leaping between buildings trying to pin her down. Jumping in the air, she made a roundhouse kick knocking Alton backflipping back propelling herself up with a manmade tornado.

"He really isn't giving up, is he?! What the hell is with this guy…" Geostruction whispered to herself in shock. As Alton came back around, propelling his hands together for a powered-up ball of smoke. "Not so fast, hero!" Lifting her hand up, a tornado erupted, scooping up all the smoke and devouring Alton's attack instantly. Looking to next blast Alton away, she moved the tornado forward only to flinch, finding him gone. "What the? Where did he go?!" Alton crashed down to the ground launching ahead. "Shit, that was just a distraction!"

Throwing a punch, Geostruction was knocked back. Still, she quickly saved herself, flipping around, pushing herself off the roof as it exploded. Looking up, she saw Alton hovering over her, ready to go another round. "I won't hold back Geostruction. Give it up!"

"I'll happily surrender if you take off that smashing mask of yours and show the world who you really are. You first, darling."

"Give me a break." He spat back, not holding back. "Like any hero would do that."

"You're absolutely right." She chuckled, making Alton flinch as a katana spawned from nowhere.

"That can't be… That power." Shooting past Alton with a bolt of lightning, the positions were reversed with Alton down below, ready to be struck down. "It's the same as hers."

Alton couldn't even react in time as she stabbed through him, blasting him to the ground, leaving a trail of destruction behind. Alton lay back, defeated, coughing as Geostruction stood up. "I win… You never stood a chance."

Alton vanished into a pile of smoke standing in front of the villain, grumbling. "That was really a given. I'm still not used to these powers, I suppose… My identity means nothing if it's not me…"josei

Tossing his mask aside, Geostruction stumbled back in shock. "No, no, no. Why, why did it have to be you, Kurt? Damn it!"

"Wait, you know who I am…"

Geostruction slouched over, shaking at her very core. "Damn it all… It's me, Kurt." She took her mask off, throwing Alton off entirely as his whole world fell apart. The long, vibrant pink hair and neon green eyes. It was no doubt in his mind who it looked to be. "It's your roommate Hannah…"

"Zin- no Hannah… This can't be, she told me… You're a hero…"

"Ha, a hero. Yeah, well, maybe at one point I wanted to be that… To think my enemy was living under the same roof as me. We've been roommates for what a year now. What are the chances."

Alton stared blankly at Hannah, feeling empty. "First, the HQ nowhere, meeting you twice now… Is this some kind of sign? Even when she's gone, Zinnia knows how to get under my skin and pull at my heartstrings…" 

Hannah ran her hand through her hair, frowning. "I really don't know what to say… I'm sorry, I guess, for lying to you. Although you were doing the same, lying to me for a good cause is much easier than my own. What happens now?"

Alton seemed hesitant debating the options. He was more than aware none of this was real. He had to overcome a test even if he had no idea what the test was. Taking a long breath, he raised his hand. "I'm sorry." Hannah's eyes widened as she was blasted with a smoke bomb taken out like that. Walking over, Alton looked down to confirm she was still alive. Stuck in the phase of killing her or not, he decided against it even to his better judgement, putting his mask back on and carrying Hannah away.


"I truly must say you work much faster than first anticipated. However, questions remain. I deliberately remember telling you to kill her." 

Alton dropped an unconscious tied up Hannah on the floor in front of the Blight Father, clearing his throat. "You did. Why do you act so surprised, though? I thought you claimed you could see my future? You should have seen this."

"While it's true I can see into one's future, the person my mind is connected to is Kurt. Like a hero, he'd refuse to do the deed challenging the status and take me personally. But you aren't Kurt nor a legendary hero. You're simply Alton Brantley, a coward who does anyone's bidding if it means you can get an easy way out. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that. Knowing your place is a good thing to have in life."

Alton crossed his arms, not giving much of a response. "So, was this what Acceptance wanted me to do? To take down the mother of my best friend? Because I still have no idea what he wants!"

"Tell me, Alton, how long have you been in this world now? You've been to school plenty of times. The world passes you by while you sit comfortably in that cell back home. It's been what? A month, two months? Tell me, what was the first memory you have here?"

Alton held his head, trying to think back. "School? No further than that… I, damn it, why can't I remember?"

"Of course, you cannot remember. These are not your memories, after all. You're simply living in the shadow of someone else. Time passes by like no tomorrow. It would be a given you've forgotten living here for years."

"Years?! That's not possible."

"Acceptance's pocket dimensions are potent—a perfect way to break somebody like you. In your real-world, a mere ten minutes have passed while here three years. And you'll keep going until Acceptance is satisfied."

"You're lying."

"I tell no lies. I only present the information as it is Alton Brantley." The Blight Father informs. "You have served me, however hero, I'll make sure to teach our traitor here a lesson about betrayal. You may leave." 

Alton walked away only to stop at the elevator clutching his fist. "Wait…"

"Is something the matter, my child? I have no more needs for you at this current moment. Leave at once; I shall call for you when the time arises."

"No…" Alton whispered. "I said, no!"

"No? You dare tell me what to do?" The Blight Father snaps.

Alton walks over, staring at Hannah, biting his lip. "This is wrong. All of this, Kurt would say that from the very beginning."

"But may I remind you, you are not Kurt, you are…"

"Yes, I know who I am… I'm not a hero. I would always struggle to understand why so many other people saw me like that. Sam, Zinnia, Alice, Iris, and so many more looked up to me as a hero. That sparked their own journey, and well, we know the rest. They became greater heroes than I could ever wish to be… Maybe that's my purpose of inspiring those around me to be better. To guide them to be a hero. It still doesn't make much sense, but I remember something Sam once said to me a long time ago… a hero is a very loose term. It implies that only certain people can be so-called heroes. That it's a profession or a title. You don't have to be a hero to save people as anyone can save somebody hero or not. I just save people because it's the right thing to do. You don't call police officers or firemen heroes for doing their job, so why should I be any different. If people want to see me as a hero, then that's awesome, but I simply see myself as a streamer doing the right thing day by day." Raising his hand, Alton let out all of his energy blowing the whole area apart, leaving the blight Father to be consumed by the rubble and burning smoke. The entire underground facility began to collapse as Alton stared on, knowing what he did was right. "And nothing is going to change that."

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