Chapter 25

Chapter 25: The Good, The Bad And The Imposter Part 3

Emil began cracking his knuckles warming up as Alton and Gale began surrounding him. The two streamers looked at each other, giving each additional hints and cues into their attack plan. "Attacking me both head-on, please this is going to be too easy."

Alton was the first one to step forward, ready to attack. The moment he did, however, he slipped falling to the floor. Emil cracked up laughing, unable to believe that this was the up and coming streamer group he heard so much about. As Alton tried picking himself up, Emil was willing to get a good blow in a while his target was down. That was until he quickly remembered Gale. Turning his head Gale was inches away from landing a damning blow on the Montague. In the split-second, Emil managed to snap down into the ground dodging the strike. As Gale tumbled past Emil emerged from his 2D state kicking Gale forward. "Cheap move that was. Ain't gonna work on me noobs!"

Alton jumped up, turning to Gale. "Any other bright ideas genius?"

"I honestly thought that would work… got any bottles of water in your back pocket."

"As a matter of fact, I don't."

"So, your whole superpower gimmick is liquid manipulation yet you don't think to carry around a spare bottle in case of a fight."

"No, as a matter of fact, I don't Gale. We were bowling just ten minutes ago before you had to go play hero and get us all into this mess. On top of that, I don't particularly like using said powers. Plus always relying on me to save the day is barbaric and annoying. Oh, but I'm more than welcome to get a few punches in on you. After all your whole superpower gimmick is getting the shit beaten out of you so you can pull a Deus Ex Machina and win any fight."

Zinnia lay her head on the ground biting her lip. "Are we doing this now?! Now of all places!"

"Shut your jap Zinnia!" Alton barked. "We are trying to save your skin here."

"Oh yay… my heroes."

Alton grabbed Gale by the shoulders slapping his face lightly. "we are doing this on my lead. Taunt him to attack, we need to figure out what his powers are."

Gale began swinging his arms around stretching. "Oh, please. This is going to be easy." Gale rushed forward throwing a punch at Emil with the same effects as the last attack with this time Gale forming into the wall to their right mimicking graffiti. Emil ripped out from the wall equipped with a baseball bat which was also apart of the wall graffiti. The bat made direct impact with Gale catching him off balance as Emil went in for another swing getting a direct hit. Of course, this would only help Gale in the long run as he was that bit faster and healthier now than before. So much so he was now able to catch Emil off guard snatching the bat from his hands and breaking it in half. Grabbing the Montague by his collar, he held him up, ready for a barrage of attacks to end it. Emil smirked, placing his hands-on Gale for a few seconds. The moment Gale started his attack, Emil threw Gale over his shoulders and into the wall as Gale joined the wall art. Alton gave a startled look on this sudden power Emil had saved. It wasn't long before Gale was launched from the wall as a spring smashed into a lamppost down for the count. He began coughing turning his head to Alton who was now in the middle of doing star jumps and running on the spot working up a sweat. "I hope that gave you an understanding of his powers."

Running as fast as he could on the spot, he wiped his sweaty head kneeling. "More or less. I've got a rough idea. Take a few minutes out, join me on my signal."

"What's the signal?"

"Oh, you can't miss it." Alton began running at Emil who looked slightly puzzled at what the Alton was doing. Emil was well aware he was more of a ranged user with his powers not being the greatest at close range. Alton was up to something, and Emil wasn't going to let him get any closer. Placing both hands on a nearby car, he held them for a short while before the vehicle was consumed into the wall. As Alton was getting ever, so closer Emil pressed the wall again as the 2D car was blasted at Alton at high speed. The vehicle spun towards him, making it near impossible for him to possibly dodge the oncoming attack.

That was until Alton snapped down to the ground, sliding under the car than flying back up to his feet. Emil flinched, losing his cool for a glimpse moment, unable to understand how Alton dodged the car. He had no water to aid him. Snapping from his state Alton reached out grabbing Emil. Stepping back, Emil reacted without much thought attempting to throw Alton into the wall. The moment he touched Alton, his hands burnt as he quickly retracted his burnt hands, seeing boiling sweat dripping from his hands. Alton dashed behind kicking him in the back of the knee before kicking him at the end of the head. Emil landed on the ground, but he wasn't ready to give up. Using his momentum, he pushed his hands forward, prepared to dive into the floor for a counter-attack. His body hit the floor, but his powers didn't clock. Emil gasped as he saw his hands frozen solid. He didn't even notice as he had already had them burnt to a crisp. Landing flat on the ground he rolled overseeing Alton and Gale standing over him. He gulped as he shook his head in denial. "You think you beat me?! No, no, no! I cannot lose you fool I've only just started! I can't lose! If I lose… no, I will win, if it gets me to be a full member of the Montague family, I'll… I'll do anything."

"Even kill an innocent person?"

Emil flinched looking over to Monty and Zinnia only to find Monty gone. His eyes widen, releasing what this all meant. He had been set up from the very start. "I…" Even though he knew he had lost, he was still refusing to give up trying one last failed attack. The moment he got up Gale landed a punch directly in his stomach knocking him into the wall crashing through it falling to the ground defeated. 

Gale shook his fist glancing at Alton, who was wiping his face. "Never clocked that you could use your sweat as a weapon. Jesus, you're so overpowered."

"Give me a break it's not ideal getting sweaty. I'm going to stink…" He grumbled, rushing over to Zinnia. "You alright?"

Zinnia nodded, taking his hand. "Just about, no injuries apart from the endless embarrassment I must now face, ha-ha." Alton bopped her on the head as Zinnia reacted quickly holding her head in pain. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For putting yourself yet again in danger!" He barked before hugging her. "And that's for being safe and sound…" He pushed her away sighing. "You had me worried for a moment. I get tired of calling you stupid, but I'm going to do it anyway! Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! If anything happened to you, I don't think I could face Rebecca, let alone my reflection. Promise me, promise me you won't do that again."

Zinnia was dazed by the sheer lecture she was getting; she had no idea Alton cared and worried that much about her ever. She rubbed her head, nodding faintly. "I promise."

"Liar." He smirked. The two walked over to Emil who was lying in the rubble defeated. He had his head lowered in shame. "Now what to do with this reject?"

"Should we turn him over to the police? Something tells me the Montagues won't try to bail him out." Gale suggested.

"He did attack us and put Zinnia's life in danger."

Emil began whispering to himself in self-pity. "I'm glad she's safe. I. I wanted to be apart of the Montague family, but I let that blind me from putting innocent people's lives at risk…"

Zinnia kneeled, shaking her head. "I don't think I was in any real danger."

"He had a gun pointed to your head, or did you forget that?"

"The gun, I don't think it had any bullets. There was no magazine. He couldn't have shot me even if he wanted to."

"That gun was mustered up from his tattoo powers, it probably didn't need magazines… but, if it was the case, he was never going to harm Zinnia. He set this guy up from the very start."

"Why would he do that? To his own family."

"I don't know."

Emil sighed chuckling to himself. "Emil Montague. Had a nice ring to it, you know. I believed so much that following Monty could make me a member of the family. Went around calling you all noobs. The only noob here is the one who believed in all that shit…"josei

Zinnia stood up, turning to Alton with her pitiful look. "We can't just leave him like this."

"For once I agree with you, Zin. Let's take him back to the bowling alley. Percy is waiting, we'll discuss what we'll do with him then."

Gale and Zinnia held up Emil carrying him away. Alton turned to the store where it all happened clenching his fists. "How many more lives are you going to ruin Monty… I swear one day I'll make you pay."

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