Chapter 62

Chapter 62: It's Your Future Gale

Three days had passed since the garden was seemly closed once again. The gang had stuck around making sure the island was free of the Moss. With no signs of any sort of trouble on the fourth day, it was decided to pack up. Emil had his small rucksack by his side as he stood by the river looking pissed off. He held a pebble, growling he chucked the pebble into the water. "Emil."

Emil turned, seeing Zinnia with her cape wrapped around her neck like a scarf. "We've been looking for you."

"Sorry, I just needed to take a moment to breathe. I just can't help but feel like shit."

"I don't blame you for what happened. You were afraid."

"Ha. I wasn't afraid; I was bloody selfish, not wanting to risk my life for someone else. Not just that but Alton and Scarlett still haven't shown. They could be dead or taken by the garden, and I don't know. I didn't do anything."

"I know how you feel. It was the same for me, during the battle against Vanguard. Here fighting the Moss, I did nothing. I rely on you all too much."

Emil tut walking away. "I'm not looking for your pity. I am not apologising for what happened. Let's just leave this all behind and head home."

"I'm sorry."

He turned to Zinnia snarling. "You always like to be the one to apologise, don't you? Does it make you feel better? You have nothing to be sorry about so shut up."


"Gale, can you bring some firewood?" His mother yelled from inside the house. He stood up, leaving his brother to play by himself as he made a loop around the house, grabbing a small amount of wood hiking back. A small echo of fog was starting to sink in, making him feel uneasy. His mother stood at the entrance with a gentle smile. "Thank you, that should be enough."

Gale dropped the wood by the stairs sighing. "Sure, we had another look around the village, the Moss is most likely gone."

"I'm grateful. You saved this village once again. I'm sorry about your friends."

Gale lowers his head, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess what happens, happens. Alton is one tough son of a bitch so I'm sure he wouldn't let anything take him down with a fight."

"You don't have to act tough all the time Gale, you can be worried."

"Whatever, since I'm sticking around, I can keep searching, right?"

His mother shakes her head, stepping back up the stairs. "Come inside I'll make you something to eat."

"Oh, joy…" He grumbles already feeling sick following her. As he shuts the door behind him, he slips his shoes off rubbing his face. "I cannot accept your cooking for the rest of my life. Alton showed me how to make a mean hotpot."

His mother wasn't in the kitchen as he gave a confused look. He walked past, poking his head into the bedroom. Gale was confused to find his mum sitting on his bed holding a sailor's trench coat and cap. "I remember the day you ran away. This was handed to me the morning the shipments arrived. I waited hours for you to come home. It didn't take me long to realise you ran away. Part of me always knew you would. Keeping you locked away on this island while you heard of stories of your father's stupid adventures the outside world. It was only inevitable that you would do such a thing. It's all my fault."

"No, it was nobody's fault but my own. I didn't run away because I was afraid. I ran away due to the basic fact I couldn't live with the idea of being relied on. You wanted me to stay and protect the village. How could I do that if I couldn't even save my father? When he drowned, I wasn't there to save him? I couldn't save my friends, and I almost lost Zinnia to the Garden."

"But you did save her."

"It doesn't matter. That was in the past now. I've accepted the fact I should stay now. No more running. This was the wakeup call. If any of that Moss returns, I'll be there to stop it."josei

His mother smiled standing up, shaking her head. "I don't want that."


"Admit it, Gale, if it wasn't for your friends you might not have saved us."

"I know…"

"Go with them."

Gale looked shocked, taken back by request. He stopped himself falling. "After all this time you're telling me to run away again?!"

"No, I'm doing the opposite. I'm letting you go. When your father died all, I had was you and your unborn brother. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. When I heard you, grandma passed away; I was even more worried for you. But now, I've seen how happy you are with your friends. You've grown up without me. I can't keep you here anymore out of spite. Team Rhapsody is your family. I've never seen you so happy with them; I can't keep you here. Go, be with your friends. Be a superhero; explore the world. It is what your father would want."

Gale was left speechless. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, mother knows best, after all. I'll leave the clothes on the bed. A superhero needs a super outfit."

Gale smirked as his mother walked out. He held the outfit the captain gave him with a firm look. He began to cry, holding the outfit close to him. "I know you're watching me, dad. I'm going to make you proud."


Zinnia was waiting outside, kicking her feet sitting on the wall. She had her eyes closed, listening to the forest. She hoped for a sign anything but the forest was silent. She frowned, opening her eyes. "Damn it." The door closed as Gale stepped out in his outfit. He wore a white trench coat with a small anchor pin on his side. The coat had stripes of blue down the corner as the coat went down to his knees. He also had a cap with the company logo of two anchors, and the globe surrounded it. He adjusted his sleeves, giving a proud look. Zinnia met with an exciting look. "What are you wearing?"

Gale gave a little spin impressed. "This is my father's old sailor outfit when he sailed the seas. I was given it the day I ran away. He wanted me to have it. I want to honour his legacy when fighting crime."

"Wait, does that mean you're?"

"Yeah, I'm here with Team Rhapsody till the end!"

Zinnia had a gleeful look in her eyes as she jumped off from the wall. "Your streaming outfits! It fits you down to a T. I was scared you were going to stay."

"I was, to begin with, but my mum refused to let me. She told me my place is with you guys."

"She sure is right." She punched his shoulder. "You aren't going anywhere; I won't let you."

He smirked, rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, listen about Alton. We can keep at it you want? We can keep looking as long as you like."

"I'd like that. I couldn't bare the thought of losing him."

"Of, course…"

A commotion began happening near the entrance to the village, getting the two attention. "Don't tell me the Moss has returned?!"

"Come on!" They ran to the front as people were crowded around. "No way!"

From the forest, Alton appeared carrying Scarlett on his back. He looked exhausted as he looked at them all with a half-hearted smile. "Hey…"

"Alton! You're alive!"

"Scarlett is fine too, thank you for asking." She whimpered, holding onto Alton tightly. "What did we miss?"

"It's a long story." They laughed.

Emil walks up staring at Alton; he gave a small smirk before turning back around walking off. "What's his problem?"

"He had a fallout. Don't worry."

Alton turned to Scarlett uncomfortably. "Can you let go now? My feet are knackered."

Scarlett snuggled into Alton's back, clinging on tighter. "Never. I'm a poor injured girl I don't ever want to let go. My dear sweet Alton"

"Good grief…"

"What happened out there?" Zinnia asked.

"We were ambushed by so many fucking Moss. They got all of the children. Fuck!"

"We're just happy you're safe!" She replies. "We closed the entrance to the Garden."

"So, it really was the Garden? Shit…"

Gale wiped his eye. "I thought it was over for us; an overlooked to the Garden attacked us ."

"Acceptance, so it really wasn't a dream?" Alton debates looking paranoid. "It seems the hopes of the Garden being gone for good is unlikely. We should look into this more when we get back."

Scarlett yawns tapping Alton's face. "If it is all the same with you, I'd like to leave as quickly as possible."

"That is probably for the best. The captain did say he would return today right? Why don't we go and wait for him?"

"Alright. Let's get the last of our things. Everything should be safe now."

"Wonderful," Scarlett whispers. "This sucks."


Team Rhapsody sat at the dock, waiting for their ride home. The same fog had crept in sweeping the midst of the island. Gale took his hat off sitting idly by the tree he would always wait by. He lowered his head fast asleep as Emil kicked his foot. "The ship is here."

Gale looked up, seeing a cargo ship. His heart skipped a beat recognising the boat. He walked up to the boat gobsmacked. "It can't be…"

The ship opens up as Gale is met with the captain of his father's ship. The Captain steps off seeing Gale grinning eye to eye. "Well, well. After five years of running away your finally back kid." The Captain walked up to him, ruffing up his hair. "That outfit fits you, huh? So, these are the group of misfits you joined forces with? I've heard all about the tasks you've got up to. I told ya, didn't I? You're something special Gale. Your father couldn't be prouder!"

Gale didn't hesitate as he hugged the Captain. "Thank you so much!"

"Eh, it's no problem. Looking out for my friends. I can give you all a ride back once I unload all of the shipments."

"Fancy a hand?"

The captain howled with laughter, patting his back. "Just like your father!"

Everyone began following as Alton stopped getting a call. He had charged his phone since getting back, and his phone had only turned on. He had three missed calls all from Iris; the fourth call was from her again. Alton answered it weary. "Iris? Are you alright? Whoa, calm down. Just breathe. What did you say?!"

"What's going on Alton?" Zinnia asked.

Alton lowered the phone with a look of concern. "It's Iris. V.I.R.A.L HQ was attacked. The CEOs want us back now."

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