Chapter 64

Chapter 64: The Overlords of V.I.R.A.L

The CEOs of V.I.R.A.L have always been a heated debate in the streaming community, for an organisation so powerful and centrefold in this day and age the strange thing is no one knows who the CEOs are. Any presence or information on the subject is strangely absent since the creation of V.I.R.A.L; there have been no interviews, no press conference not even a video featuring them. They have been a mystery since the day V.I.R.A.L was created. Instead, there would always be spokespersons representing the seven CEOs. To this day, a fair few have had the chance ever meeting any of the CEOs; the few would include well-known streamers like Vanguard as well as the sponsors. That would change today. For the first time in the history of V.I.R.A.L, the CEOs have spoken. They have given a direct order to the elite streamers. A meeting with them, the best of the best-coming face to face with the overlords of V.I.R.A.L. It will be history in the making and Team Rhapsody have somehow managed to be trapped in the middle of it.

The HQ of V.I.R.A.L had seen better days, at least that's what Alton thought, the gaping hole in the ceiling matched with small fires gave that away. The moment they arrived back in the capital Team Rhapsody was ordered to the Homebase of V.I.R.A.L; most high-end streamers never get the honour of being able to step foot in the building. Although this was clearly not meant to be some celebration. More pressing means were at play. Alongside Team Rhapsody was a handful of other streamers, some Alton recognised while the rest was just strangers. In the crowd of a dozen or so streamers, Alton snarled seeing with his very eyes the last person he wanted to see.

Monty scoffed to himself, folding his arms. "What a joke, to think the likes of you would be invited. The CEOs must be desperate to not only get my sister involved but now you sad sack of losers."

Emil eyed down his former ally not saying a word. When Monty's line of sight met with his, Emil looked away, causing Monty to smirk. "You make it sound like you know what's going on?"

"Maybe I do. But if you think I'm going to tell you, then you're more pathetic than I first took you for." Monty said, digging in the point of his superiority. "Like V.I.R.A.L needs help from Rhapsody. The Montagues can crush this puny Cult and rid of the fog ourselves."

Zinnia tapped her chin rather innocently. "So, you can see the fog as well?"

"Yeah, so what about it?"

"Oh, no real reason. I've just heard the reason behind the fog was that only streamers who were not worthy could see it." She teased with a smug look. "Guess my theory was right about you. Even as a Montague, you are a failure."

"You little bitch." He hissed, stopping himself. "Tch, whatever, just being around you, caped morons is making me sick."

Monty stormed off as Alton found himself lost in thought. "I could have sworn he said something about his sister. Emil do you know anything about his sister?"

"Sister? Oh, fuck."

The two gave Emil a strange look before Zinnia peered down feeling someone watching her. She let out a scream jumping back, covering her skirt as a girl with short green hair was lying on the floor looking up Zinnia's skirt. Alton was slightly thrown off as he stepped back as the girl just laid there giggling. "The screams of terror are like music to my ears."

"Jinx…" Emil whispered. Jinx jumped up, tying up her ponytail around her head. She turned to Emil, staring at him for a few moments before turning away, giving a smug snicker. Emil flinched as he began twitching. "What was that for?"

She held her hands out, shaking her head still with an arrogant look on her face. "I didn't know I was here to babysit children."

"Children?! But I'm a year older than you."

"Are you now?" Jinx muttered tilting her head to the side with a bored expression. "I don't care."

Alton was left totally lost; he was finding it hard to believe that this same girl he was watching could anyway be related to Monty. "You're a Montague?" Jinx turned her head, staring at Alton for a short while. As she kept analysing him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head in disapproval. "Are you mocking me?"

"Are you mocking me?"

"You've got to be joking me."

"You've got to be joking me."

"Stop it."

"Stop it."

"Give me a break."

"Give me a break."

"This is Jinx Montague, younger sister to Monty. As you can see, she's nothing more than an annoying brat who loves trolling other streamers."

Jinx chuckled, placing her arm around Zinnia. "I spit at those remarks. I am just a cute innocent girl trying to find her place in his horrible messed up world."

"I find that hard to believe…"

"Oh yeah, well would a cute innocent girl like myself carry this?" Out of nowhere, Jinx pulled out an RPG resting it on her shoulder, pointing it at Alton.josei

Alton dropped to the floor in a panic. "What the fuck?! No! Where the hell did you get that?!"

Jinx shrugged her shoulders, clueless as she threw the rocket launcher away as it vanished into thin air. "Not big enough, right? Something bigger? Well, I have this bad boy." She pulled a minigun from thin air as she slammed it to the ground winding it up. "This here is my baby. She can be very sensitive to loud noises and bad guys. Do you want to hold her?"

"Like I want to fucking hold her!"

"Shame." She mutters. "But I don't really care either way."

"And here I thought maybe one Montague would be normal."

"Hey, I used to be a Montague."

"My point still stands."

Jinx looked lost, scratching her backside. "I'm not following here. Wait a minute I know you guys. You lot are a part of that crime-fighting Monty rants about. Hehe, he is really pulling his hair out over you scrubs. I'm a huge fan!"

"Wait you're a fan of us?" Zinnia questioned.

Jinx disappeared as she was behind Zinnia crouched down, looking up her skirt. "Of course, I am, anyone who gets my brother's knickers in a twist is awesome in my books. I like you guys a lot."

Zinnia screamed again hiding behind Alton as he sighed. "Knickers in a twist? Who says that anymore?"

"Excuse Jinx here, although a Montague Jinx here is a perverted maniac who loves nothing more than to blow shit up and cause chaos."

"A girl who loves to blow shit up and cause chaos and they called her Jinx?"

"My streaming name is Jinxed."

Emil waved his hand away, looking annoyed. "It's a long story."

"What was the boy's name, Joker?"

Jinx giggled standing behind Zinnia tearing her mask off. "Show me your true form!"

 "Yeah as you can see, she's mentally unstable."

"Would never have guessed…" Alton whispered. "How did she pass the exams?"

"Oh, she didn't," Emil said. "Thanks to being a Montague she like Monty just paid through the exams."

"Why am I not surprised? Say Jinx do you know what we've been called here for?"

"Umm, I think it's something about free ice cream?"

Zinnia elbowed Alton pointing to the back of the room. "I think we are about to find out."

Seven figures walked in, standing around. Their appearance was hidden as one of them raised their hand getting everyone's attention. "Welcome, streamers. We are the CEOs of V.I.R.A.L. Thank you all for coming."

Another one held their hand out, pointing towards the different streamers. "Allow me to introduce you all to your new allies for this stream. Monty and Jinx are representing the Montagues. Alice and Iris are representing Frizzle Tooth. Harmony and her band are representing the Harmonies."

Zinnia looked over at the idols all dressed up ready for a concert. The leader Harmony wore blue leggings with a neo blue dress. She wore her blue hair down curled up with glitter caped in. She wore a crazy amount of makeup, meaning she was the centre of attention when it came to the other streamers. "The Harmonies? Aren't they that famous idol pop band?"

Alton sighed. "Yeah, as if being a famous idol group wasn't enough for them, they've decided to dip their toes into streaming. They don't care about the job, though, probably just a marketing push by their manager to get more views. I hate it when celebrities try becoming streamers; it all just seems so fake to me."

"The number three streamer Revert and finally Alton, Zinnia and Emil here to represent Team Rhapsody."

As the CEOs were about to continue, Revert cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. He walked onto the stage, squatting down looking at everyone with a pissed off look. "I think we can skip the introduction. I don't need to know who these nobodies are. We all know why we are here."

"Who is that?" Alton questioned.

Emil began to tut. "Revert. The number three streamer, he's something else being the biggest streamer without any powers."

"He has no powers?" Zinnia muttered shocked.

"He was so impressive even the Montagues tried getting him on board. He was the first streamer to decline. His arrogance and cocky nature even rival Monty."

"Just great…" 

Revert turned to one of the CEOs scoffing. "You lot can't even handle the Cult or P4R4D0X and are forced to call us in. Pathetic. Why would I lower myself to their level to fight some weaklings who don't hold a threat against me?"

"Well don't you want to stop the fog?" Harmony asked. "If you were so against why even turn up?"

Revert waved the question away, laughing. "What fog? I don't see shit. I guess none of you is worthy. Ha! I don't have time to waste with weaklings. This is something Gemini would rather do. I'm out of here."

Revert stepped off the stage, walking out. The CEOs watched before speaking back up. "As Revert had said. The capital is in trouble. The heart of V.I.R.A.L has been attacked. This morning P4R4D0X attacked us. The Cult has gotten out of hand as the fog has swept over the city. With Vanguard arrested, we have no one to turn too. That is why we have chosen the most popular streamers to conduct the first-ever Viral stream."

"Viral stream?" Iris yells.

"This group stream will bring all of you together to defeat the Cult of Vanguard and P4R4D0X. This will not only destroy the threat but boost all of your streaming careers."

Alton looked conflicted as the CEO's demands. "They are making this threat into a marketing exploit…"

"If it stops the Cult I'm for it."

"And why should we do this for?" Monty barked. "Me teaming up with Alton is worse than death."

"The Alice agrees. She doesn't understand why we should team up with other streamers."

The CEOs began clapping slowly. "Yes, we understand that. Therefore, we have a reward for the streamer who can take down P4R4D0X. For the last few months, the number one streamer spot has been left open with Vanguard's arrest."

"Whoever takes down P4R4D0X will be given the spot as the number one streamer."

All the streamers were left shocked as everyone went crazy. Alton looked away, grinning to himself. "Number one streamer. Holy shit…"

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