Void Evolution System

Chapter 876 Rewards [2]

Chapter 876 Rewards [2]


It was something taken for granted by those who experienced it, something judged as a natural part of the universal system that would always be present.

However, in a time of war, in a time where dark clouds covered everything as far as the eye could see, not naturally but through the effects of countless mana emissions coagulating and polluting the world, sunlight took on a new meaning.

As the bright rays of the sun parted the clouds of the Wild Continent, showering the cracked and sundered earth with an aura of vitality and power, the dark and bloody battlefield found its resting place.

Several million soldiers stood together, kneeled to the ground, cried their hearts out, and celebrated the fact that they were alive.

After all, it was truly a miracle.

When the number of soldiers was decreased from the tens of millions to the single-digit millions, it became clear just how harrowing the previous battle was.

It was difficult to identify it when the battle was viewed through the eyes of the powerful, but in the eyes of these common soldiers, they'd just been through purgatory.

Several thousands of healers made their way through the crowds, restoring limbs and healing those who needed it. Some soldiers with immaculate cooking skills began to barbecue, using the meat of beasts they'd caught earlier to create a feast for their comrades.

With so many priests and healers around, one didn't even need to worry about the mutation factor that these beasts carried.

Nevertheless, as these soldiers shared stories of their heroic battles this time, a few points seemed to maintain prominence, whether between crowds of 3rd classes or extreme peak masters.

The first was that incomprehensible heavenly vine. How could they not talk about the entity that almost massacred them all?

The second was the Cloud Giants. If it wasn't for their timely aid, all of the extreme peak masters and a majority of those under them would've died under the combined assault of the vine and Nox.

And the final point was the mysterious man who spurred them into action once everything was over.

It didn't take long for a connection to be drawn between him and the mysterious expert who originally left Sir Theon with his internal injury.

However, they had no way to confirm their suspicions.

After all, just as mysteriously as he'd appeared, he'd disappeared into the wind, completely untraceable by all methods.

It made some people wonder.

Was he truly a member of the current society?

Or was he a phantom of an ancient emperor who couldn't bear to see his descendants slaughtered?

Unfortunately, this train of thought only led to more questions.

When these people learned that the man they revered wasn't even at the extreme peak of 4th class yet, how would they feel?

Perhaps some of them would directly cough blood and die.

That was just too unfair!


Indeed, Damien had vanished from the perception of others, but he wasn't necessarily trying to hide.

Merely, after the battle ended, he and Zara returned to the Cloud Giant settlement with Galantis.

Currently, they stood before the Giant Council once again, however, the air between them wasn't nearly as tense as it was the first time.

"Old Giant, this time several hundred of your people died helping me. I must thank you from the bottom of my heart." Damien declared, bowing his head slightly.

Galantis smiled.

"No need for thanks. They died honorably in battle, not disappointing our people. I'm sure their souls are content in the afterlife." He said. The Cloud Giants did mourn their dead, but with their past, they didn't attach the same meaning to death as humans did.

Still, Damien couldn't accept it. Galantis and his people's help was imperative for his plan's success, and he was never the type of person who didn't know how to reward his people.

"Regardless, take this Bloodstone as a sign of my sincerity. If you use it yourself, it should enhance your strength somewhat, but I'd suggest letting a younger generation refine it, as it will comprehensively boost their physical body and talent to a new level. Perhaps they can even revive your race."

Damien took the red and gold Bloodstone out of his spatial storage and tossed it to Galantis, allowing it to fly through the sky until the Giant Leader caught it in his hands.

He looked at it with widened eyes, but eventually smiled.

"Good! Elder Liu is never wrong in her choice of people, and it seems she's kept her streak today! Damien Void, you will forever be a friend of my Cloud Giant race. As long as it isn't too severe, we will accept any request from you!"

"Any request?" Damien asked.

"Anything…that isn't too severe," Galantis responded, emphasizing the latter half of his words after seeing the look on Damien's face.

Damien shook his head in wonder. "It's funny you mention that, actually. I have an offer that you won't be able to refuse. So there's this place called the Sanctuary…"

Damien put on his best old fox smile and gave his spiel.

The Wild Continent was his already, so all that he had left to do was convince its residents to become his as well.

Nevertheless, it was a long and boring talk that nobody would want to go through if they didn't have to.

Compared to it, there were far more interesting conversations taking place elsewhere.josei


Heaven's Army retreated from the battlefield after a day and returned to their original base camp to live until the Void Corridor opened. There were still several opportunities and inheritances present, so it wasn't as if these soldiers ran out of things to do after the war ended.

Within a certain tent, a group of elders sat with a young lady, currently in the middle of a fierce discussion.

"Young Master, you aren't lying, right? No matter how many times I hear it, it is simply impossible to believe!" A man exclaimed, rubbing his forehead as he tried to make sense of the information he'd just heard.

The young lady among the crowd shook her head. "No, everything I have said is the truth. If it is necessary, the elders may use soul-searching techniques on me."

"We wouldn't dare!" Several elders exclaimed at once.

Ha! Punish her? What a joke!

These elders, despite their powerful strength, didn't even have the status to kiss the Young Master's feet!

Xinyue glanced at these elders and nodded. "Very well. Be prepared to send an envoy to meet with him soon. We must invite him back to the clan."

"Young Master, why should we take such methods for a mere brat? We can just force him to come!" An elder suddenly said.


Xinyue accidentally scoffed, something that surprised these elders who'd never seen her change her expression before.

Panning her gaze over them, she smirked slightly. "If you wish to bring him by force, you may try. However, do not blame me when you die an early death."


A giggle rang out at the edge of the tent as Xinyue's words came to an end.

"Master Elize," Xinyue greeted respectfully.

The woman named Elize nodded in recognition before spreading the fan before her face, her eyes unreadable.

"Young Master, I will personally act as the envoy this time. Do not worry, for I will bring that man back to the clan without fail."

Xinyue's eyes widened slightly. She didn't know anything that could make this woman move on her own accord, but if she truly did, then it was guaranteed that the task at hand would be completed.

Xinyue nodded at Elize as she dismissed the rest of the elders.

"Very well, then we shall leave right now. I will take you to see him."

Elize smiled happily, only a modicum of the euphoria she was experiencing internally.

After all, she'd confirmed it when she saw him last.

It was truly him.

He'd finally come.

Now that she had the opportunity to meet him, how could she reject it?

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