Void Evolution System

Chapter 880 Vengeance [2]

Chapter 880 Vengeance [2]


By the time he calmed down, Arthur was already within Blood Asura Holy Land's main world. This world was located in the center of the galaxy cluster that the holy land presided over, and when it came to size, even a few Calyptos could be stuffed within before it was full.

It was truly a wondrous sight to see constructs the size of mountains, a society that grew far past the limit of the world's holding capacity.

But this overpopulation and the industrial development that followed was really caused by the selfishness of one man.

A man who created a palace the size of a world as a symbol of his status as this galaxy cluster's master.

Arthur stormed through the halls of this unnaturally sized residence and sought an audience with the Demigod who built it, a request that was granted soon enough,

Arthur walked through the halls and arrived in a secluded room. It was small and slightly musty, completely unlike what one would expect from a Demigod like Immortal Blood Asura. Especially when considering his whims while creating the palace itself.

"Holy Master," Arthur greeted respectfully, bowing a full 90 degrees.

"Mm, for what purpose have you come?"

A response came from the robust old man who sat silently in the middle of the room. He didn't open his eyes, nor did he change his meditative posture, but the breath he radiated inherently made Arthur feel reverence.

This wasn't the reverence between parent and child, but between god and servant.

In Immortal Blood Asura's eyes, blood relationships were weaker than dust.

After all, if he truly wanted to, he could forge his blood to match anyone, technically relating him to all beings in the universe.

Arthur bowed before this man he never once considered his father and begged for permission like a son.

"Holy Master, my son has been mercilessly tortured and slaughtered! Please allow me to seek revenge!"

"Who is your son?" Immortal Blood Asura asked noncommittally.

"Responding to Holy Master, my son's name is Reavus Bloodlock."

Immortal Blood Asura sat without speaking for a moment, but soon responded: "Very well. Do as you please. However, do not involve the sect in your troubles."

Arthur's eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Holy Master!" He proclaimed. After another deep bow, he immediately left the room.

Immortal Blood Asura wasn't someone who approved intrusions, and the way he projected himself to others was as an overbearing tyrant, so nobody dared to stay past their welcome.

Left alone, Immortal Blood Asura let out a small sigh, sweeping the dust in the room into the air.

His languid eyes seemed like they'd seen everything there was to see and had grown numb, but at the moment, there was a twinge of something else hidden inside.

Rage? Curiosity?

The origin of this emotion was unknown, as it wasn't something he was used to feeling. In fact, it was strange for him to feel anything at all.

Was it because one of his grandsons died?

Impossible. He had several thousand grandsons, and most of them were incompetent. He didn't care about the death of a grandson whose name he couldn't even be bothered to remember.

Then, was it because one of his sons, a direct descendant, one with enormous talent at that, was aggrieved by this loss?

That was even less likely. For those Immortal Blood Asura approved of, he was a devil greater than any other. If they couldn't survive the trials that life beset on them, they weren't worthy of his approval.


Just what was causing this strange feeling…?

"Aha…" Immortal Blood Asura muttered.

He realized where this feeling came from.

An ant dared to smack his Blood Asura Holy Land across the face so openly.

Some random fly in the universe dared to do something that even other peak influences would have to hesitate before doing.

Wasn't it interesting?

No, to be more accurate, it was comedic.

It was utterly laughable that someone so idiotic existed in the world.


A strange sound came out of the mouth of the man who hadn't laughed in hundreds of thousands of years as he tried to remember the feeling.

It was almost a shame that he'd already reached his current impossible boundary, for he couldn't go crush this ant himself.

However, since one of his progeny was already on the job, there was nothing to worry about.

Blood Asura Holy Land's sturdy foundation, just who could shake it?

That person simply hadn't been born into this universe yet.


The first destination was naturally Hidden Death Valley.

After gaining Immortal Blood Asura's permission, Arthur immediately boarded his spirit ship and rushed to the academy at his fastest speed.

When he arrived on Aroath, he immediately galvanized his aura and made his presence known.

After all, even he had to be cautious around the rulers of Hidden Death Valley.

The portal on the satellite world activated within seconds of Arthur's aura eclipsing the world.

A gentle force pervaded the air and offset the terrifying pressure that had enveloped the world's residents.

"Arthur, we haven't seen each other in hundreds of years, and this is how you greet me?"

A sagely old man stepped out of the gate, revealing himself as the Hidden Death Valley Director.

"Alucard, you must already be aware of the purpose of my visit. Do not try to stop me from entering your institute." Arthur proclaimed coldly, referring to the Director by a name that only a handful of existences in the entire universe had the privilege of knowing.

Alucard, the Director, glanced sideways at Arthur. He could clearly feel the latter's deep-seated killing intent and hatred, however, there was nothing for him to do here.

He shrugged and responded casually, "I'm aware that some kind of accident has taken place. You may go in and investigate, however, if you cause trouble, you are aware of what will happen."

Arthur didn't respond, instead directly walking through the portal and entering Death Emperor Star.

Looking back at his receding figure, Alucard cracked a small, imperceptible smile.

'Was this your purpose all along?' He wondered, thinking of a certain genius he had the pleasure of meeting.

'I've seen countless insane geniuses throughout the years, but I've never met one who purposefully provokes impossible enemies to kill him. Damien Void, will you be able to escape this self-created catastrophe? Or will you fall to your own ego? I'm quite interested to find out.'

Either way, there were no traces of Damien left in Hidden Death Valley. Without at least this much mystery, the chase wouldn't be any fun.

Therefore, while Alucard erased Damien's existence from the academy, when it came to those who attended it…

Well, it was simpler to say that it wouldn't be impossible for Arthur to find his son's killer's identity.

'I definitely can't miss that moment of realization. Should I capture the image and give it to that boy later? I still haven't rewarded him for his efforts in Calypto…'

Alucard walked through the gate and re-entered the academy as he finished his thoughts.

He was really glad that such a genius had been born.

Because as long as he was active in the universe, fun things were guaranteed to happen.

He was truly a lucky star!

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