Void Evolution System

Chapter 886 Undercurrents [4]

Chapter 886 Undercurrents [4]

'Phew, finally here.' Damien thought to himself as he stepped through the other side of the teleportation array. Even within the reception building, one could clearly feel the turbid air of the Beast Domain on their skin.

'Beast Emperor Star is this Sector's central star and the home of its royal family. I can't just approach Beast Emperor Star from the start and try for the Genesis Bead. I don't know anything about the Beast Domain.'

In normal times, Damien could spend some time gathering information before making a move so he didn't encounter any harrowing unknown variables like in Calypto, but with a three-month deadline on his tail, such action was naturally impossible.

Still, rapidly gaining information was something Damien had several convenient abilities for.

After leaving the peripheral world where the teleportation array was located, Damien teleported until he found the nearest large world, entering its atmosphere and setting down in its biggest city, a place called Greenwood.

'It should be…aha, there's one.'

Damien's awareness caught sight of the specific building he was looking for, and before anyone could even notice his presence, he disappeared and arrived in front of it.

This place was none other than the local information guild.josei

'In terms of money, I pretty much have an endless supply at this point. The number of currency cards in those Void Corridor inheritances was even greater than the number of techniques, so even if I wanted to retire and live as a world emperor for the rest of my life, I'd be set. But…'

Just because he had money didn't mean he wanted to spend it on useless things. If there ever came a need to use a large amount of money, it was smart to have as much as possible. Even aside from the worst-case scenario, there was also the possibility that he'd need to kickstart the Sanctuary's economy with his own fortune, something impossible unless his personal wealth was unholy.

Nevertheless, with this thought in mind, Damien made a simple request at the information guild.

After learning from them who the most evil and strongest practitioner in the area was, Damien left directly.

The so-called Evil Witch Doctor was an expert at the late-stage 4th class, one of the strongest beings in the current world that had no extreme peak masters.

However, by the time tomorrow came, the Evil Witch Doctor would be no more.

Within a few hours of receiving the information, Damien had already killed and devoured the human-formed beast.

Just like that, information on the Beast Domain filled his head.

'This witch doctor was a truly evil guy, but it seems he had connections to a greater influence on Beast Emperor Star. This is good. If it wasn't for that connection, his knowledge would be way too shallow to be useful.'

Damien sifted through the witch doctor's memories, internalizing all the important events that had been taking place in the Beast Domain recently.

'The Black Dragon Clan seems to fiercely oppose the ruling Golden Dragon Clan at every step. This witch doctor was also someone serving them. It seems like they're the main contenders of the royal family, and also the main oppressor of most forces in this sector.'

From what he could tell, a large portion of the major events and catastrophes that had taken place in the Beast Domain were related to the Black Dragon Clan.

For the sake of his mission, it was looking like he'd also be forced to oppose said clan.

'The little princess' marriage ceremony…looks like I'll have to crash that event. Well, it doesn't look like she wants to get married either, so it should be fine, right?'

It wasn't like he wanted to make enemies with the Golden Dragon Clan, but he also didn't want to enter another fake marriage for the sake of his goals. He already felt guilty for how he left Leona with such a vague rejection.

'Either way, I guess I should head to the vicinity of Beast Emperor Star for now.'

Damien now had a general grasp on the situation, and now that such an important step was completed, he directly left the large world and traveled towards the center of the Beast Domain.

'This place is way more exciting than the other sectors. Even when I'm just traveling normally like this, it's hard to go a full ten thousand kilometers without witnessing a battle.'

The main difference between the Beast Domain and its counterparts was the ratio of practitioners to common people, a difference that became obvious as Damien traveled.

It wasn't once or twice that he was almost dragged into a battle for no reason, though, he managed to avoid most of them.

Even now, he could feel the fluctuations of battle not far in front of him.

Two streaks of light shot through the starry sky, followed by a horde of 4th class beings radiating heavy killing intent.

Damien's brow raised as he watched the proceedings. He didn't know who was in that first light ray, but they were definitely someone important.

'Hm? Coming to me?'

He suddenly noticed that the direction those light rays were fleeing was directly in line with his own.

He smiled to himself. 'Then, let's see what your intentions are.'

He stood still without acknowledging the approaching chaos until it arrived before him. Two light rays suddenly materialized into people, one boy and one girl.

"Sir, please help us!" The girl said, her eyes filled with panic.

"What are you doing?! If you stop now, they'll catch us!" The boy shouted, grabbing the girl's arm and trying to drag her away.

However, it was far too late. Within an instant, several black shadows surrounded the trio and blocked their every escape route.

The boy's eyes hardened. He gritted his teeth as if making a decision.

Meanwhile, the girl didn't seem to lose faith in the strange man they'd just run into.

"Sir, please help us solve this trouble. If you do, I promise we will reward you handsomely!" She pleaded, practically kneeling before him.


Damien looked down at her indifferently. However, inwardly, he was practically cheesing.

As he observed this girl, he noticed some similarities to a certain portrait in the memories he'd just recently devoured.

Really, he couldn't believe his luck.

After all, wasn't this girl none other than the Golden Dragon Clan's little princess?

Damien didn't think such a coincidence could exist in reality, but as someone who studied the flow of the universe, he could somewhat understand what led this specific event to take place.

Glancing between the princess and her pursuers, Damien made an easy decision.

"Well, it's not much trouble to stomp out some gravel, but I hope your compensation can satisfy me," he said lightly.

"Hah?" The boy suddenly exclaimed, snapping his head towards Damien. "We're all about to die and you're still in the mood to brag?! Useless people like you should just shut up and not interfere with matters that don't conceuuugh…!"

The boy's words slurred as a crisp slap made contact with his face, flinging a few of his teeth out of his mouth.

"You…!" He exclaimed.

"You shut up and watch, idiot," Damien finished.

He was already 30 years old.

He deigned to argue with children.

He truly…

'Okay, fuck that, that's a lie. After I'm done with these idiots, I'll take care of that prick and teach him a lesson in place of his parents.'

Damien grinned.

He was really such a righteous person.

Setting people on the right path was his duty in life!

And even if he had to use…not-so-happy means to help them, it was fine!

After all, he was a benevolent and magnanimous soul who could never do any wrong!


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