Voyage Of The Villainess

Chapter 137 - Volume 4.12 Sun Island And Errands 5

Chapter 137 - Volume 4.12 Sun Island And Errands 5

"Her story," Malaya replied. "I would love to, but kindly summarize it since I don't have much time."

Kiana giggled once again to Malaya's response. "Then alright, I will tell you but don't worry it won't be long either."

Kiana started to tell the story.

"Long before, the first ancestors of the Sun Island arrived here three centuries ago in a ship that was almost on the brink of sinking. And it sank when all its passengers made it to the coasts of the island. It was like the ship with all its remaining strength sent everyone for their safety before it died.

"When everyone settled and time passed, four tribes formed on the island. It is simply called North, East, West, and South Tribes. They all had settled in each corner and it's alright as well since the island was big enough. The North has the symbol of a palm tree, The South which is this place has the symbol of the white flag that has yellow sun in the middle, and the first tribe set in the island. Then the East has the symbol of the five stars circled at each other and the west has the symbol of the moon. Together they formed the entirety of the Sun Island."

"Umm," Malaya raised her right hand to stop Kiana from speaking. "Why are you telling me the history of your island? I don't mean any of this. But I thought you will tell me why elder Hashna hated the villagers." 

"It's all part of why Elder Hashna hated the outsiders. So please listen carefully." Kiana said.

"Alright, then I have one question, why of all the gods, Bradimyll is the one you worshipped?"

"Hmm..." Kiana pondered for a while. "No one really knows. But they say that he was already the one our ancestors worshiped since they came here."

'Since they came here? Could they belong to the Estevas, the missionaries?' Malaya just smiled wryly then glanced back at Kiana. "Please go on." She said,

"Even if there are four islands in the tribes we all worship Bradimyll. And not only that so far other than some minor conflicts, but all the tribes are also living peacefully. Well not until someone appeared on the shore. It is two decades ago, a strange man with hair that has strange blue hair like you and eyes that were like blood. All the islanders wondered who he was, and when they asked him. He simply touched the man who asked him and disappeared in thin air."

'Man with blue hair and red eyes?' Malaya narrowed her gaze when a certain someone came to her mind. However, she continued to listen more to Kiana.

"But after that, the man he touched became seriously ill. And then a pandemic broke out. For two decades all the islanders suffered. Anyone who gets sick, we burn them or throw them out in the forest or the sea so that the wild will eat them. And the one who got sick first was none other than Elder Hashna's first son. He died along with his wife, leaving their son that is no older than three years old at that time. If not for his grandson, the son of his first son, Elder Hashna will not stay alive for today. And thankfully, Master Oliver appeared and put a stop to this pandemic. He called the strange illness Malaria. If not for him, I might have died as well and the lady I'm serving. We really owe him something that no one could really pay. Even giving our lives for him will not be enough."

"I see," Malaya simply said. 

Kiana went on. "And by the way, Elder Hashna's grandson is the cook who asked you to do this errand." She added. "They have a disagreement and haven't really talked with each other for a long time now." 

Kiana paused as she glanced at the sky. Both of them already took each seat on a stone that was in the garden of Elder Hashna.

"Ah I hope it does not get too long for you and the story helps you to navigate with Grandma and look at the time," Kiana said. "I have to go now. See you again Malaya, I enjoy talking with you. " She waved goodbye to Malaya.

'Well, that is so long.' Malaya sighed inwardly.

"So do I. Thank you Kiana and hope to see you again some other time." Malaya said as she waved back. Malaya watched the retreating back of Kiana until she could not really see her anymore. 

Then she glanced back at the house of the elder. "Ah, I guess this is it already. I failed this errand huh. I am not really the type to force someone that hates me. And besides with a story like that, well, I guess this errand is hopeless."


Malaya opened her eyes and realized that she dozed off. Currently, she was in the cave beneath a cliff. Another perfect place for her to hide. From the end of the cave's tunnel, she could already see the sunlight peaking.

'The talk that I had before with Kiana, why did I dream of that of all things?' Malaya simply fixed the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Then she stood up and did some stretching. She then glanced towards her captured prey. He was just snoring peacefully like nothing had happened.

Now seeing him up close with the light of the sun that reached them, he looked quite young, probably the same age as her or a little older. And he had the same chestnut brown hair as the rest of the islanders.

'How carefree,' Malaya simply chuckled at the man sleeping peacefully in front of her. "Now how should I use him?" 


Malaya suddenly turned around when she heard the loud sound of something that fell. She picked up the sharpened wood she had. When she turned around, there was someone at the entrance of the cave. And a very familiar person.

'Who in the world?!' Seeing those black clothes, Malaya's heart thumped louder. "Kayden?!" She immediately rushed to his side. 

"I finally found you," Kayden said with difficulty as he tried to stand up. But he staggered on his feet and just before he could fall on the ground, Malaya caught him in her embrace. 

'Heavy?!' Malaya screamed inside her mind. She lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"You're safe," Kayden said in a gentle voice that surprised Malaya. Afterward, there was no movement from him.

Now, their position was a bit awkward for her, as Kayden was on top of her. 'This guy, why is he not moving away?!' She could feel that her cheeks were burning up now. She used her arms to push Kayden to the other side. Just then, her eyes widened as soon as her hand touched his hands. 

'His burning hot!' Just then, Malaya realized that Kayden was covered in sweat. Malaya touched his forehead once again. "He has a fever." There was no movement from Kayden. It seemed he lost consciousness.

"Seriously, you." Malaya massaged the temples of her forehead. "You always appear out of nowhere like a storm. So you're really the other person they are saying that escaped huh? And to think you are looking for me?" She sighed. 

{"I finally found you,"}

"You should have focused on taking care of yourself. It seems my plans will be delayed now." Malaya positioned Kayden in a more comfortable lying position. Then she glanced at his clothes. 'Well, don't think anything indecent. I'm simply helping him out.' Malaya started to unbutton the first two buttons of his coat so he could breathe more properly. Then she removed the cloak she had and covered Kayden. 

But Kayden was still shivering. 'Seriously this kid is a lot harder to handle than anyone else I met.' Malaya walked towards the twigs and some dry wood she gathered. Then placed them a meter away from Kayden.

She started scratching two stones until there was now fire that formed. With this, Malaya glanced back to Kayden and his shivering stopped a bit. The next thing she did was to pour some water on the fabric that she tore from her sleeves. Then she put it on Kayden's head.josei

Malaya took a seat to rest for a moment. Then she glanced back at Kayden. "You are supposed to be cold and indifferent to others. And yet, you always appear at the strangest times and do unpredictable things. I don't really get you."

{"You're safe,"}

"I don't really get you." Malaya stood up and started walking out of the cave. "But I don't know why I have no choice to get along with it." She chuckled lightly. "It is like fate always plays with us to always cross our paths." As she walked, there was a strange tingling sensation she couldn't describe.

Apparently, as Malaya walked outside of the cave to gather more supplies, she didn't see that Kayden slowly opened his eyes. Although his vision was a bit blurry, he still caught the hazy blue hair color of Malaya.. Then slowly he closed his eyes once again.

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