Voyage Of The Villainess

Chapter 64 - Volume 2.16 Forgotten Past Part 3

Chapter 64 - Volume 2.16 Forgotten Past Part 3

Street Rats Forgotten Past 2

Seven Years Ago...

It was a beautiful, sunny day. And Aravan remained as bustling as ever. There were vendors of all kinds. Some were busily luring customers, while others were simply sitting and yawning occasionally. And some customers were busy haggling over the price of a product in order to make it meet their budget.

Laughter rang out among the three knights patrolling a particular area in these bustling streets. They were clad in silver-plated armor.

"Have you not heard, there was a rumor that death was lurking nowadays in this country?" one of the knights said.

"Ah, that rumor. It may be because the death toll has risen this month," the knight in the center explained. "Every night, authorities discovered dead bodies in the alley, and though I hadn't seen it yet, the victims who died were sucked out dry of blood."

"It's a good thing nothing has happened to this district yet," said the third knight, shuddering. "Those things could give me nightmares for the rest of my life if I..." The third knight came to a halt as he felt someone tug on the hem of his garments.

When he turned around to check who it was, he saw a small girl with shaggy hair. Her face was caked with grease, and her clothes were filthy. Anyone looking at her would have concluded she was a street beggar.

"Sir-sir knight, please help me," Nesha begged, tightening her grip on the knight's garments. Her hands were trembling, and she was trying hard not to choke on her words.

When he saw the girl's filthy hands dirty up the sleeves of his white undershirt, the third knight's face wrinkled in disgust.

"Don't touch me, beggar!" The knight angrily yanked Nesha's hands away from him. 

"What's the problem..." The first knight paused when he saw the little girl that fell on the ground. "Oh, don't be too harsh on her, she's just a kid." He said as he approached the girl to help her stand.

"Tsk." The second knight just clicked his tongue. 

"Here are some copper coins, go buy yourself some food." The first knight exclaimed.

Nesha didn't know what to say. Or rather, her mouth refused to let out the words she wanted to say. 

After the knight gave her the money they started to walk once again. 'Please...Wait! I don't need this.'

"You're too kind, Roc." The second knight exclaimed. "What if that child was just used by their parents to earn money. That's why those people never learned and got to abuse those who were working hard to better their lives."

"Well. And what if she wasn't?" Roc, the first knight replied. "Then those coins could definitely help her survive at least the day."

"Well, Roc is Roc." The third knight replied and the second knight just shook his head.

Nesha stood frozen in her place as she watched the knight getting far away. "Please help me! My friend's dying." She couldn't understand, no matter how hard she tried to move, she couldn't move at all. Or even if she tried to speak, she couldn't let out a single voice.

"Don't leave!"

"Help me!"

"Help! Callan!"

Uncontrollable tears streamed down her face. The people who were passing by just took a glance at her before they went on their own ways. It wasn't unusual for them to see kids like Nesha. 

As Nesha struggled to move, someone suddenly raised her up in the air and carried her on their shoulders.

"So you are here." It was the short man that Jack sent after her. Nesha tried to struggle away from him, but her body just remained unmoved.

"Don't bother struggling," The short man said. "You are bonded by my shadows." He said as his dull black eyes glistened. In his view, there were shadows binding Nesha's mouth and her whole body. He was the only one who could see this as the caster of this magic.

The man started to walk away while carrying Nesha. When they reached back to the place where Callan and the others were at, Nesha's eyes widened when she saw the condition of Callan.

His body was bruised all over as blood splattered everywhere. She wanted to scream and run to him. But she couldn't do anything, streams continued to flow out from her eyes.

"You're back," Jack said.

The short man threw Nesha on the ground. "What will we do with this brat, boss?" The bulky man said. There was some excitement in his voice.

"Her parts would definitely sell high in the black market," Jack said as his eyes filled with greed imagining all the booze he could buy.

Callan forced his swelling eyes to open. His vision, although blurry, knew too well the girl shoved in front of him.

"Nesha..." He extended his hands towards her. "Don't-don't you ever touch her a**holes."

"Haha, you're still conscious." Jack mused. "What a persistent bastard. Did you hear it, right? We will sell all her organs! This is your lesson, for lying to us! You brat!" Jack said as he stomped his foot on Callan's back.

"Boss, since we will kill her, could we have fun with her  first?" The bulky man said as he looked at the girl, sprawled in the ground while biting his lips with lecherous eyes.

"Suit yourself," Jack said.

"Thank you for your generosity, boss." The bulky man started to walk towards the unmoving Nesha.

"Bastards!" As if fire lit up inside Callan, he managed to stand up and run up towards the man approaching his friend. He didn't know what he was doing anymore nor could he feel his body. But he was able to grab a stick and with quicker movement, he jumped to the bulky man. He struck the stick directly to the bulky man's right shoulder.

"Aghh! You son of a b*tch!" The bulky man enraged, smacked Callan away from him. Callan flew directly to the wall. He coughed up blood as he smashed to the wall.

The bulky man, still with a frightening expression inched towards the fallen Callan as he brought out a knife. "Brat, this will be your end." He said as he gritted his teeth.

Callan could only glance at Nesha. 'I'm so sorry, I wasn't able to protect you.' He closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. 

But then moments later, he heard the screams of people. 

"Who are you?!"

"AH! Monster!"

He tried to open his eyes, but all he could see were blurry images due to his eyes swelling too much. 'What's happening?'

Then he heard more noise that seemed like they were fighting. But fighting what? 'But whatever that was happening. A small hope flickered inside Callan. 'Please, at least let Nesha live and survive.'

"What a pitiful bunch of children." Callan felt someone touch him and it gave a very cold sensation to his skin.

That's the last thing Callan remembered as darkness consumed his consciousness. And since that day, he didn't know that his life would continue to change to something more horrible.


Back to the present, with his wind, Callan continued to fly to every corner of the streets of the Aravan. "Just where are you, Nesha?" He said as he continued to fly around.  josei

The thunder roared on, accompanied by a flash of lightning. This weather further contributed to his gloom. 'I've already found you, Nesha. Please, I don't want to lose you again.' He quickened his steps, clutching his chest.

And as he turned around, he felt a sudden burst of lifa. It was so strong that it almost sent him flying away. But his wind held him firmer in his position. 

'This lifa! It belongs to my father!' He hurried towards the direction of the outburst. As he turned around to a corner, his heart raced more to what he saw.

His father, the one who saved them back then when they were kids, was holding Nesha to her neck. Heavy rain started to pour down as well.

"Father! Stop!" He desperately shouted as he reached towards them. "Don't kill her!"

"Let her go, monster!" But someone beat him, a lady with brilliant orangey short hair with a long spear directed at his father and Nesha.

"If that girl died, I'll lose my 100 golds!"

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