Voyage Of The Villainess

Chapter 92 - Volume 3.15 Sacrifice

Chapter 92 - Volume 3.15 Sacrifice

"Everyone halt!" A booming voice echoed like a rumble of loud thunder.

The cloaked people, scurried to the center of the clearings as if their lives were depending on it. Some even tripped but others ignored them and even trampled upon them as they rushed towards the center.

The land started to tremble as Malaya took hold of the rock so that she won't fall down.

A small stage made of hard earth was starting to form at the very center of the clearing. 

"Everyone, it's been a while." 

The color of the fire began to change into violet, making the surroundings look even more sinister.josei

"We greet you, our Queen." All the cloaked people kneeled and chanted in unison.

'That person!' Malaya's eyes widened. Darn. And again she cursed her fate. 'The witch. What is she doing here.'

Donned with a red fitted dress, her face remained scalded but in addition, there was now a black eye patch on her left eye. She looked more sinister than before.

Malaya's hands automatically went to her neck. She could feel those nails of the witch which dug to her neck's flesh from before. It was as if everything just occurred yesterday.

Beside the witch was a midget with a hunchback. He was wearing a two-colored mask, the right was in the shade of black and had a smiling look. While on the left was in the shade of red and had a sad expression. His attire was that like that of a clown with a matching rainbow hair color.

The midget raised his right hand, "Silence! Our queen will now be going to speak."

'So that booming voice came from him.' Malaya continued to observe the scenes unfolding in front.

"Everyone the rise of the demon king is now at hand!" The witch with great pleasure on her voice. 

All the cloaked people cheered in response.

'The witch is connected to the rise of the demon king.' Malaya cracked her brain to every detail the novel had. 'This is not stated in the novel. No, none of this.'

'Kayden is supposed to be the demon king. He awakened after he killed the witch, his stepmom. But now, the witch is still alive.' Malaya's eyes widened in a sudden realization that hit her.

'Don't tell me. In a way, the plot of this world is still doing every means to let happen the things that supposed to happen.'

"Now, we will witness another full moon." The witch raised her hands in the air and the once cloudy sky cleared up, revealing the full white moon.

"Bring the sacrifices!" The midget hunchback declared.

One by one all the people that were tied on each log behind the facility were slowly pushed. The chains that were on their foot were long enough to reach the center of the clearings.

'This is not good.' Malaya thought as she saw Hyun Jae being dragged along with the other captives.

"Stop." the witch's smooth but cold voice echoed. From the stage, she slowly descended down and walked in a certain direction. It was in the direction of the crown prince who was unconscious. 

A sinister smile escaped from the witch. 

"Hahaha!" The witch cackled. "Ah, so he really brought him here. Remove him, I still have other plans for him." She gestured for the cloaked people to put the crown prince on the side.


Malaya immediately ducked down. The wall that she was just nearby was sliced in half as she rolled down.

"Lady Malaya, I really have high regards for you," Oliver spoke out in a cold voice. "Too bad you were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Malaya immediately stood up. She brought out her trinity. 

Electricity erupted from Oliver's hands. 

"What's with all this commotion?" The witch landed beside Oliver. 

"Ah we meet again." the witch's smile grew even wider. "Perfect timing, I really wanted to give something in return for giving this to me." She pointed at her left eye that was covered with an eye patch.

All the other cloaked people were also surrounding her as well. Her heart was beating hard, but she would not show any kind of weaknesses to any enemy in front of her.

Hyun Jae who was witnessing the sight almost opened her mouth. She was looking at Oliver with great confusion. Their gazes met and Malaya quickly gave her firm glace and shook her head briefly. 

Gladly, Hyun Jae seemed to understand the situation. 

'I don't need to let these people know your identity. But there is one person who knew it. Oliver.'

"Ah, I didn't know you received such a good gift from me," Malaya said maintaining her calm smile.

"You have quite a sharp tongue." the witch said, not triggered a bit to Malaya's provocation.

"This is all I have witch," Malaya said with a nonchalant smile. But her mind was now panicking about what she needed to do.

'I'm surrounded. They've got Hyun Jae and that cat. There was also Oliver whom I don't know what he was planning to do. Of all the male leads, I thought he was the most decent one, but now I found that none of them could be trusted.'

"What would you do? Little blue girl?" The witch said as she watched Malaya with great interest. "Since I also got to like you especially those eyes and I'm quite bored as well.  If you want, we will not do anything with you under one condition." a sinister smile formed on her witch.

"We will have a sacrificial feast today." The witch turned towards the unconscious people that were lumped on the ground.

"If you watch them with me, I will let you go and even your two companions here."

The witch glanced at Hyun Jae and Theo. 

'So she saw those quick glances between us. But it seems that's all she knew about.'

"Watch?" Malaya asked still maintaining composed.

"Yes." the witch walked towards the one unconscious man near her. "Watch them as to how they would get sacrificed for the revival of our Lord." A sharp rod appeared within her hands and all of the sudden...

She pierced the rod to the right arm of the man. It got severed and fresh blood flowed out from it.

*Gasped.* Malaya could see how Hyun Jae's face became pale from the sight. It was clear to the young girl that it was the first time she saw something as horrendous as this.

Malaya stopped herself from gritting her teeth. 

"My brothers and sisters will flood this place with the blood of these sacrifices." The witch's eyes flashed with malice as she gestured to the cloaked people.. "And I would grant you and your companions the honor to watch this sacramental event of us."

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