VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Choice Of The Cowards

Chapter 126: Choice of the cowards

Hi there,

Back with another chapter, nothing much to say other than it progressed the way you’d expect it to happen with this kind of series.

Anyway, 4 chapters left to close this arc and then we’ll enter the arc for the next event.

Enjoy the chapter.

My mind was in chaos and I was unable to think properly, even then, I was about to open my mouth to gave an answer to her sincere feelings when-

「Wait! Wait a moment, Hind-kun!」(Selene)


Just at that moment, a restless Selene-san frantically stopped me.

She interrupted me while flailing her arms around.

Steam poured from the face that looked completely calm when she told me she liked me as if she was boiling.

「Listen to what I have to say for a bit longer without saying anything! Please…!」(Selene)


Since she prevented me from saying anything, I could only stay silent.

Selene-san placed her hand on her chest and took a deep breath a few times, then continued talking with a flushed face.

「Hind-kun, first off…」(Selene)


「Right now, today’s work hard gauge is already at 0 points.」(Selene)

「…Huh? …Ah…r-right.」(Hind)

What’s a work hard gauge? Is what I was thinking, but she managed to convey that it meant something like her emotional limits.

In return, seeing how Selene-san was even more flustered than me, I started to gradually calm down.

Then, she continued speaking.

「That being said, I said that I l-…like you, but I don’t have the energy say anything after the reply that comes after that…」(Selene)

「I-I see…」(Hind)

「That’s why, refrain from answering now…until I prepare myself to listen to it…please…」(Selene)

This is quite the messy confession…

However, I think I’m not really one to talk.

After all, the relationship the three of us have, is one where we just keep delaying the answer and settling on a position we are comfortable in.

As I said that, a streak of sweat ran through Selene-san’s cheek.

「But Hind-kun, that’s because you realized, right? That if you were to choose one, the relationship that you have right now would crumble.」(Selene)

「Well, I thought that there was a possibility that, that sort of thing would happen but…」(Hind)

「Even at the university I go to right now, there’s been multiple circles that have been destroyed due to issues with personal relationships…」(Selene)

「That’s quite the unpleasant example!」(Hind)

I can actually vividly picture it.

It sounds like something that could happen to our guild so it gives me a bad feeling.

「I, obviously I l…like Hind-kun the most! …But I also like everyone in this guild. I feel bad for forcing this but…if it’s OK with you, I would like things to stay the same for now. No matter what sort of answer you have in mind, let’s keep things like they currently are.」(Selene)

「…Understood. At the very least, I’ll gladly accept Selene-san’s feelings.」(Hind)

She doesn’t need an answer, huh…

My mind is sort of relieved but also feeling a bit disappointed.

「I know all I do is apologize but…sorry about this. One sidedly conveying my feelings while not letting the other party even say anything…it’s cowardly and unfair right?」(Selene)

「Well, it’s true that it gives me this feeling of having left something unfinished but…me and Tobi, we both like the current situation where all five of us are playing together, it’s the same feeling. I’m a coward that doesn’t move forward. Like this, if both of them were taken away from me by someone else, I wouldn’t be able to say anything to complain about it…」(Hind)

「Isn’t it the opposite? I think that Hind-kun would eventually be snatched away by someone. Both of them are stubborn and simple minded. They clearly convey that Hind-kun is an irreplaceable existence to them. That’s why, no matter how strong their feelings become, they still remain prudent and shy. The same goes for me.」(Selene)

「I guess those are the advantages of being born a man…wait, am I the one going to be snatched away!? Eh…」(Hind)

Isn’t it usually the other way around…? Even though I’m a man…

She even said being snatched away by someone, am I like some sort of princess?

I imagined myself wearing a dress and felt like puking. That’s gross.josei

I brushed off the image that formed in my mind, calmed down and looked at Selene-san.

At the end of the day, I have no idea what’s even good about a guy like me…

「Eh…welcome to this distorted circle. I don’t know what lies ahead of us, but let’s have fun on our way.」(Hind)

「Yes, thanks for letting me in. While we are at it, it’s fine if you…just take all of us and look after us three, you know?」(Selene)

「Please, don’t say something that sounds straight of my mom’s mouth…」(Hind)

「Ah, is that so? Hind-kun’s mother, she’s quite unique.」(Selene)

Since we were cowards, we ended up delaying the situation.

After that, I equipped the 『First rate Supporter Staff +7』 I received from Selene-san and received an explanation about it.

The staff’s performance was wonderful, it goes without saying that my magic attack had drastically increased, but the 『Noblis Carbuncle』added a casting time -3% on top of it as a bonus.

It felt nice in my hands and most importantly, I really loved the ornaments and the vibes the staff gave.

You could say I look quite plain if I were to stand next to Yumir, but that’s exactly why I praised Selene-san to the heavens.

Because of that, she ended up red up to her ears and proceeded to curl herself up…

Once she calmed down, we returned to the lounge room. After having finished tidying the place up, the three of them were talking about the contest.

…I think it’s about time, this should be all for tonight?

Since they asked me what we were talking about in the blacksmith’s workshop, I told them how I received the staff from Selene-san.

Tobi only looked at me while groaning with envy but…

Yumir and Riizu exchanged glances and for some reason, they nodded at each other without saying a word.

What’s going on?

「Yumir, is it fine for us to disband for the day?」(Hind)

「Yeah, that’s fine. That only goes for the guys though.」(Yumir)

「What do you mean by that, Yumir-dono?」(Tobi)

Yumir didn’t even reply to Tobi-s question and beckoned Selene-san.

Having guessed what she meant, Selene-san, who was standing next to me, slowly moved towards her.

Like that, Rizu and Yumir pulled their faces closer to her and they started whispering something in a tone we couldn’t hear…

「…That being said, we are going to have some secret girl’s talk! The guys should go away!」(Yumir)

「It’s the first Migratory Bird’s girls-only meeting. Don’t mind us.」(Riizu)

「Y-You two, since that’s the case…Hind-kun, I’ll be fine. So…」(Selene)

From my worried expression, she guessed what I was thinking and she said that while wearing a troubled smile.

Seeing that exchange, an evil smile surfaced in Tobi-s face and he started to hit me with a hand.

「Haha…I see, so it’s like that. Hind-dono, for the time being, let’s leave this place.」(Tobi)

「Wait, wait a moment! Stop, don’t drag me! I’ll walk by myself!」(Hind)

Tobi forcibly grabbed me by the arm and we exited the lounge room.

Those girls, they are really sharp. Various thoughts were going through my mind, like if Selene-san was going to be fine…

Once we entered one of the private rooms in the guild home, Tobi sat down comfortably on top of the item box and addressed me.

「Whoa, Hind-dono, you have become quite popular lately. The personal relationships within our guild are in complete chaos.Hihihi.」(Tobi)

「You sure are quite the considerate guy. That being said, acting as if this was just someone else’s problem and enjoying the situation…aren’t you the one that always goes around saying he wants a girlfriend? As a guy, don’t you feel frustrated when you are the only one that’s left out?」(Hind)

Towards my words, Tobi just shrugged his shoulders in an exaggerated manner.

For some reason, I get the feeling that it’s really irritating when he’s the one doing such an action…makes me want to just grab his head in an iron grip without any warning.

「Hmm, but if we are talking about those three…if we are speaking honestly, they are all a pain to deal with, so I don’t feel envious at all! Especially Yumir-dono and Riizu-dono, they are so mean! Really really mean! Though if we are speaking about appearances alone, they are all really pretty!」(Tobi)

「…I see, maybe I should tell them…」(Hind)

「-!? Wait, they’ll kill me! They’ll cut me in little pieces! I went too far, I’m sorry! I’ll apologize! Stop trying to open the menu window!!」(Tobi)

After that, while being curious about what was going on in the girl’s side…

There was nothing I could really do, I finished the procedure of putting up the 『Eishika Dress』in the auction and logged out along with Tobi.

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