VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Betting And Expectations Towards Both Of Them.

Chapter 81: Betting and expectations towards both of them.

Before getting into the chapter I should point out that I made a silly mistake when translating the name of a character from the rankings during the 1st event.

Said character appears mentioned here again so I corrected it here and I believe I corrected it in the early chapters too but I’m honestly not sure if there were more instances of him appearing but let’s hope I did.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, releases might slow down a bit but I’ll keep working on them.

「Oh right, participants like us can also bet right?」 (Wataru)

「That seems to be the case. How about you bet on yourselves?」 (Shuuhei)

「Before that, I’d like to know what the bet odds are like.」 (Wataru)

「Ooh, I want to know too! How popular are we!?」 (Miyu)

When he heard us say that, Shuuhei turned his eyes away awkwardly.

Hey, don’t tell me…

「Y-You won’t hear anything from my mouth…you can see the odds in the main page. Here.」 (Shuuhei)

Saying that, Shuuhei handed us his tablet, which was showing the official site.

I’m getting a bad feeling about this, but for the time being, let’s take a look.

「Ah…looking from the top, our names don’t appear at all…ah, there it is. This one.」 (Wataru)

「8th place…49x…wait a moment!! We are dead last aren’t weeeeeeee!!?」 (Miyu)

「Y-Yup」 (Shuuhei)

What’s with this cruel rank.

The number shown to us was just cruel, there were hardly any players that thought we would win the whole thing.

Even though we hadn’t fought yet, I had this odd feeling of having lost already.

After pouring some for Miyu and Shuuhei, I took the teacup and took a sip of the tea, it was a bit more bitter than usual.

「While it’s a bit weird for me to ask this since this concerns me, Shuuhei. Is it really going to be fine? To bet that huge amount of money into this.

「You are completely aiming for a lucky break here.」 (Wataru)

「I regret it a bit…b-but, Wacchi, you’ll do something about it right? It’s going to be fine!! It’s going to be huge if I get it right!」 (Shuuhei)

「Even if you say that to me…」 (Wataru)

「However, I can’t accept this! Shuuhei, why did things end up like this!? Explain things to me!」 (Miyu)

「This would also be faster if you looked at the BS most likely…

「There’s a thread that is predicting who will win, wait a moment…ah, here. I think you’ll get an idea after seeing this.」 (Shuuhei)

【Last Boss】 Thread 2 for predicting the winners of the Grado Empire sponsored・Duel tournament event 【Albert】

This is a thread to predict the winner of the ongoing PvP tournament in TB.

Chat regarding betting odds and amount of money bet should also be done here.

Let’s be well mannered.

The next thread will be made once we reach over 900 comments.

2:Nameless Mage ID:c2ZdELy

Summary of the last thread.

Identity of the Top 8 (8 pairs 16 people)

Heavy Warriors 3・Light Warriors 2・Martial Artists 2・Knights 3・Archers 4・Mages 1・Shinto Priests 1.

3:Nameless Mage ID:c2ZdELy

Odds state at Noon (12:00) ※Taken from the official site.

1st place Mercenary Albert (Heavy)・Philia (Heavy) 1.4x

2nd place Licht (Knight)・ Rose (Knight) 5.3x

3rd place Hippopotamus (Heavy)・Falke(Archer) 8.6x

4th place Insipid Green Tea (Martial Artist)・Dry Shiitake Mushroom (Archer) 10.1x

5th place Thief Edward (Light)・Archer Iris (Archer) 30.7x

6th place Forever a Chrysalis (Light)・Incomplete Container (Archer) 35.9x

7th place Walter (Martial Artist)・Herrschaft (Mage) 42.5x

8th place Yumir (Knight)・Hind (Shinto) 49.2x

4:Nameless Knight ID:LpcPafa

Thanks for making the thread!

5:Nameless Light Warrior ID:nLbGEeY

Good work.

However, there’s hardly any profit for betting on 1st place…

6:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:BAxfMw5

Besides, it does look like it’s going to end up being even lower than that.

It’ll probably end at 1.2x by the end.

7:Nameless Mage ID:NSZe6h7

The finals of Group A was the highlight after all.

He turned the match around even when he ended 2 v 1 after all.

8:Nameless Archer ID:jBsCZa2

That old man Albert is all sorts of weird.josei

And Philia-chan is cute.

9:Nameless Light Warrior ID:TphkGPw

What relationship does she have with that mass of muscles?

She’s a little girl, or rather, she looks like an elementary schooler…his daughter?

10:Nameless Archer ID:SnzsbLX

No way, they don’t look alike at all.

11:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:Gn4RuKR

If his wife was pretty there’s a chance.

Other than that, their eyes look similar.

There’s…a chance, I think.

12:Nameless Mage ID:KwNgwXF

I don’t know the truth but…a little girl brandishing a big axe has its appeal.

Since I thought it was going to be full of guys, I’m quite happy about how surprisingly there’s a few female players left.

13:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:urQQUmy

Let’s see…Philia-chan, Rose-chan, Iris-chan.

That ojou-sama and Hero-chan, and Walter-chan huh? That makes it 6!

14:Nameless Archer ID:SnzsbLX

Eh? Did he just mix someone into that group?

15:Nameless Knight ID:PWhc8rf

Just your imagination.

I didn’t see anything.

16:Nameless Light Warrior ID:X7UXVd7



17:Nameless Martial Artist ID:gzDg469

I can’t be the only one that had to double-check when he saw the profiles in the replay videos LOL.

That’s a scam, a scam I tell you.

18:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:8wPUixb

Fuh, I bet on Hero-chan and True Self, who are dead last.

Please make it happen like last event…please!

19:Nameless Mage ID:bTSiSWA

Last event…was it where Hero-chan made it into the damage rankings?

20:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:8wPUixb

@19 That’s right.

On the last day, True Self used Sacrifice and Hero-chan stole 1st place from Albert.

21:Nameless Knight ID:23J84Pg

But, I wonder how it’ll go? 1st place and 2nd place were overwhelming in the group tournament.

It’s hard when you have to fight two vanguards, they look quite strong.

That’s why the current odds are like that.

22:Nameless Mage ID:SEYc8Y7

Even though having a magic job behind would be an orthodox tactic in RPGs.

Why did it end up like this?

23:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:8CuuAL6

Because having an Archer behind is the standard in TB…

24:Nameless Mage ID:HkWNs2Y

The casting times get in the way after all.

Putting more of a burden on your vanguards than Archers is quite the minus.


25:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:fmRF9rW

@22-24 At least, let’s keep cheering for the magic classes that have won until now.

There’s only 2 left after all…

Since it’s like this, I’ll go bet on Hero-chan too, though it’ll only be a small amount.

Ah, this is my fault.

Thanks to me lacking any type of high powered magic, it’s being seen as a fatal weakness for duels.

「As expected, Archers with a vanguard are the preferred duo.

「Herscha’s eyes looked as if they were filled with rage…when I first saw her name, I was quite surprised.」 (Wataru)

「Well, leaving aside the two pairs at the top, which dominated their groups.

「The other 4 pairs aside from Herscha-chan’s and Wacchi’s all have an Archer in them.」(Shuuhei)

「Isn’t that just job discrimination!? So shallow minded!」 (Miyu)

「Well there’s that too, but we also had a close match in our group final after all」(Wataru)


Shuuhei proudly stuck out his chest.

Usually, I would tell him not to get carried away but since he looked quite down yesterday, I’ll let it pass this time.

And then, as if she was thinking about something, Miyu put her hand over her mouth and breathed in.

「…I decided. I’m also going to bet on ourselves!」 (Miyu)

「Ooh, Miyucchi you sure are fired up!! I was waiting for those words!!」 (Shuuhei)

She stood up from her chair along with those words and as if to put fighting spirit into those words, she hit her chest.

Because of the inertia, those twin hills of hers were shaking.

「I’m fine with betting, but let the amount be modera-」 (Wataru)



「Everything we own!! Shouldn’t that be obvious!!?」(Miyu)

「Whoa!! As expected of Miyucchi, you know what you are talking about!!」(Shuuhei)

These guys, they are not thinking at all about what would happen if they fail…

Once I drank the tea while those two were getting excited, for some reason, it suddenly got quiet and they stared at me with eyes full of expectation.

Eh, are they telling me I have to go and bet too?

「W-Well then, I’ll bet only a small amount.」(Wataru)

「「Hah…」」(Both of them)

What’s with that expression that looks as if they are saying「I’m disappointed in you」, what’s wrong with going for a safe option.

To begin with, even if it’s a game, I don’t like things like gambling.

In real life, I make a lot of effort to economise as much as I can.

It’s going to be 0 if we miss you know? 0. We won’t get anything back.

In that case, it would be much better if we indulged ourselves a bit and went to eat something tast-

「Wataru, I’ve known you for a long time…I know what you are thinking about more or less. However, this is a game!! A game!! What’s fun about thinking about risks as if it was real life!? You have to bet too!! You have to!!」(Miyu)


Hearing Miyu’s words, I felt shock as if I had just been hit in my head.

I-It’s true that…even if the money inside the game were to be gone, that wouldn’t matter at all.

Even if we had to work hard to earn it all back, as long as it’s a game, thinking about ways to earn the money might lead to ways to have fun.

No matter where you look at it from, I’m being dragged into it, I am but…if it’s at times like this, I guess I wouldn’t mind being dragged into it…

「…I got it. I’ll bet everything too.」(Wataru)

「「Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!」」(Both of them)

「You guys are so noisy. I’ll do my best, but don’t blame me later.」(Wataru)

If we end up losing, it’s decided that it’ll be money earning hell after the event ends.

Then, I checked the clock and noticed that it was close to 3pm.

I stood up since it was about time for a snack and Shuuhei said from behind me.

「By the way, Wacchi. Who would you bet on if it was someone other than yourself?」(Shuuhei)

「Ah? Well…」(Wataru)

If we thought about it normally, it would probably the Aniki, Albert.

Once I said that, both made faces that were saying “I thought so”…and laughed.

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