Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 114

Chapter 114


Bai Chen was new to this world, and he didn’t know so many people except for important figures in the Dong Lang Empire. He could even use his ten fingers to make a list of the people he knew in this world.

Even about Wu Jinhai, he only knew about the man from the system today, and he also didn’t know much about the masked man apart from the information he had obtained from the system.

‘But maybe the real Bai Chen in this world knew more people,’ he thought as a sudden realization came to him. ‘Before I took over his body, the real Bai Chen had lived in this world for twenty-two years, so he must have known a lot of people.’

He realized that he would not be able to use his limited knowledge to make a list of the real Bai Chen’s acquaintances. The real Bai Chen was even familiar with those in the Wu Li Empire, and it only added to the difficulty when he tried to find out the two people who were doing hot activities in the cave.

Therefore, when Wu Jinhai told him that he knew the people doing steamy activities in the cave, he couldn’t immediately find an answer in his mind. Instead, he just kept frowning as he tried to find an answer to his curiosity.

And he gasped when he felt a hard flick on his forehead. He screamed in pain, and he glared at the culprit who dared to flick his forehead while he was busy thinking with all his might.

“Why did you do that to me?” Bai Chen voiced his protest to Wu Jinhai as he used his hand to rub his sore forehead.

“You look so ugly when you frown, Bai Chen. Don’t frown in front of me anymore. If you can’t find an answer to your curiosity, you can always ask me,” Wu Jinhai rebuked the Werewolf Prince, and even if he still hid his expression behind a golden mask, Bai Chen could somehow tell that the man was annoyed.

‘Am I really that ugly when I frown? But Zhu Ge did two different things when he saw how I frowned the first day we met. I remember he also flicked my forehead back then, but apart from that, he also... kissed my forehead,’ Bai Chen almost gasped as he recalled the memory that happened three weeks ago when he had just transmigrated into this world.


For the first time, his innocent forehead was kissed, and the culprit was a man named Zhu Ge.

‘I’m thinking about him again! It’s so annoying that he keeps bugging me even if he’s not here!’ Again and again, the man wearing the white hanfu scolded himself because he couldn’t stop thinking about a certain man with the surname Zhu even if the man was away from him at the moment.

Bai Chen felt like slapping himself to stay sane, but he also wanted to slap Wu Jinhai on the forehead because it was that man who repeatedly sparked his memories of Zhu Ge. josei

And perhaps Wu Jinhai indeed deserved a slap as the man was able to casually utter those lines while he was also the one who continued to dodge Bai Chen’s questions related to the cave incident.

Bai Chen had to repeat the questions several times, but all he got from Wu Jinhai was: “We both know the identity of the people who had sex in the cave.”

Such an answer could not be considered an answer, and Bai Chen glared at Wu Jinhai because the man dared to say that he only needed to ask if he was curious.

Bai Chen felt that Wu Jinhai was just toying with him, and he was about to open his mouth to scold the man when he suddenly felt pain at the nape of his neck. Reflectively, he screamed in pain as he used his hand to touch the sore area, but he felt his palm touching something.

He shouted once more as he moved closer to Wu Jinhai, “There’s something on the back of my neck! Please take that thing off my neck! I think it just bit my nape or maybe stabbed my skin with something! It hurts so bad!”

Wu Jinhai was surprised by Bai Chen’s shout, and he could also see how the blue-eyed Prince even dropped the red hanfu from his shoulders as the man panicked and moved closer to him.

The masked man immediately rose from his position and grabbed Bai Chen’s shoulders to keep the man in place.

“What happened?” Wu Jinhai asked Bai Chen while looking at the pair of blue eyes, but Bai Chen did not answer this time. Even the panicked expression on the man’s face suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace, and the pair of blue eyes suddenly looked blank.

Bai Chen just stood there with a blank expression, and the eyebrows of Wu Jinhai that were hiding behind the golden mask rose when he saw the strange expression. ‘Something’s not right,’ he thought, and then he remembered how Bai Chen had shouted before his face suddenly went blank.

Widening his eyes, Wu Jinhai then moved behind the frozen Bai Chen before he used his hand to pull Bai Chen’s brown hair aside.

Now he could get a better look at Bai Chen’s nape, and his pupils shrank when he saw a small creature clinging to Bai Chen’s slender nape.

Without hesitation, Wu Jinhai brought his hand to grab the object by its tail and directed his sharp gaze at it before muttering, “Hallucinatory Scorpion?”

Wu Jinhai’s brown eyes were filled with anger as he continued to stare at the black scorpion that continued to struggle in between his fingers. It was indeed small in size, but Wu Jinhai knew that the scorpion was also a beast.

He was so angry because he failed to notice the appearance of the scorpion around them. His brown eyes gradually turned golden one more time, and the golden light even illuminated the holes of the mask.

Using his other hand to grab the beast from his left hand, he then crushed it in his hand without the slightest hesitation. He could hear a crushing sound before he threw the beast into the fire.

His pair of golden eyes were still glaring at the dead scorpion even after the flames devoured it, but then his golden eyes automatically turned brown once again when Bai Chen suddenly turned around and faced him directly.

Bai Chen was now looking at him, but Wu Jinhai knew that the man was out of his mind now. It could be seen when the Werewolf Prince suddenly had a strange expression on his face as he frowned at the taller man.

“Ah Yun? Why are you so tall now?”

Wu Jinhai could hear Bai Chen speaking to him, but he furrowed his brows when he heard the man’s question. ‘Ah Yun? Who is Ah Yun?’ He wondered to himself because he couldn’t recognize the name that Bai Chen had spoken just now.

Wu Jinhai did look confused, but he knew that Bai Chen was under the influence of the scorpion’s sting. He knew that the Hallucinatory Scorpion was not the most dangerous beast in the Forbidden Forest, but he also knew that he couldn’t let his guard down after Bai Chen was stung by the little beast.

‘This is the effect of the scorpion sting. Bai Chen would think I was someone else, and he wouldn’t even remember that he was in the Forbidden Forest right now. At first glance, the effect doesn’t seem dangerous, but if Bai Chen is under the influence for too long, he will feel hot on his body, and he will see everything around him as water before he will immediately throw himself into it,’ Wu Jinhai thought as he glanced at the fire near them.

If Bai Chen felt his whole body heat up, then he would see the fire as water, and he would immediately throw himself into the fire. It was no different from committing suicide, and Wu Jinhai knew that he had to find a solution to this problem immediately.

Wu Jinhai knew what he had to do to save Bai Chen, but his body suddenly froze when Bai Chen suddenly raised both his hands to touch the sides of his golden mask.

“Why are you wearing a mask, Ah Yun? And that mask looks so ugly!” Bai Chen rambled on once more, and he also said the name ‘Ah Yun’ once again.

Wu Jinhai didn’t look comfortable when he heard the name, and the fact that Bai Chen muttered the name in his soft voice didn’t make him feel any better.

He didn’t know the person called ‘Ah Yun,’ and he was just about to question Bai Chen about it when the man suddenly spoke again, “This mask is indeed very ugly, so let me help you take it off your face.”

Bai Chen suddenly moved his hands to remove the golden mask covering Wu Jinhai’s face, and the pair of brown eyes widened once more.

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