Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

Chapter 57

Chapter 57


Bai Guowei was the current Emperor of Dong Lang, and like the previous rulers of the empire, he was also a white werewolf with blue eyes.

There were several werewolf clans with different traits in each clan, but from Dong Lang’s first existence, the Emperor was only from the white werewolf clan.

The werewolves of the white werewolf clan were easily distinguished from other clans. They had white fur when they were in wolf form, and they would have white hair when they were in human form. Apart from that trait, the werewolves of the clan always had a pair of blue eyes.

From the beginning until today, Dong Lang had always been ruled by someone with white hair and blue eyes, and Bai Guowei was no exception.

Bai Guowei had been the Dong Lang Emperor for many years, and he was known for his stern and unfriendly character, and sometimes people would say that he was also arrogant.

He might be unfriendly and appear pompous, but because he managed to rule the empire quite well, the people in the empire had great respect for him.

The Emperor was not the type to smile while waving his hand when he appeared in front of his subjects, but his competence caused the people of Dong Lang to adore him.

There was another reason why the people of Dong Lang respected the Emperor, and that was because the Emperor was different from the other Emperors in the world. Instead of having his harem in the imperial palace, the Emperor was loyal to his wife, and his wife’s name was Bai Hualing.

Bai Hualing was also from the white werewolf clan, and that was why she had the surname ‘Bai’ like her husband. She was known for her beauty, and when she finally married Bai Guowei, everyone in Dong Lang cheered for them.


Even if Bai Guowei was known for his authoritarian character, he was also known for his devotion to the Empress. It was evident by his decision not to have his own harem in the imperial palace, and he said that having the wife he loved the most was enough for him.

The two of them lived happily with each other, and they even had a baby boy named Bai Zhong who later got the courtesy name Bai Renshu after receiving the title of Crown Prince. The Crown Prince was born twenty-seven years ago, and many people said that he was a copy of his parents.

Just like his parents, Bai Renshu also had beautiful white hair, and he also had a pair of blue eyes. Since childhood, he was known as a genius, and his parents believed that he would become a good ruler of Dong Lang in the future.

Everything went smoothly for the royal family until Bai Renshu turned five. At that time, the imperial palace was holding a birthday banquet for the Prince when a woman suddenly barged into the banquet. She was not just an ordinary woman, but she was a pregnant woman who barged into the banquet while crying pitifully.

Then she announced to the people in the hall that she was pregnant with the Emperor’s child. Of course, the Emperor looked shocked at that time, and even the young Empress and Crown Prince were shocked as well.

Not only that, the guests who were presented at the banquet also started whispering to each other after hearing the woman’s statement. Bai Guowei was known for his loyalty to the Empress, but someone suddenly appeared and claimed to be the mistress.

No one in the hall knew the truth, and they were waiting for the Emperor to clarify.

Bai Hualing started to cry as she was heartbroken, and she forced her husband to deny the woman’s accusations. She and her husband loved each other for many years, and she was sure that the man would not betray her.

But, who would have thought that Bai Guowei would dare to say that he was indeed the one who caused the woman to become pregnant? In front of so many people attending the little Prince’s birthday party, the Emperor confessed that he was a cheater.

The confession shocked everyone in the great hall, but the Empress looked like she would go crazy after learning the truth.

And in the end, the Empress had completely lost her mind when she suddenly took out a fruit knife and sliced ??her throat in front of the people in the hall. Everyone gasped, but the Empress still fell to the floor as scarlet blood started pouring from her neck. She died in front of everyone in the hall, including her husband and her young child.

In the end, Bai Guowei lost his beloved wife, and he still had to marry the woman who came to destroy his happy life. He did marry that woman, but he didn’t want to make her his Empress. Instead, she only became his concubine.

Bai Chen’s hands trembled as he read the story about the current Emperor of the Dong Lang Empire. He didn’t expect that the book would be so detailed as to record history, but it turned out to be very comprehensive, and the information he got from it took him by surprise.

Now he could understand why his hair was brown instead of white like the Emperor and the Crown Prince, and he also understood why the people in the Rongyao Imperial Palace treated him coldly.

It was not only due to his bad image as a gay Prince in the empire, but also his status as the unwanted son of the Emperor, a child who was born because of the arrival of little three[1].

‘It’s said that Bai Guowei was a loyal man who only loved one woman in his life, but he still played with a prostitute in the human empire until the woman got pregnant, and that woman was Bai Chen’s mother,’ Bai Chen lamented inwardly after he could understand the whole situation.

From the book, he got information about the woman named Tang Yanmei, a prostitute who barged into the Crown Prince’s birthday party twenty-two years ago. Just like her name[2], she used her beauty to seduce the Emperor until she became pregnant with the Emperor’s child. josei

That woman was Bai Chen’s mother, and that was how Bai Chen ended up in a bad situation in the Dong Lang Empire. His mother was a homewrecker, just a human instead of a werewolf, and that was why the people of the Dong Lang Empire looked down on him.

‘That’s why Bai Chen only Rank 3 instead of Rank 2 in this empire even if he’s a Prince. Bai Chen’s father is a werewolf, and his mother is a human. He’s an only half-werewolf, and instead of having white fur, his fur is brown. Besides, his mother is just a concubine in the imperial palace,’ Bai Chen sighed as he closed the book again.

The book was indeed useful to him, and he had obtained the information he needed, including information about Bai Chen’s mother’s death. Yes, Bai Chen’s mother lost her life in the garden pavilion directly behind the Jing Pavilion.

Tang Yanmei died eight years ago from food poisoning right before Bai Chen’s eyes, and he could understand if the real Bai Chen in this world was traumatized by it. He could understand if the real Bai Chen didn’t want to visit the garden pavilion anymore.

Bai Chen sighed again after knowing the truth behind the real Bai Chen in this world. Bai Lang told him that the real Bai Chen had a carefree and flamboyant character, and he didn’t think that the man had such a difficult life in this empire.

‘Just like me, the original Bai Chen in his world also has a sad past,’ he lamented once more.

He knew that the Emperor hated the real Bai Chen because he was just the unwanted son of a woman he didn’t love, and he also knew that the Crown Prince also hated the real Bai Chen because of the incident with his mother who committed suicide in front of so many people twenty-two years ago.

Bai Chen could understand most of the situation now, but there were still things he couldn’t understand. ‘Did the Emperor really deceive his beloved wife so easily just to play with a prostitute? And Bai Chen’s mother was a prostitute in the human empire back then, so was that the reason why Bai Chen chose to play with a human prostitute too?’

Bai Chen wondered in his heart, but his breath hitched again when he felt the person sitting behind him start to wake up from his slumber.

He knew that Zhu Ge would wake up, and he was getting ready for what the man would do to him.


[1] Little three: means mistress because she is supposed to be the third person in a relationship.

[2] The name Yanmei comes from “yàn” meaning “elegant, handsome, educated” combined with “mèi” meaning “attractive or flatter.”

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