Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1314 The Human Exiles Arrive

Chapter 1314 The Human Exiles Arrive

1314 The Human Exiles Arrive

“What do you think that mountain is?” Someone among the convicts asked.

“Hard to tell, but it’s certainly hiding something in there.” Another convict spoke.

“Still... that banner on top. Isn’t that a clear indication of a trap?”

Right now, the group of convicts was standing about two kilometers away from the mountain of the Haima Tribe. All of them watched the mountain within which the Five colored mist had disappeared into.

“Considering the sources of the mist were this mountain, there is quite obviously hidden inside.”

“Are we late then? Did someone else get to it first?” they started to have doubts.

“Yeah! Maybe that’s why the mist disappeared. They took the treasure that was causing this.”

“Silence!” Immortal Taegu shouted. “All of you are wrong. Did you forget it wasn’t just the five colored mist that was present, there was also a spirit Qi vacuum? And that had existed since before we came here.”

“Besides... Even if someone has taken the treasure, we simply have to snatch it from them.” Immortal Taegu stated.

“YEAH!” they all shouted in excitement.

It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done something like this after all. Many of them were literally sent here due to several such crimes like that.

“Immortal Taegu, what about that banner, then?” Someone asked among the crowd.

“Huyun Chuan is here? Why would someone put a banner like that there?” They asked.

“Does it matter? All we have to do is uproot the mountain if we have to.” Immortal Taegu simply said.

With this, they had nothing else left to say. It was clear that the Immortal Taegu was a relatively crude man. Even his appearance didn’t suit the term ‘immortal’.

His clothes were torn in several places, and dirt was covering them. His hair was disheveled and he was balding from the back. Scars also covered his arms with the biggest one being on his nose, going all the way to his chin.

Rather than an immortal, he looked like a common bandit instead.

Still, his First Tribulation Immortal cultivation base proved that he really was one.

“What are you all waiting for then? GO!” Immortal Taegu ordered.


All of them started running towards the mountain, greed flashing in their eyes. Even if they had been exiled and sent to the Land of Exile, they were still the same deep down and could not forget their ways.


But when they were one kilometer away from the mountain, they suddenly felt energy fluctuation in the air.

“Hmm, an array?” A Dao Treading expert among them was the first to sense the array.

Not even a second after that though, they saw a formation circle appear at the base of the mountain.

“What’s that!?”

“Isn’t that a Transportation Gate?”

“Why would there be a Transportation Gate here? Who can even make it?”

The convict was confused.

A Transportation Gate was a type of a formation that did what its name meant. It opened a gate that would allow one to be transported a short distance. It was basically used to travel into and out of a closed barrier.

In a sense, it was similar to a teleportation array. But it was a lot more simple. Any formation master could make it and most barrier arrays came with a Transportation gate formation built in.

This wasn’t the reason why the convicts were confused, though. The reason they were confused was the existence of a Transportation Gate.

After all, if it was there, then there must be someone using it.

“What’s that?” The convicts at the very front were to spot. josei

“Another convict?” Immortal Taegu narrowed his eyes.

But upon observing the person who had just appeared, he realized it wasn’t a human.

“Four legs? A four legged human?” The convicts observed.

“It doesn’t look human either. Look at its face and body. That is not the texture of a human body!” The convicts were now sure.

“Whatever! Capture that four legged freak! We’ll question it!” Immortal Taegu ordered.

That was all, what was needed for the convicts to rush towards the four legged person. But they didn’t realize the kind of a surprise they were in for.

“Haima Tribe, first group assemble!” The four legged person spoke in a language unknown to the others.


In the next moment, hundreds of Transportation gates appeared around the four legged person.

“What in the...” The convicts were stunned.


In a matter of seconds, the convicts were now face to face against what was basically a small army. All of them were of the same race and had four legs. They were even wielding the same type of a weapon, being stone spears hanging from their backs.

“What are they?” Immortal Taegu was taken back.

The Land of Exile was supposed to be a barren place where life did not thrive. The appearance of so many people like these was astonishing to them.

The only other life forms the convicts had come across since arriving in the Land of Exile was the Chasm Beasts and nothing else. Even those Chasm beasts were quite weak and could be taken care of with their large numbers.

Immortal Taegu who was the strongest among them, didn’t even have to act. Because of this, they weren’t worried.

But now they had a rather huge reason to worry.


Dense spirit Qi waves came from the four-legged people that had appeared.

“Dao Shell realm? All of them are at Dao Shell realm?” The convicts were surprised.

They never expected to find an army of cultivators at all.

Immortal Taegu furrowed his brows and swept the area with his senses, finding it to be restrained.

‘The area is under a large scale array... seems like this really is a trap... or the territory of these freaks.’ Immortal Taegu thought.

He looked at his own army of exiles and thought something up.


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