Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1284 A Damaged Building And Ten Apertures Blood Vein Flowers

Chapter 1284 A Damaged Building And Ten Apertures Blood Vein Flowers

"Rough Teleportation like this is never good…" Lin Mu tried to shake off the feeling.

He had just been forcefully teleported to a location that he didn't know much about. While Lin Mu had indeed tried to resist it, the effect had been too strong for him to react in time.

'It was almost as if it was lulling me into lowering my guard. And when I felt like it was fine, it suddenly increased the force and initiated a teleportation.' Lin Mu thought over the situation.

It was true that he had been fooled, but at the same time he realized that this had happened due to a lack of information and his own skill.

"I need to improve my spatial perception more… if I had it at a higher level, I might have detected this trap." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

After all, while Lin Mu could indeed see through Space and Void, there were limitations to his current understanding. If a more skilled person wanted to hide something, they very well could. And seeing the complexity of this place, Lin Mu was quite sure it was made by someone skilled at spatial manipulation.


The twin snakes hissed while hiding within his sleeves.

"It's fine. Don't worry." Lin Mu calmed them down before standing up.


'Since I'm here, may as well explore the area. Perhaps I'll find something useful or learn more.' Lin Mu thought before looking around.

His spirit sense was already extended, but couldn't reach the boundaries of this place. Lin Mu was standing in a large room that was about a hundred meters tall and equally wide. There was nothing here, but more entrances could be seen attached to its walls.

The floor of the room was made out of normal earth, but the walls were made from solid rock. There were also pillars at the corner of the room, holding up the ceiling. The pillars were perfectly square and had five segments of about twenty meters tall each.

Seeing the construction, it was evident that this place had been made by a human.

"Hmm… let's go there first." Lin Mu picked an entrance that was to the very left and began exploring.

There was no surprise in this room and it was just empty. 

"Hmm… there's quite a lot of dust here." Lin Mu noted. 

He checked the dust with his spirit sense and discovered something.

"Oh? It isn't just dust… there's ash too." Lin Mu saw several ash particles.

And when he looked through more dust, he found small fragments of paper too. They were very old and it was certain that this place contained a lot of them once upon a time.

"Did they all burn down somehow?" Lin Mu wondered.

This room wasn't as big as the one he had come from, being about twenty meters tall, but fifty meters wide. Unable to find out anything more than that, Lin Mu went back and picked another entrance this time. It was right next to the first one, but its insides were different.

Instead of dust and ash, Lin Mu found wet wooden flooring. And not just that, but there was even some rotting furniture here.

"Huh… this looks like an office." Lin Mu could see the remnants of what were probably wooden desks as well as several shelves here. 

The wood had rotten too much, and most of the furniture here was in shambles. Even the flooring was soft at this point and Lin Mu's feet would sink in every time he stepped toward. The wet squelching sound was rather uncomfortable to hear too.

Seeing this had given Lin Mu a few ideas about what this place might be. But he didn't want to go wrong with his guess and decided to look at the other rooms as well.

The next room that Lin Mu entered was the same as the first room having dust mixed with ash. And the room after that had wet rotting wood floor as well as mottled furniture. This pattern repeated and a total of ten rooms were alternating in this pattern.

"There's no doubt, this place was probably a large administrative building." Lin Mu guessed.

One room was probably filled with shelves all stacked with documents and books and an office accompanied it. Several such rooms formed sets of offices, filling up the entire building.

Discovering this posed another question to Lin Mu.

'Why would there be a teleportation channel linking to this building? And why would the rooms with shelves be burned down while the offices rotting with water?' Lin Mu questioned himself.

Lin Mu now looked for an exit to this place, but didn't find any obvious exit. Even when probing the walls with his spirit sense he didn't find anything.josei

"Do I need to use Phase to get out?" Lin Mu furrowed his brows.

He didn't want to use Phase and accidentally end up trapping himself in some difficult place. Not to mention, he also had the twin snakes with him who couldn't exactly come along with him.

"Hang on… do you two feel anything around here?" Lin Mu decided to see if the instincts of the twin snakes had something to tell.

He communicated with them though the link, trying his best to make them understand. Thankfully, he was able to make use of the 'food' emotion and make them find a route out.


This time it was the White twin who had found something. 

"What it Xiao Yang?" Lin Mu asked.

In response, the white twin flew out of his sleeve, jumping straight to the top of the large room.


The roof seemingly cracked under the sheer power of the little snakes body and he drilled through it. Lin Mu furrowed his brows in worry and jumped after Xiao Yang. 


His fingers stabbed straight into the rock ceiling and ripped apart chunk after chunk. His spirit sense was scanning ahead but only found more rock. 

'Is this place underground?' Lin Mu was puzzled.

He continued following behind Xiao Yang and after about two hundred meters of digging, Lin Mu finally sensed something new.


The rocks above him crumbled apart after losing their foundation, allowing Lin Mu to come out on top.


The familiar feeling of the space filled Lin Mu's senses. 

Looking around, Lin Mu saw where he was.

"The Lesser Void?" Lin Mu could see a faint 'wall' isolating this area which was basically a large chunk of the earth.

It was like an asteroid floating in the vast expanse of the space, but in this case it was the void. There was a bubble like membrane isolating the entire area from being affected by the energies of the void. 

But the surface of this 'asteroid' was rather contrasting against the darkness of the void.

"Flowers?" Lin Mu could see a garden of orange flowers spread all around him.

The flowers were about the size of a palm and had ten petals. Their stalks were green with a red line going through it while their leaves were triangular with dark red veins on them. A rather prominent energy could also be felt coming from them. 

All this created a rather 'warm' environment, which almost made one forget that they were in the Lesser Void and not on a world. 

"Xiao Yang! Wait!" Lin Mu suddenly shouted, seeing the white twin about to swallow a flower.


Still, Lin Mu was just a moment late. Xiao Yang swallowed the entire flower with its stalk and leaves. 


It then turned around and spat out a small streak of black energy. 

"Yin spirit qi?" Lin Mu was surprised.


Xiao Yin spent no time waiting and inhaled the small bit of Yin spirit qi. Seeing that both of them were fine, Lin Mu took a breath of relief.


'Seems like this place is a garden of some sort.' Lin Mu walked around and let the twins continue their meal.

Lin Mu knelt next to one of the flowers and examined it in detail. The more he looked, the more he felt like the flower seemed to be familiar.

"Wait a second… isn't this…" Lin Mu quickly took out the memoirs of the Lost immortal and flipped to one of the old entries.

"Yes, yes… this is it… The Ten Apertures Blood Vein flower." Lin Mu confirmed.

It was a rare flower that could be classified as an Immortal Herb. But many didn't know it was an even better herb for body cultivators. It was rich in Yang energy and could be utilized to make high grade elixirs that could be used by those at the Immortal realm!

As soon as Lin Mu realized this, he turned around.

"Oh no… I need to hurry!" Lin Mu used all his speed and collected as many of the Ten Apertures Blood Vein Flowers as he could before Xiao Yang ate them all.

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