Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390: Fellow Passengers


'Hmm… eight out of the fifteen are immortals, the rest are at the Immortal ascension realm and below.' Lin Mu found them to be a bit weak for a journey like this.     

Anyone would know that traveling on the ocean was dangerous and being an immortal would save them a lot of troubles. At the very least, when a ship sank, they wouldn't sink along with it.     

Among the cultivators that were sitting, Lin Mu could see that there were people of different status too.      

The most particular was the group of three girls who were all below the immorality realm. They were attending to another girl who was an immortal and dressed in high quality robes. Looking at her face, Lin Mu could feel a hint of arrogance in it.     

'A noble for sure, and the girls should be her servants.' Lin Mu guessed.      

They were trying to keep a low image but the appearance of the woman made it hard.     

'Looks like the men sitting on both sides are their people too, guards perhaps.' Lin Mu accurately saw the body language of the others.     

The next he did was to asses their cultivation base.     

Other than the noblewoman, the rest weren't hiding their cultivation bases. The guards specially had their cultivation base on display so as to keep any trouble makers away.     josei

'Second Tribulation stage immortals… Six of them.' Lin Mu estimated. 'Over half of the people here belong to that noblewoman alone. Six guards and three servants, with her included that's ten passengers of one party.' He analyzed.     

He didn't care what the goal of the noblewoman and her people was, he just hoped that he wouldn't be troubled for no reason. Lin Mu had gotten in trouble because of some random nobles several times now after all.     

And while Lin Mu was assessing the passengers, they were assessing him too.     

"Who is that?" One of the servant girls wondered.     

"Was he always on the ship? I don't think I saw him before." The second servant girl said.     

"Maybe he's part of the merchants?" the third servant girl guessed.     

"Just be careful, no matter who he is, he is not simple." The Guard sitting closest to the noblewoman spoke in a low voice.     

"Oh? Sir Feiyu, you have such an assessment?" The noblewoman said with a little interest.      

"Yeah, isn't he just at the first tribulation stage of the Immortal realm? I'm sure I can take him one too." The guard sitting on the left of the noblewoman said with a a little pride.     

"Do not take every person lower than you as easy, Guard Jujo. It will become your fall one day. Did you forget what teacher taught? Don't just look at their cultivation base, look at their demeanor, the way they walk and their eyes… the eyes never lie." The guard named Feiyu corrected.     

"Hmmm… is he really like that?" Guard Jujo did a second take on Lin Mu.      

This time he looked at the young man carefully, finding him to be relatively normal. There were no accessories on his body and even his long hair was tied with a simple cloth ribbon.      

'Just a single storage ring? And no weapon on his side… is he a qi skill specialist? He doesn't seem to be a physical fighter with that body.' Guard Jujo started analyzing.     

The noblewoman was looking at Lin Mu too, finding him interesting.     

"At least he's decently handsome… and isn't like one of those muscular brutes." The noblewoman muttered lightly.      

The servant girls heard their miss's name and blushed lightly. They started chatting animatedly amongst themselves, gossiping about Lin Mu and his looks.         


And while they were talking, no sound was getting out from their space.      

'An isolating formation on the immortal level… they sure are nobles.' Lin Mu reckoned before walking towards and empty seat.     

Since there were just fifteen passengers in the cabin, there was more than enough space for twice the amount.      


The chair was lightly pulled before Lin Mu took a seat.      

Upon sitting through he felt a gaze from his side.     

"Mmm?" Lin Mu turned to the left finding the last woman sitting on the table there.     

She was alone and seemed to be dressed in long robes. But the most eye catching part was the fact that she was wearing a veil that covered her entire face.      

'Strange… guess this is what Vice Caption Zhu Hading meant by the traveling anonymously.' Lin Mu didn't mind the woman and simply sat in silence.     

Closing his eyes, he gimpy focused on cultivation.      

The faint sound of breathing could be heard if one stood by and if someone sensitive to qi saw Lin Mu, they would see that a very unique qi circuit was forming around him.     

The noblewoman and the guards didn't see it, but the woman sitting next to him did.      

In fact, she didn't move her gaze from Lin Mu from the start and kept on staring.     

'Someone following the Primordial path? There are still people who can do this?' The veiled woman tilted her head slightly.     

A small lock of hair peeked out from the side of her veil, that looked like a streak of fire. It was evident that the girls hair was red in color.      

'Didn't think I would have gotten to see someone like this the first time I leave the sect after all these years.' The veiled woman thought as her gazed intensified. "Could it be a co-incidence though?" she said lightly, stirring Lin Mu from his faint trance.     

"Sorry, did you say something?" Lin Mu turned and asked her.     

"What legacy are you from?" The veiled woman asked, confusing Lin Mu.     

"Legacy? Huh?" Lin Mu didn't know what she meant.     

"It can't be that a follower of the Primordial Path has come out of nowhere right? Which legacy sect are you from?" The veiled woman questioned, making Lin Mu a little shocked.     

"How did you know that?" Lin Mu asked, his tone turning serious.     

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